Status: Back&Ready =D .

She's Just The White Envelope Girl

If I Had To Guess, I'd Say We Have A Mess

Monday, Ash didn’t come to school. He probably needed more space, I thought. Mark and Alex stayed away from each other. You could tell that they regretted doing that. Everybody knew what happened; it was all over the school.

Tuesday, Ash didn’t go to school again. I was getting worried about him. While Mark, still wearing the regretful face, was sitting at another table, Alex still sat with me. She told me they were drunk, and she didn’t know what she was doing. I believed her. Alex may have seemed mean at times, but she really wasn’t. She loved Ash. You could see.

Wednesday, Ash still didn’t come to school. I couldn’t handle him not being there. Alex was starting to get on my nerves. But, I didn’t show it. She was just always crying and saying the same thing over again. I know I sound mean, but it is the truth. But, I shouldn’t be complaining. I knew how it felt to be heartbroken.

Thursday, I was getting restless. Ash hadn’t come to school. That made Alex cry more. I didn’t know what to say or do. I just let her talk, and I just listened, acting like I didn’t want to rip my hair out. But, by the end of the school day, I had to go see Ash. I wanted to see how he was doing.

After school, I headed to Ash’s house. I had only been there three times, and Ash’s mom loved me. It was a bit strange, but I had gotten used to it in no time.

Finally reaching Ash’s house, I doubted coming over.

Maybe I should turn around and go home. I don’t want to make a fool of myself.

Content with that idea, I turned around but stopped at a familiar voice.

“Rosalie, is that you?” It was Ash’s mom.Great, I can’t go away now.

“Um, yeah, hi,” I said slowly.

“Why, hello there. Are you here to see Ash? Oh, where are my manners? Here, let’s go inside,” she rambled and led me inside to her home.

“You know, Rosalie, Ash has been down lately. He hasn’t gotten out of the house. I think you coming here to visit him was a great idea. I know he’s heartbroken, but he needs to get out for a bit. Feel the fresh air. Do you know what I’m saying?” she continued. I had barely caught on what she was saying.

“Um, yeah,” I replied.

“Well, can you get him out of this house?” she asked.

“I’ll try.” I said, going to his room.

“Rosalie,” she called. I stopped and looked back.


“Thank you,”

“You’re welcome,” I said softly and smiled.

I had reached Ash’s door, and, again, I doubted to knock.

I should really go.

But, I don’t want to let Ash’s mom down.

I knocked on Ash’s door before I could change my mind.

I heard shuffling around the room, and then the door opened. “What do you want Mo-Rosalie…?” He stared at me with shock.

“What are you doing here?” he asked confused. I looked at him; he looked really tired, like he hadn’t slept in days.

“I, um, came to see you. I was getting worried about you.” I said shyly.

“Ash let her into the room!” His mother called out. I was still in his doorway.

He muttered out a “fine” and led me into his room. I walked in, and it looked messy. Plates and cups were all over the room, his bed was really messy, and he had clothes everywhere. It disgusted me. How can you have a dirty room? I shuddered at that thought.

“Um, so…when are you coming back to school?” I asked, not knowing where to start.

He took awhile to answer, but he said, “Rosalie, thanks for coming, but you really shouldn’t do this.”

I was confused at what he said. What did he mean?

“Ash, I came here for a reason. I can not stand you not being there! It’s so…lonely without you there. I know you’re heartbroken, but I’m here! You don’t have to be alone. Need a shoulder to cry on? I’ll be your shoulder! Just come back! Get out of this house! Please, come back.” I said, meaning every word of it.

I didn’t notice how close I got to him. I was actually right in front of his face. We stayed like that for a moment, but before I knew it, he leaned in and kissed me.

Wide eyed, I didn’t do anything.

Gaining control of myself, I pulled away fast and slapped him.

Then, I ran out of his house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, it's my birthday.(:
I'd thought it would be cool to update on my birthday.
Someone wanna tell me happy birthday?

Kiss And Sell by The Maine.
Oh my gosh this song: The Con by Tegan and Sara is the bomb!
So far, I have exactly 200 plays and counting.
Okay, bye!
P.S. I might update tommorrow.
P.P. S. Commenting will make me happy. You know, since it's my birthday...
P.P.P.S. Byeee(: