Status: Back&Ready =D .

She's Just The White Envelope Girl

So Yeah I'm Just Going To Go

When lunch came, I went straight to the library. There are two reasons I don’t eat in the cafeteria: A) I have no one to sit with and B) the school's food is disgusting; it doesn’t even look like food.

Every time it's lunch, I’m in the library. I read, write, or listen to music, but I usually listen to music while I’m doing that. I sat at an empty table, took out my notebook and started finishing my poem I’m started a while ago.

Emptiness, loneliness,
Sorrow and misery.
Why do I feel like this?
There is a hole in my heart where the emptiness lies.
Nobody to hold me, or show me love anymore, where the loneliness lies.
All those horrible events caused me this sorrow feeling.
They caused me my misery.

I re-read my poem and got an idea. I started to write, but lost it when I heard a teacher screaming.

“Stay in here or I’ll get you two suspended!” Some teacher ordered bringing in two students. I recognized them. The one with black hair with red at the bottom is Mark Simms, and the other dude with dark brown hair is Ash Knight. They’re like the class clowns but always get in trouble for doing dumb stuff, like, riding their skateboards across the halls or lunch tables. I’ve been with them since kindergarten, but I doubt they’ll even remember me.

“But, Mr. Parks, we didn’t do anything!” Mark whined, like a little kid. I tried my best not to look, like, I’m listening to them. Even though, they’re right in front of me!

“You didn’t do anything?! You were riding your skateboards on the schools roof! And, I’m not even Mr. Parks!” I tried my best not to laugh; also, the looks on their faces were so funny.

“Now stay here or I’ll get you suspended,” he demanded again.

Once he left, they started laughing and saying stuff, like, “Did you see his face when we didn’t get his name right?” or something like that. Then, they went to another part of the library. Our library is huge; it's like 3 times more than a normal library. Sad thing is, nobody really uses it.

I went back to my poem; well, actually, I tried to, but I was interrupted when I heard a crashing noise. What was that?

I got up quietly and went to look where the noise came from. Normally, I wouldn’t do this, but it sounded like a bookcase fell. When I reached it, I was right. A bookcase fell… on Ash?! What should I do?!

Should I tell a teacher?

Or, should I help out?

I’ll go with number 2; I went to Ash, I took books off him, and then, he opened his eyes slowly. I was so mesmerized by his eyes; they were, like, blue green with flecks of dark gray in them.

“Holy shiz! All I did was run into a bookcase by accident,” he noticed, realizing how bad it was. I nodded and kept getting books off of him.

“Oh hi… I have never seen you before.” That’s what they always say.

“What’s your name?” Wow, he is pretty random for someone who has a bookcase on him.

“Rosalie,” I replied quietly, getting the last book off him.

“Cool, my name is Ash. Thanks for helping me,” he said while helping me get the bookcase off him (the bookcase was little).

“You’re welcome,”


“Not much of a talker, eh?” Ash asked. I nodded and turned back around to go back to my poem. But, I couldn’t, because he grabbed my wrist slightly.

“Wait,” he said. I turned back around, waiting for him to say something. I tried not to look in his eyes; they were so mesmerizing.

“Uh… you want to hang out with me and my friend?”

“Um, no, thanks,” I denied, his hand still on my wrist.

“Aww come on…I have to repay you some way.” He is right, but I don’t want to be one of those people, who you talk to all day, and then the next day, you barely talk to them.

“Aren’t you sore or something? Shouldn’t you go to the nurse?” I asked quietly, trying to change the subject.

“Ok, you caught me! I-just if I go, then, they are going to ask me what happened, and I have to tell them,” he admitted.

“Ok, first, don’t you have to, anyways? And, second, why do you not want to?” I asked, not changing my voice.

“Hey, you’re changing the subject,” he pointed out.

“Uh… I got to go.” I said, trying to release my hand from his grip, but it was no use.

“Please, and we won’t have to explain anything!” he whined, like a kid.

