Status: Back&Ready =D .

She's Just The White Envelope Girl

Sorrow Lasts Through This Night

The small room was silent. We were too shocked to speak. Questions were probably filling our minds. I knew my mind was. Out of all people, Alex and Mark were kissing? Ash’s girlfriend and his best friend were kissing? Why?!

“Ash!” Alex pleaded, being the first to speak up.

“Alex…Mark…why?” Ash shook his head in confusion, probably thinking it was a dream.

“Ash, this isn’t what it looks like,” Alex pleaded.

“Yeah, it isn’t,” Mark piped in.

“I’m-I’m going to go,” Ash announced, still confused, and started walking away.

“No! Please, Ash!” Alex begged and started crying. Ash walked out, stumbling. I couldn’t believe what was happening. Ash and Mark were like, brothers! Mark wouldn’t do this to him on purpose!

While Alex was balling her eyes out, Mark wore a regretful face. I had to do something. Their relationship was too valuable to lose.

I fled the bathroom quickly. I had to find Ash. Anyways, he could have not gone far.

He wasn’t very far, but I couldn’t get close to him through the sea of people.

“Ash,” I breathed out as I reached him. Getting through those people was tiring.

“What?” he snapped. I backed up a bit from the sound of his voice. “Sorry,” he apologized, noticing it was me.

“It’s alright. How are you feeling?”

“I’m great! Everything turned out so well!” he snapped with sarcasm dripping on every word, “I’m sorry, really. It’s just that, that, I’m sorry. I just need some time alone.” he said stressed. His eyes were filled with hurt; he could’ve cried right there.

“Okay,” I gave a small smile.

I guess everybody needs some space.

○ ○

Sunday night, I went to a park. The park that I haven’t been to in years. The park that brought memories.

I sat down a bench. It was still the same. It was more of a secret park. Only a few people knew about it. That was good, because I needed alone time.

“Rosalie, close your eyes. I have a secret to show you!” Avon beamed.

“Okie dokey!” I agreed. My eyes were shut so tight, that it actually hurt.

Avon grabbed my hand and pulled me to the destination. Avon grabbing my hand was the best feeling ever. I loved being with him.

“Are we there yet?” I asked after a while of walking.

“Yeah, but don’t open your eyes yet!” he ordered. Eagerness was filling my body.

“Okay, you can open your eyes now!”

I did as told, and I was breath taken. He took me to a small park with flowers everywhere, a small pond, and butterflies flying everywhere.

“I love it!” I squealed. I gave him a big hug. “Thank you!”

“You’re welcome,” he said, blushing wildly.

I pulled away from him, after calming down, “Why?” I asked.

“Why what?” he asked puzzled.

“Why did you take me here?”

Blushing, he said, “Well, it made me think of you.”


I loved him. He was my best friend. My first love.

Remember when I told you Avon was my imaginary friend? Well, I lied. He’s real. Well, not so much anymore.

Tears soon filled my eyes. Why did he go? It wasn’t fair. He was my everything. Tears came running down my cheeks. After that, they couldn’t stop.

I guess everybody needs some space every now & then.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's a bit short. Oh yeah, I know this chapter isn't about Ash or what he does, but this chapter is really important!! Well, It's going to come in use later. :D
Ooh, & I LOVED the COMMENTS you guys wrote!! THANK YOU! :]
Sorrow By Flyleaf. I'm not sure about the title but whatever! P.s. comment....