Status: Back&Ready =D .

She's Just The White Envelope Girl

You Watch The Way I'm Talkin'

My reflection in the mirror looked horrible. My hair was in a tangled mess. My eyes were red and puffy, followed by purple bags underneath them. Again, I looked horrible.

After I had told Ash everything, Ash pulled me into a hug, telling me it was going to be alright, while I was still crying softly. Then, he walked me home, gave me another hug and left. When I walked into my house, I immediately went to my room and tried to go to sleep, but it didn’t work so well. The memories from when my parents told me they were getting a divorce to today played over and over again. It was a real nightmare.

I started to get ready for another boring Saturday. Once I was done, I decided to read a book. But, I was distracted. I couldn’t help but to notice that my life had changed so fast, from my dad ruining my life to being isolated and then to meeting Ash. If that bookshelf would not have fallen, we would have never met. Truthfully, I liked that the bookshelf have had fallen. I felt happy, more than I ever was two years before. Maybe Ash was a good thing.

○ ○

Monday morning, I went straight to my locker. I really had no intentions of seeing Ash, not in a bad way, of course.

“Hey,” I heard softly.

“Hi, Ash,” I replied, getting an eraser that had fallen to the floor.

He stayed quiet. I knew what he was doing. He was being all awkward around me because of the day before.

I turned to him. “Ash, please do not be awkward around me. It makes me feel weird.”

“Sorry. It’s just—”

“No, we’re not even going to have a conversation about it either.” I knew I was being a bit harsh, but I didn’t like it at all. The past is the past.


I closed my locker door. “So, what do you want to talk about?”

“Um,” he thought, “I talked to Alex.”

I stayed quiet. Alex and I weren’t on the same terms, so I really didn’t feel like talking about her.

“I told her about what happened between us and that you lied about what happened. I also told her she was wrong about you. So, she feels bad about what she said, and she’s going to apologize,” he continued.

“Oh.” I really didn’t know what to say. “Are you going to get back together with her?”

“Nah.” He chuckled. “She asked me about that, actually, but we talked it through. I kind of stopped liking her for a few weeks already.”


He smiled. “Yep, so now, I can start hanging out with my best buddy more.”

“Mark?” I asked a bit confused.

His face went flat, like he just barely remembered about him. I guessed he hadn’t talk to Mark.

“Uh, sorry. Have you even talked to him?”

“No, I mean, he did kiss my girlfriend, er, ex, but I’m not really angry at him. It just seems awkward.”

“Interesting, I think you should talk to him. I bet he’s really guilty. Ya know, clear the air up…or something like that.”

Rolling his eyes, he laughed, making me laugh too.

Someone cleared their throat.

Our heads turned to face the person.

It was Alex. She had a frown, like she was missing out on something, but covered it up with a blank expression.

“Um, hi, Rosalie,” she said shyly, which was really weird to me, ‘cause she wasn’t like that at all.

“Hey,” I said awkwardly.

“Can I talk to you?”

“Uh, I’m going to…tie my shoe…over there,” Ash excused awkwardly.

At first, we didn’t say anything, but Alex cut to the chase.

“Rosie, I mean, Rosalie, I’m really sorry about what I did. It was just in the heat of the moment. You really aren’t any of those things I called you. I really am sorry. Can you please, please forgive me?” she pleaded.

“Sure,” I said simply. I wasn’t going to be rude. She did seem sorry.

Alex looked super relieved, “Thank you!” she cheered, giving me a hug, a really tight one.

“Alex,” I managed to squeak out.

She put me down. “Sorry,” she said, smiling like an idiot though.

○ ○

Walking home from school, which Ash accompanied me, Ash turned to me, like he just remembered something.

“Hey, Rosalie,”

I kicked a rock. “Yeah?”

“I never got to tell you who is my best buddy.”

“And, who is that, sir?” I asked, knowing that he wanted me to ask.

“You,” he said simply and smiled like a child.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lol xD I didn't have school today, so I decided to update (:
Eh, it's kinda boring, but it'll get SOO much better soon.
I'll update again in a bit. Comment!
Diamonds by Breathe Carolina