To the end of the Universe II

To the end of the Universe

She sat on what seemed like the most comfy seat in the world, staring out the window of the spacecraft into the infinite abyss otherwise known as the Universe. It seemed like a dream that she was on an actual spaceship on her way to the end of the Universe where there was supposedly a restaurant called Milliways. She’d read about it once, in a book. She didn’t think it was real. But apparently it was. At least, the man she was with said it was. He called himself The Doctor. The doctor of everything, she recalled him saying when they first met. She glanced over at him. He was standing at the control panel of the ship, fiddling with the controls, probably changing the co-ordinates or something. She didn’t know much about space travel. He was an average looking man with mousey brown hair that was scruffy like he had just gotten out of bed. He had on a bluish pin-striped suit with a brown trench coat over the top. On his feet was a pair of extremely battered and faded red converse Chuck Taylors.

She pinched herself for what was about the hundredth time since she first met the Doctor. She didn’t wake up. “This really mustn’t be a dream” she thought. The Doctor had appeared in her bedroom a mere two hours earlier. By accident, he had said. Something went wrong with the coordinates of his spaceship. “I think he called it the TARDIS...” she thought. It was a blue box, with POLICE BOX written on the outside. It didn’t look that big from the outside, only looked big enough for one person, really. But on the inside it was huge. It was the size of a large lounge room, but instead of lounge furniture it had a large control panel in the middle.

He had asked her if she wanted to see the Universe and get a bite to eat perhaps. She was sceptical at first, and perhaps a bit scared. But she went along with him. There was just something about him that made him seem trustworthy. Plus, who could say no to a free trip to the end of the Universe? She’d be back before the morning anyway.

“We’re here!” the Doctor said overly cheerful, bounding to the door of the TARDIS.

She smiled. His enthusiasm was contagious. She followed him, walking down the metal ramp and out the TARDIS door.

Where they had landed was obviously in the car park, or, space ship park, as there were no cars to be seen. They walked up to the front of the restaurant. From the outside, though it was hard to see from their point of view, the restaurant was in the shape of a starfish, with five arms coming off of it. As they walked inside the restaurant they were instantly greeted by the waiter at the front desk, who was a blue colour, had no distinctive shape and, quite oddly enough, had what sounded like a French accent.

“’Allo, and velcome to Milliways, ze restaurant at ze end of ze Universe. ‘Ave you a reservation?” it sighed. It had obviously asked this question many a time.

“Yes. Under the Doctor?”

“Ah, yes. ‘ere we are. Ze Doctor” the waiter said, “’ere are your wristbands. Keep zem on at all times.” It threw two red wristbands at the Doctor, “Now, eef you vill follow me..”

The Doctor gave his companion her wristband. She quickly attached it to her wrist, and then followed the Doctor and the waiter. The inside of the restaurant was strangely reminiscent of restaurants that she had seen on Earth, except the photos of famous people on the walls were instead photos of famous aliens that had dined there.

An hour later they had been seated, eated and seen the end of the Universe happen before their eyes.

“That was –“

“Amazing?” the Doctor cut his companion off.

She nodded.

“Yeah, no matter how many times I see it, it always gets better”

They headed back to the TARDIS, obviously going to head back home. She sat back on that extremely comfy chair and stared out the window again. The Universe was amazing. She watched stars and planets zoom by, as well as the odd spacecraft.

Suddenly, the TARDIS shuddered. “That’s not good” mumbled the Doctor.

It shuddered again, as if something was attacking it. The girl held onto her seat, eyes wide.

“Uh oh...”


The girl woke with a start, covered in a cold sweat. Her cat had jumped on her, causing her to wake. “It was just a dream...” she mumbled groggily, scratching her cat under the chin. She rolled over and buried her head into her pillow, hoping to fall asleep again. Her cat sat by her side, attacking the red wristband attached to her wrist.