You Make Me Stronger

Burn Off The Wheels

Beep..beep..beep..beep the beeps went on even as I opened my eyes and saw a bright light. “Where am I?” I asked not able to sit up. “Sweetie your in the hospital. You hit your head trying to get in your chair.” my mom said. She sat me up and my dad pushed the bed up. “Dear how do you feel?” asked my father. “Fine.” I told him. After our how are you, and so on my dad said something that shocked me. “So your boyfriend Paul has come to see you, why have you keep him from us?” he asked. I gasped. “Paul has been here?” “Why yes ever day.” Dr. Cullen who had just walked in said. I smiled a little blushing. Biting my finger. For some reason it made me happy. Soon my mom and dad had to leave. Dr. Cullen ran some test. And 30 minutes after school lets out I heard my door open so I opened my eyes I saw Paul. I smiled. “PAUL!” I said shocked. “Shelly.” he said almost a whisper. He then walked over to me he then hugged me. “I am sorry.” he said his huge body made me warm and crushed me. I giggled. “Paul your crushing me.” I told him. He backed off. Smiling in relief “Shelly?” said Dr. Cullen. I looked over at him. “What is it Sir?” I asked him. I heard a low ‘grrr’ I looked over and it was coming from Paul. Dr. Cullen and Paul were glaring at each other. It was scaring me. I pulled the covers up. “Paul.” his head turn fast and looked at me he sat on the bed putting a arm around me pulling me to him. I blushed and looked down biting my lip what was Paul doing. I pushed Paul a little. “Paul.” I said with a blush and giggle. He just tighten his grip. He seemed to be protecting me. “Dr. Cullen?” I asked. He looked over at me and smiled. “Your blood came back just fine. You can leave whenever you like.” he told me. I nodded. “Thank you doctor Cullen.” I said. He nodded glared at Paul and left. “I will be right back.” he said and got up and left. “um okay.” I said to no one. What was that about? Soon Paul came in. he walked over and sat in a chair. I could tell he was angry. “Paul.” I asked. He was grinding his teeth. “Paul are you okay?” I asked he shot at me. “I’m fine.” he said angry. I in haled then exhaled deeply. Trying not to get mad that he snapped at me.“Paul.” “What?” he asked angry and annoyed. “Why did you hold me?” I asked Blushing. He rolled his eyes. Then looked the other way.

I soon went home. Right now it was Monday. I had school today and I sighed as I came throw school doors. Coming in form the cold. I went into LA I sat next to Paul and he put his arm around my chair. I felt warm almost as soon as he did. I looked over and smiled at him. Almost like thanking him. He just acted like it was nothing. I just shrugged it off. But at the end of class I could hear some girls talking. “DO you see what Paul is doing to the new girl?” one asked. “Yea he has his arm around her do you think there going out?” the other asked. “No way how can you date someone in a wheelchair. I mean you cant do any of the romantic stuff ” the other said. I felt my heart drop to my stomach. I pushed my teeth tight together and decided I should leave.

I skipped lunch I was just not in the mood for people now today. I had gotten all dress up I mean I was wearing a dress and that’s a little different. And very hard to do with a wheelchair. Soon it was 7th period, I sat next to Paul, and Jacob just like I had last time. “Hey I am happy your feeling better.” Jacob said I gave him a weak smile and nodded. Quil and Jacob keep trying to get me to talk but I did not want to. I just wrote class notes and finished classes. At the end of the day I rolled out the school. My dad was not there yet so I thought I would wait inside where it was warmer. But on my way inside two men walked up to me. They did not look like they were from the school they had no books and they seemed different. “Hey there.” they said. “hello?” I asked not in the mood. “So your Paul’s girl?” asked the one who seem to be the leader. “UM no what gave you that idea.” I asked I mean I can understand the mix up with LA today and everything. “Well we think you are.” said the other guy. “I am sorry but I am not. Now if you would please move I would very much so appreciated it.” I said as clam as I could with out getting mad. The first guy put his hands on both sides of my chair. “I don’t think so, you smell so sweet. I see why Paul likes you.” he said closing his eyes and inhaling deeply. What kind of crazy was he and why was he touching my chair! I tried to move but he head it firm in his grasp. I then hear a bunch of growling. I looked to my side and saw Jacob, Quil, Embry, and Paul who was giving off the evil purr. “I think you should leave.” Jacob said. They all had there hands in fist. What was going on this was like Paul and Doctor Cullen but like times ten and I thought Paul was going to rip him to pieces then so I was scared to think of what he would do to them. “Alright for now.” said the man who seem to be leading them. He licked my check. I pulled back. Once again what kind of crazy is he. They then walked off. I looked at all of them. “Ok someone tell me what the hell that was about!?” I yelled they all still seemed really up on there guard. “Nothing.” Embry said threw his teeth. That’s when I knew that, the nothing was a big something. I rolled over to Paul. “Paul?” I asked. He looked down at me. “Did they hurt you.” he asked. “No just annoyed me.” I said. “I told your dad I would get you home he had to work let.” Jacob said. “O okay.” I said smiling at everyone. Most smiled back a few were talking. I rolled over to where Jacob was walking. When Paul pulled on my chair. “AAAA” I said flying forward then back. “I will take her.” he said Jacob said smiling. I smiled back. “Just let me remembers the breaks this time.” I said rolling over to Paul’s car. I looked back and I had saw I hit a soft spot. When I got in the car Paul seem to be rather quite and not in a good way. Almost sad. I put a hand on his hand that happen to be on the arm rest of the car. He looked at me. His hand was warm and the skin a little rough. I held his hand. I smiled at him he smiled at me. Then looked back to the road. We Drove to Sam’s house I guess his fiancé wanted to meet me. When we got there Paul just walked over and picked me up. “Where’s my-” “Shut up you don’t need that stupid chair.” he said annoyed. I crossed my arms and glared ahead. He walked me right in and sat me down on the love seat that was in the room. There was Seth and some other guy there. Paul sat next to me. “Hey Seth.” I said waving. He waved back. Paul had his arm around me. I glared at him. Soon a woman walked in. she shock my hand. “Hello I am Emily.” she said shaking my hand. “I am Shelly.” I said shaking her hand. “It’s nice to meet you.” she said. I smiled and nodded. “You too.” “Emily is the food done?” I hear Sam ask. “Yes Sam.” she said like a due but trying to be sweet. I smiled and try to hold back a laugh. “Watch out they eat everything.” she said Paul, Seth, and the other guy got up and walked in after her. I rolled my eyes. Soon everyone came in with food. Sam looked at me. “Hey Shelly where is your chair?” he asked. I smiled and looked over at Paul. “Paul you get to answer that.” I said looking at him as he ate he stop for a minute to look at me. He finished the food in his mouth before talking. “I did not want to get the stupid thing out so I carried her in.” he said eating again. Sam nodded. Soon Jacob, Embry, and Quil walked in. I greeted them they waved and said hi. I still did not know who that guy was. I looked over at him. “I am sorry I am Shelly” I said holing my hand out for him to shack I had to reach a little far. “O I am Jared.” he said shaking my hand. “That’s right you too never had met before.” Jacob said. I smiled at him. He smiled back. I pulled back. “SO Shelly where is your chair?” asked Quil. I rolled my head and looked at Paul. “Gosh it’s a stupid chair.” he said. I hit his shoulder. But I ended up hurting me more then him. I held my hand. “What are you made of?” I asked he smiled. He put his lips to my ear his warm breath on my ear and neck made Goosebumps on my neck. “All muscle.” he said I pushed him a little. He let me. I just crossed my arms and laded back.

We had left there after Paul was done eating. So right now we were driving. It was quite. I guess I should break it. “Shelly?” he asked. never mind. “Yea Paul?” he rubbed the back of his neck. “I was wondering if you wanted to…never mind.” he said rubbing the back of his neck. “What is it?” I asked he just shock his head. “Never mind.” he said and turn on the radio. As if trying to stop us for talking. I sighed. “men” I said he asked what but I just smiled. When I got home. No one was home. So I did not want Paul to leave but he said he had to go back to Sam‘s. So I just said my goodbye and went in.