“Shouldn’t you be with your friend?” I noticed. Where was his friend?

“Come on! I could’ve fainted or something without you! That’s the least I could do.” He gave me an innocent look that looked cute.

“Fine okay… something must’ve hit you’re head.” I muttered the last part.

“Now, where’s Mark?” he asked himself, looking around.

“Hey dude!” We jumped at, I think, at Mark’s voice.

“You scared me! What is wrong with you?! Where were you?!” he questioned him screamingly. Does that sound weird?

“Ah, sorry, you don’t have to yell at me! Anyways, what’s up your butt?!” he screamed back while I stayed back being quiet. Maybe I should go back; I don’t think they’ll notice.

They were screaming some more while I was stepping back slowly and quietly. I was almost out of distance when- “Oh hi! I didn’t notice you; were you with Ash?”

Great, just great.

“Um-“I started but was cut off.

“Mark this Rosalie, Rosalie this is Mark.” Why do people always repeat the name? You already said it once.

“I know right, why do people do that?” What? Did I accidently say that?

“Yes, you did say that accidently,” he pointed out, trying to not laugh. I blushed madly. Ugh, I really wanted to leave them.

“So, where were you?” Ash spoke up.

“I was eavesdropping on the librarian. She’s flirting with Coach Sunny.” I know what kind of last name is Sunny?

“Aw, no way! Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because,” he took, I think was, a dramatic pause, “I was too lazy.”

“Because of you, I had a bookcase fall on me.” Ash blamed in frustration.

“No way! How awesome was that?” Wow. That’s all I could say. Wow.

“Awesome?! What’s wrong with you?!” If they’re best friends, why do they argue so much?

“Well, I’m sorry that I think that having a bookcase on you is awesome.” Mark yelled back. I feel like a third wheel.

“Oh, so, you like it when there is a bookcase on me?!” he spat at Mark.

“Okay, I’m going to go.” I said. I don’t even think they heard me.

“Fine go! I didn’t want you here!” What did I do?

This is getting ridiculous.

“Hey guys, can you stop it?” I demanded, trying to get their attention, but they kept arguing.

“GUYS, WILL YA’LL STOP IT?!” They both looked at me in amazement; I cleared my throat and said quietly, “I’m going to go; lunch is about to end.” I turned around but was only stopped by a hand on my wrist.

I turned around to only find Ash was holding my hand… again.

“Yes?” I asked, shifting my weight to my other leg.

“I’m so sorry… we do this all the time, nothing big.” He looked at me with sincere eyes.

“Fine, but I have to go.”

“Here, I’ll make it up to you! You can hang out with us after school!” Mark suggested, cheerily. Who wants to hang out with me?

“Um, no, thanks. I’m busy.” I said, hoping they’ll let me off.

“No, you are not. I know you’re lying.” Great!

“Fine, but just for a while.” Like, 5 minutes, or maybe they’ll forget about me by then!

“Hey, did you hear that?” Mark asked in a low voice.

“Oh, Darren, stop that!” Eww that was the librarian flirting with the coach.

“Let’s go, before she finds out what happened to the bookcase!” Ash suggested, already making a run on it. His hand still on my wrist, he dragged me, and I managed to get my notebook.

We made it out without her noticing.

Mark panted. “That was a close one!”

“You, guys, are idiots.” I said under my breath.


“Well, that’s the bell, I have to go.” I stated, almost walking off but stopped when I noticed Ash’s hand was still on my hand. I looked at his hand and then, at him. He let go and blushed. Why did he blush?

“S-sorry,” he stuttered. Why is he stuttering?

“It’s alright. I’ll see you later?”

“Yep, yep, yeppity, yep,” Mark answered cheerfully.

I made my through the crowded hallway. While I was getting to my class, I was thinking that, that was the longest I’ve talked to somebody in years.

Not good Rosalie, not good.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay this chapter doesn't have a song title or anything, just saying.

I hope you like it! Comments would really help.