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Mistake + Inheritance = Love?

Meet the "Royal Jerk"

Chapter 2
Meet “The Royal Jerk”
Oh no! Here he comes!

I could hear his footsteps coming towards me.

“Hey stranger who are you?!” He said.

I can’t help to look at his beautiful face, is he really that handsome? I’m totally speechless.

“Stranger! Are you dumb? I’m only asking what’s your name, oh no don’t tell me that you’ve lost all your memories and forgot what’s your name, what a bird brain!”

What did he said? I’m dumb as in D-U-M-B, how dare him! I’ll show him what he deserves. He’s an insane jerk!

I stood up and told him unpleasant words.

“Hey you (pointing to him)...You jerk!

“Come again, you are calling me jerk?”

“Yeah, you’re a jerk, wait not just a jerk you are the worst JERK ever!”

I could see from his expression that he was really pissed.

“Be thankful you’re a girl, ‘cause if you’re not you will regret every word you said!”

Woo!!!, sounds threatening, unfortunately I’m not scared.

“So jerky are trying to scare me? Well, too bad I’m NOT, yah!!!!!!!!!!!”

I was about to give him a tremendous kick which I’ve learned from taekwondo class last summer. For his information I’m a black belter. But crap! Somebody entered and we both looked at the guy. He’s kinda cute and I love those brown highlights from he’s hair. I’m sure he’s older than me 1 or 2 years I think.

“Hi Nigel”

So Nigel was the name of this jerk, sounds like “angel” too pretty name for him.

“Mr. Yoon needs the complete blue print of the Winter Festival, now...”

Then the guy gave me a naughty smile.

“Oh, hi miss!”

I only glared at him, considering from his looks he’s a terrible “cold blooded Casanova.”
Just then I realized that they walked faster towards the exit door. They left me.
I started to clean again the area which the vase was broken. And then I hurriedly went outside to meet Mrs. Chou in the Guidance Office.

The place were silent and there were two glass sliding doors but still I can’t figured out whose the people inside because it was tinted. The other door was marked Faculty Room it was kinda huge and the medium sized door was marked “Guidance Councilor Office”
Alright, this it…

I was about to press the door bell, but someone opened the door. It’s Him!

I knew he was shocked and he suddenly yelled at me.

“Are you my stalker?”

He’s so confident…

“No I’m not! Why should I spend my precious time following you?”

“Then why are you here?”

He chuckled a little.

“This is the Guidance Office right?...”As he continued.

He leaned his face closer to me, and gently whispered.

“You did something awful right? From your looks, I can tell that you are guilty...Hmm... I wonder what your mistake is.”

Actually when he moved his face closer to mine, my world suddenly stopped and my heart beat really fast again. Just then all the words he said earlier continuously get on my mind. I was totally annoyed!

So I pushed him hard. To my surprised, the door opened again and oh! He bumped into someone. And guess who it is? Mrs. Chou!... Oh no! I’m totally dead. She was really astonished.
Again, I could see her scary dark brown eyes looking at me.

“Miss Khaye! Come inside this instant!”

But before I entered the room, the Jerk apologized to Mrs. Chou.

“Oh, I’m really sorry ma’am. It was totally an accident, nobody wants it to happen.”

Wait? Was he trying to save me? Whoa! I guess this guy hid a little a little kindness in his heart.

“Oh no. No Mr. Lee, you don’t need to apologize. Are you hurt? Don’t worry I will give this girl a lesson.”

“Ah, Mrs. Chou...”

I didn’t heard what Nigel said because he whispered it to Mrs. Chou. And the she gave me a signal to go inside.

What?!!! I don’t understand... Why is Mrs. Chou giving this guy a special treatment? Oh no, don’t tell me that she had a crush on this Jerk! Hey, what am I thinking? It’s impossible she’s married. Who is he? A royalty?

Before she entered the office I already sat in the chair in the side front of her table. She drank warm water first in the jar beside the door. The office was very neat. Everything was organized, and I liked the abstract painting on the wall. The colors were perfectly combined. I assumed that the school hired an artist for that. Surely expensive.

Then she sat on the black swivel chair and looked at her wristwatch.

“Hmm. I don’t have time to heat your explanations; we will have our meeting after 15 minutes. Let’s get straight to the point. Since you made a mistake, I mean “mistakes” you’re in detention.”

Right as what I’ve expected.

“By the way Miss Campbell, don’t you ever try again to do that to Mr. Nigel Andrei Lee,”


“Don’t you know? They owned the biggest empire of the world and this school is also one of their properties.”

What?!!!!!! That... jerk? No “jerk” doesn’t fit anymore to a royalty like him. Yeah he’s now a “Royal Jerk!” Now that perfectly suits him.

“Anyway, Miss Campbell back to our topic. What will you do after your class this afternoon?”

“Oh, I went to Kang’s Instrumentals. I played the cello.”

“So, you are a music club member.”

“Unfortunately, no.”

“Well I think you should. Starting today you will help the Music Club in their preparations for the Winter Festival. Act like them. And your punishment will expire after the festival. ”

Oh no! I’m in prison.

Since we don’t have a class this afternoon anymore, because the whole teaching staff will have a seminar. I just called Hee Jin to tell her that I can’t accompany her to go home today.

(Cell phone conversation)

Khaye: Hello

Hee Jin: Oh, hi girl! Are you alright? I’m terribly sorry, I wasn’t able to go with you in the guidance office.

Khaye: It’s alright. And you know I’ve met someone. I will just tell you the whole story later. Anyway, I can’t accompany you to go home today because I’m still not dismissed. You know “detention.” And please explain it also to Aunt Lin. Thanks

Hee Jin: Oh Sure. You’re always welcome. Bye.

Khaye: Bye. See yah!

(*End of Cell phone conversation)
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