Today was really cold. The wind was blowing. Well I smiled at everyone. But then Kyle for my math class who I will add I had a little crush on. walked up too me. “Hey Shelly.” “hey Kyle.” I said pulling the LA book. “Hey I was hoping you would thinking about going to the dance with me.” he said. I was in shock. “Um yea I will think about it.” I said biting my lip smiling. “great thanks.” he said and walked away I rolled into LA. I got in my seat and Paul looked over at me. “Hey, why are you smiling?” he asked with a smile of his own. “Well I just got asked to the dance and by someone who is cute.” I said just happy to get asked to the dance. His smile left. “who?” he asked. “UM Kyle Miller.” I said. “And you said yes to a football player?” he asked mad. “Paul shh.” I said trying to get him to be clam down. “And no I did not answer yet I said I would think about it.” I said why did this bother him so much. He just looked ahead. “I more then likely wont go.” I said getting out some paper. He was interested again. “Why?” he asked duel. “Because I cant dance so why go to a dance?” I asked him with a smile. “Why cant you dance?” he asked. “Paul, I cant use my legs remember?” I said like due. “That stops you?” he asked. “well yeah?” I said with a confused face. “Well here if you do go to the dance. Save me a dance.” he said. I smiled. “Sure thing.” I said smiling at him.

Later that day I had told Kyle I would go with him. But now it was time to go home and daddy was picking me up I was rolling into the van when I saw Sam talking to the guys with no shirt on. It seem like a big deal. I rolled back. “Sweetie?” daddy asked. “Um I just remembered me and Paul were going to get some ice cream.” I told him smiling. “Aw alright. Be home before 11 dear.” he told me I nodded and rolled over to Paul, and his gang. Sam looked down at me. “Shelly you should go home.” he told me. I smiled up at him. “To bad my dad just left and Paul is stuck with me.” I told him smiling at Paul. They all seemed mad. “Embry take her to Emily’s.” he ordered him. Embry just nodded. “what? Why can’t I hang out with you guys?” I asked Embry got be hide me. “We have to do something we will meet you back at Emily’s later.” Paul said nodded. “Embry take my car.” Paul said throwing his keys to Embry. Embry nodded. They all ran off into the woods. “So you ready to go?” he asked me smiling a little. I nodded. I put my hands on the wheels and I guess Embry but his hands on the back because he went to push me and my hands got pushed against the rubber. “AAAA. Shit!” I said holding both my hands. “O my gosh I am so sorry Shelly!” Embry said getting in front of me. I put one of my hands up. “It’s ok. Do you think this Emily will have ice?” I asked him looking down at my hands. “Yeah Emily has everything.” he answered. I put my hands in my lap. “Alright lets go.” I said ex haling. He nodded and rolled me over to Paul’s car.

After a bit of off roaming in the woods. We came to a cozy little home in the woods. “Don’t look at Em for to long Sam dose not like it.” he warn me. I nodded who knew what was wrong. Embry and myself ran into some problems. He had to lifted me out of the car and he seemed really shy. But we got in to her nice home. “Hey Em, Sam thought you would not mind baby sitting.” I glared at him when he said this. “Sure I don’t mind, you know I love kids.” she said turning around and seeing me. “Embry!” she said annoyed with his joke. She looked down at my hands. “What happen?” she asked Embry and me. “I-.” he started but I cut him off. “It’s just a rubber burn.” I told her. She walked over and ran her slink. She walked back over with one blue and one white rag. “Here, this should help.” she told me. Rapping the cool rages over my hands. “thanks.” I said she nodded walking back in the kitchen. “Well I am going to go back and help the pack.” Embry said walking out the door. “So Paul was pretty mad the last time I saw you guys. Did you get that worked out?” she asked working on some food. “Yeah… I guess we did.” I said we never did talk about it. But I mean I am sure that if he wanted to talk about it he would say something. We just sat there for some time talking. “How do your hands feel?” she asked. “There okay now.” I told her, they went but I wanted to move around. She walked over and pulled the rags off and walked back into the kitchen. “Do you need any help?” I asked her. “Well would you like to put mustard on the sandwiches?” she asked I rolled over with a little bit of pain in my hands but just shrugged it off. Soon I had slapped 30 sandwiches with condiments for only 5 guys and 2 girls. I sighed when I was done. Then I hear a car pull up.
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