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Mistake + Inheritance = Love?

A Tragic Reaction

Chapter 4
A Tragic Reaction

Beep!! Beep!!

A man around early thirties wearing white uniform hurriedly press the remote control to open the gate and to let the 3 cars enter, one for their Young Master and the other two is for their Young Master’s body guards and other assistants, he smiled and welcome their Young Master politely. Even though his just a new security guard in the Lee’s family he has no regrets because all the benefits he needed is given to him.

Before Nigel went down in the car one of his body guards hurriedly open it. His father knew he hated to be treated this way, but it is for his own protection. Many body guards were scattered in their school every time he comes and all the glass windows, doors, etc, in their university is bullet proof. Most of the students there knew who is he, that’s why whenever he is around he is well respected, even their school staffs and board of directors respected him also and will grant every favor he wants.

Then one of his servants greeted him and gets his bag.

“Welcome home Young Master.”

As Butler Zhang greeted him. He is serving the Lee Family for almost 30 years even before they not that rich, he knew Mr. Homer Lee very well as well as his beautiful and intelligent wife who died 10 years ago because of a heart disease, Mrs. Nathalie Hera Lee, they are Nigel’s parents. And of course he also knew Nigel Lee very well. He watched him grow from a stunning boy to a guy next door.

“Did Secretary Yuan already send the information about her?”

“Yes Young Master it is in the library already. By the way Miss Audrey called, she said she can’t contact you so….”

Butler Zhang tried to continue but Nigel interrupted him.

“I’m gonna take my shower”

Then he left Butler Zhang.

When he entered his room he sat down in his big sofa and turn on his television and there he saw a very attractive face, which’s starting to make a name in the modeling world interviewed by Tyra Banks. He had known her for 10 years. After his mother’s death, that girl gave enlightenment in his doomed world, that girl is his angel-----before.

He immediately turned off his television and went to his big bathroom. He took a shower, but still he felt uneasy. He forgot the news about the grand daughter of the late Mr. Richard Campbell; instead the angelic face he saw earlier is still fascinated in his mind.

As the water from the shower sprinkled around his body, he remembered a bitter memory before he went to Korea.

(Flash Back)

2 Years Ago
Vancouver, Canada

“I’m sorry Nigel; I wanted to be with you. But…I can’t leave Canada. I will not give up my career. Modeling is my life.”

“So are you sayin’ that your career is more important than me?”

“Nigel I’m not choosing between you and my career. Both of you are precious to me.”

“But this time you need to pick one.”

“No, why would I pick one if I could choose both.”

“Selena, don’t be selfish.”

“So now I’m being selfish? It’s not me Nigel, it’s you! You didn’t even oppose to your father’s decision to leave Canada to find a “missing girl” in Korea. You didn’t even fight for us.”

“It’s not true I tried, but it didn’t work. Selena please understand.”

“I always understand you Nigel, our dates, my birthday, our anniversary celebrations is always cancelled because you can’t disagree in you father’s decision. Even during my hospitalization, whenever I encounter asthma you still can’t even visit because at that young age you’re helping your father in you “great empire” it’s your time now Nigel to understand me. I’m so tired of this situation.”

“Selena what do you mean?”

“Nigel, listen to me. Maybe it’s not the right time for the two of us to be together. I think it’s better for us to leave each other alone. Don’t worry I would still contact you there. I know it’s hard, but it’s the best way for us to remain….Friends.”

“So Selena Stuart, you really didn’t love me from the start…”

“Love is not enough Nigel to pursue a person’s happiness. Good bye.”

Then the beautiful brunette girl with a shade of blue eyes left Nigel alone in the garden. It’s the last time they’ve seen each other since Nigel left Canada.


Nigel went outside in his bath room and wears his typical dress.

So I still can’t forger her, huh?

He was about to exit his door to go to the dining area but one of his young maids gave him a long brown envelope and it says “confidential.”

Nigel immediately closed his door and look what’s inside the envelope. It’s all about the late Richard Campbell grand daughter!

“Kaleigh Shin Aunnecka Campbell…17 years old…….”

And when he saw the next page of the papers where the pictures were located. He was terribly shocked! He tried to rub his eyes from what he has seen!

