Status: Back&Ready =D .

She's Just The White Envelope Girl

She'll Never Know

“Um, do I have to wear this?” I asked looking at myself in the mirror.

I was wearing a kaki skirt with a pink shirt, then a kaki coat with black flats.

She made me wear a skirt. I hate skirts!

Then, she curled my hair and put it in a ponytail. I told her to leave my bangs alone; putting my hair up was bad enough.

Good thing she didn’t put make up on me. She would’ve made me look like a clown.

“Yes, Rosie,” she answered. She was wearing a yellow strapless dress. It was a little too short; it looked less fancy and more, well y’know.

“Now, come on, we have to go,” she said pulling me to her limo.

Did I forget to say she’s rich? Well, she is. Big time. That’s why she has fancy clothes and going to a fancy party. It’s something about a business thing for her parents.

○ ○ ○ ○ ○

“Hey people,” Ash greeted us when the limo came to his house.

He and Mark were wearing a black dress shirt, a colored tie (Mark red & Ash white), black dress pants with their Converse (Same as their ties). They kind of looked cute…

“How does she look? “ Alex asked to them obviously talking about me.

“She looks great,” Ash said which made me blush badly. I didn’t like to be studied.

“Yep, awesome,” Mark said next.

“Great, she didn’t like anything!” she said, laughing. I don’t see anything funny about that…

Five minutes later, Ash and Alex were in a deep make out session, Mark was playing a game on his phone, and I was dying of boredom.

A big place full of people, how fun.

○ ○

The place was fancy; it had violins, chandeliers, waiters, an ice sculpture, big paintings, a huge stage, more than sixty tables, the walls were red/ purple, with huge glass windows, glass door, black tile, and most of all: people.

There were more than one thousand people; well that’s what it felt like.

And, right when we got in there, people quieted down and started to stare. I felt super self conscious.

Are they staring at me? I hope not. Please, don’t be staring at me. That’s all I could think.

Then, a huge balding man came toward us and said, quite loudly I must add, "Alexandria, you brought your friends!”

He started shaking our hands, and when he came to me, he said loudly, again, “Who are you, lovely lady?”

“Dad, this is Rosalie. She’s my new friend!” Alex beamed loudly. I guess she gets being loud from him.

“Well, welcome! I’m Alexandria’s father, but call me Clark. I hope you have a great time here! I have to greet my other guest, but feel free to enjoy yourself!” he said loudly and left to go bother some other guest.

Wiping my hand, which was sweaty because of Clark, Alex led us to an empty table.

“Okay, I have to greet some guests, so you all can do anything you want.” she stated and left.

An hour later, Alex hasn’t came back, Mark was flirting with some girls, Ash was no where to be found, and I had an idea.

I slipped out a back door that led outside. I couldn’t handle being there anymore.

My plan was: to escape and leave the place, and if they asked, I would just say I couldn’t find them or something along those lines. It seemed believable to me.

I was cold in the little skirt, and the chilly January air wasn’t helping. It was about six thirty, and it was already dark. Also, the scenery was beautiful.

Leaning against the wall just enjoying the cool air for awhile, I closed my eyes.

How can I not get away from them or mostly him?

Why didn’t he just go away like everybody else?

I was content being alone. Being with people is too overwhelming. Too much drama.

“It’s boring, right?” a familiar voice made me jump and increase my heart rate.

“Oh my gosh! You scared me!” I yelled, trying to get my breathing steady.

“Awesome,” Ash said trying to hold in a smile.

“What are you doing here?” I asked curiously. Shouldn’t he be with Alex?

“I should be asking you that,” he said, turning to me. He was leaning on the wall, and his blue green eyes were sparkling beautiful.

“I needed to get out of there. Too much people,” I shivered, "and I feel suffocated.” I admitted.

“Oh yeah, you and your people problems,” he said, making me give him a glare.

The air was soon suffocated by smoke, which made me cough a lot.

“Ugh, where is that smell coming from?” I asked after my coughing fit was over.

“Me,” Ash said, laughing then sucked in the smoke of his cigarette.

He smokes? Well, I shouldn’t be surprised by this. Though, how did I not notice this a few minutes ago?

“Gross. The smell stinks,” I said trying not to inhale so much smoke.

But, He blew more smoke in my face, which made me cough again.

“What was that for?” I asked a bit angry.

“I just felt like it,” he said in a ‘duh’ tone and blew out smoke in my face.

“Ahh! You’re going to get me sick or something." I said, moving away from him. I did not want anything happening to me because of him.

“So, I’m bored,” he said out of nowhere.

“Me too,” I agreed. Yeah, I know, we were at a party, and we were bored.

“Let’s go start a food fight,” he suggested.

“Ha, you’re so funny. I think I’m going to go,” I said and started walking toward the street. But, I barely walked an inch, because I felt a hand on my wrist. I looked and saw it was Ash’s. Really? He must really like my wrist, ‘cause he’s is always holding it.

“Can you let go of me?” I asked nicely. Being nice get’s you somewhere, right?

“No, don’t leave yet, please,” he pleaded. The sound of his voice…seemed so sad, but I wanted to leave. I practically had a chance…but I don’t want to leave him alone. I know how it feels, but then he has Alex and Mark. But…

“Fine,” I gave in. I don’t know why I did that, but I think it was worth it. I really hope so.

○ ○

“You know, Rosalie, you’re something," Ash said. We had been walking for a bit. We weren’t talking, just enjoying the silence.

“What do you mean?” I wanted to know. How am I something? Clearly, I’ m a person. Does he not know that…?

“Like, you’re different. You’re all quiet and independent. You like being alone. Not like all the other girls, they need somebody. And, I like that.” he explained. Wow. I never noticed that,. "You know what I mean?”

“Yeah,” I said quietly.

“You’re not like…”

“Alex?” I suggested.

“Yeah, it’s like she grabs attention by being loud.”

“And, people always listen to the loud person not the quiet one.” I meaningfully said. It was true, every word of it.

“Exactly,” he agreed. He looked like somebody finally actually knew what he was talking about.

He continued on, "And, sometimes, it gets annoying. Her wanting the attention, I mean. I want to tell her so badly, but I don’t have the guts to. That’s why I like you better, in a friend way, I mean."

“Ash?” I asked and stopped walking.

“Yeah?” He said, kicking a can.

“What do you think about talking about Alex, behind her back?”

“That she’ll never know,” Ash answered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Umm, Whoops! Sorry for the wait. I was stuck! I don't know about this chapter. ): Especially the end. I think it sucked.
Lost In Stereo By All Time Low. Gosh, I love that song.
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