“It…It’s that GIRL!!!!!!!!”

He suddenly grabs his phone and contacted Secretary Yuan about the information but he can’t contact him. He walked left, then right….Just to calm himself. He kept turning. Until he heard the sound of his stomach.

His hungry.

He left his room and walked towards the dining area where bunch of foods is served.

“Bonne petit, Young Master.”

But he can’t concentrate eating because he kept on thinking about the shocking news he knew. He can’t be nice to that STRANGE GIRL.


I went home late. But it’s okay because Aunt Lin and Hee Jin knew what happened. That Royal Jerk is really something. A Scumbag!!!

“Welcome home Khaye, how’s school?”

Aunt Lin welcomed me with a delightful smile, that’s why I really don’t wanna give her problems. I just say,

“It’s fine…”

Even though it’s not.

“I already prepared something to eat. “

“Thanks, Auntie...By the way where is Hee Jin?”

“She’s in your room.”

I hurriedly went upstairs and there I saw Hee Jin, doing something in her laptop.

“Hey, Khaye. How’s….detention?”

“Oh, Hee Jin it’s bad, no it’s WORST! Because I’ve met a really arrogant Royal Jerk! He’s behind this.”

“Really? And who’s that Royal Jerk”

“I’m sure his not that famous, because I don’t even know him.”

I went inside our room’s mini dressing area to get dressed, but still I and Hee Jin continued to talk.

“Then who is the guy?”

“Huh, I’m sure you don’t know him Hee Jin, He’s Nigel Andrei Lee also known as Royal Jerk.”

“Whoa! Khaye, are you serious? Mr. Lee, he’s the heir of their empire and the owner of our school.”

“You…you know him?”

“Yes, of course he transferred here when we are in 2nd year.”

“Okay, so what If you know him. The point is he’s a major Royal Jerk! So arrogant, and so…..”

“Cute, handsome and talented, right Khaye?”

“What? Hee Jin you admired him. ?”

“Well, I don’t, very rich man is not my type, but I know you like him.”

“Hee Jin don’t be silly. I will never like a guy like him. Never!”

“Alright, Khaye I will remember that.”

“And what do you mean my beloved cousin?”

I already went outside in the mini dressing room and I could see that Hee Jin is smiling. She keeps on teasing me. Then Aunt Lin knocked our door.

“Come in, Mom.”

Hee Jin said.

“Uhm, Khaye you have a visitor.”

“At this hour?”


Then Aunt Lin went downstairs.

“Let’s check it out Khaye’”

We hurriedly went down and saw an old man around 70’s I think. He’s wearing a formal dress black and white and it seems that he’s glad to see me. He immediately bowed his head. In return I also bowed my head.

“Good evening, Miss Campbell, right?’


“I’m Chin Zhang butler of the Lee family.I know it’s too sudden but I should go directly to the point. You are the missing grand daughter of Richard Campbell, Owner of the Olympians Empire which is know known to be OLYMPIAN-LEE empire. You are the daughter of the late Athena Shin and Karl Ulysses Campbell………………..”


He said all the details about me and my family background. He also gave us all the necessary information about me, my father and my mother. I know he’s not lying. I mean why would he lie? It’s impossible because I could see that this guy can be trusted.
But I still can’t believe.

He left our house and said that starting tomorrow I will not live anymore in my Aunt’s house. I protested but I can’t do anything. Instead he told us that it’s an order for my full protection. And so that I could be satisfied he said that Aunt Lin and Hee Jin could visit me anytime in the mansion.

I hugged Hee Jin tightly and I could feel the crystalline liquid flowing from her eyes in my shoulder. I also hugged Aunt Lin and say thank you for everything. I just wondered why she looked so confused.

“Aunt Lin, are you okay?”

“Yeah, Khaye….I’m okay.”

Then she gave me that beautiful smile. She’s really beautiful; no doubt Hee Jin really is her daughter.

Before going to bed, I and Hee Jin kept talking until she falls asleep. I clutched the pink picture frame beside me. It’s our family picture. I really missed my parents.

Before I go to sleep I put them beside me, so that I could still feel their presence even though they are not here. I know they will always continue to be guardian my angels what ever happen.
♠ ♠ ♠
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