You Make Me Stronger

Daddy Come Get Me

Soon Embry and Jared walked in shirtless with a very pale girl with dark hair. I waved she waved back and just went to a corner. Em came out. “So you’re the Vampire girl?” she asked Embry and Jared just started to eat. She shrugged. “I guess, so you’re the werewolf girl?” the girl asked. Em shrugged. “I guess.” she said. I just sat there. “I’m Bella.” she told me I was still confuted. “Um Shelly.” I told her. She nodded. Soon everyone else came in first Sam and he hugged Emily. Then Jake lastly Paul they came in pushing each other shirtless. My eyes winded. Paul walked over to me. “Hey what happen with your hands!?” Paul asked picking them up. “O just a rubber burn.” I told him shrugging. “How did it happen?” Paul asked kneeling down looking at them. “Just a miss understanding I am fine. I have gotten them before.” I told him smiling at him. I kind of liked that he was worried “Just tell me how it happen.” he said yelling a little. “Fine then tell me what it is your always hiding!?” I yelled back at him his eyes winded. “It’s nothing.” he said. “Then nothing happen to my hands!” I yelled back knowing he was lying. “Hey Jacob can you take Shelly home?” Paul asked him. By now everyone was looking at me and Paul. “Yeah.” Jacob said. I looked over to him. “Thanks Jacob. But I would rather call my dad.” I said pulling out my phone. I pushed away from the group. My hands hurt ever time I touched them but I pushed on.

Soon dad answered. “Hello Mr. Micklove speaking.” his happy voice rang. “Daddy I need you to come get me.” I told him. “Of course dear just tell me where you are.” he said a little worried. I told him where and I went out onto the porch. I wanted to get down the steps so I put the break on. I then put my butt on the wood ground. I went down a step. Soon a felt someone put there hands under my shoulders and pull up. “put me down!” I cried or yelled depending on who you were. But who ever it was did not. I try thrashing around. That did not work. “Stop it you baby.” Paul told me. He sat me down in my chair. I looked up at him breathing heavy. “I hate you!” I said throw my teeth. He glared at me. “Fine break your neck see if I care you ungrateful witch.” he yelled at me shacking and walking off in to the wood. “I will and I will do it all by myself!” I yelled at his back. I thought he flipped me off but I was not sure. I started down the way I had before ever two steps I pulled the chair down. When I was down all four steps I got in the chair I waited for my dad they were all talking about me in side but soon Embry came out. “Hey thanks for not telling Paul what I did.” he said rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s no big deal, it’s not like you meant to do it.” I told him smiling a little. “yea but I got you two in a fight.” he said feeling bad. He was like a lost puppy. “No we are both just strong headed and don’t want to say we are wrong and he is wrong.” I told him giving him a look that said if you say other I hate you. He chuckled and nodded.

Soon my dad got there and I got in he said goodbye to the boys and got in. He pulled out and started driving. “So what happen?” he asked knowing something happen more then likely because I had my arms cross and my lips in a tight line. “Nothing.” I said sharp and fast. His eyes winded and shifted. “okay.” he said. “I mean why cant he just talk to me?” I said to him I mean he would understand. “Well-” “The guy has hinted that he likes me!” I said putting my hands in the air. “Who?” dad asked confuted. “Dad how did you ask mom out?” I asked him waiting for him to talk. “Well..” he waited or was thinking. “She asked me. She walked up to me and kissed me said I was her boyfriend and I should pick her up at eight for a movie.” he said happy. “Thanks daddy, but that did not help much I want Paul to ask me.” I told him ex haling. The girl asking the guy out was so conmen in today life. I was looking out the window and I saw a flash of red then a rust color then blacks, and grey. My eyes winded. What was that? Soon we pulled in to my house and as soon as dad did I rolled out in the road. “Sweetie get back here!” he yelled. I just keep rolling and soon I stopped. And rolled back home. “Are you crazy?” dad asked me. “No, I just thought I saw something.” I told dad and rolled into the house. I rolled in and saw my mom. “you okay sweetie?” asked my mom. “Just Paul” I said and ex haled. “Aw sweetie come on lets talk.” my mom said I could see in the corner of my eye. Dad throw his hands in the air. I smiled at little about that. I pushed my way in rolled over to the table were a chair use to be. “What happen with Paul?” she asked me. I sighed. “I just want him to talk to me more. I know we talk a lot but it’s more like what do you want to do today. Not so much about him.” I told her she nodded rubbing my back. “Mom how did you get dad to open up?” I asked her she chuckled. “Your dad is a very open man. Paul is more of a brick wall.” she told me trying to pick her words. I laid my head on the table. “Your just going to have to think of some way to get to him. About jealousies.” she said smiling and walking back to finish dinner. I thought about what my mom had said. How would I get Paul jealous. I sighed the rest of the day was normal.

I opened my eyes and I saw my dresser. I pulled my legs over the side of my bed and I saw my chair all the way on the other side of the room. My eyes dropped. I sighed. “DAD!” I yelled he ran in a minute later. “Yes sweetie?” he asked I pointed to the chair he smiled and pushed my chair over I smiled giving thanks and I got in. I rolled over to my dresser what should I wear. I smiled as I thought about something. and got my clothes.

I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror. I then rolled out had something to eat and then dad drove me to school. When I got inside I pulled off the coat and rolled to my locker. Kyle walked up to me I smiled at him pushing all my wavy hair to one side. He looked down at me blushing. “You-wow you look!” he said having trouble talking. I smiled putting a hand on his arm. “thanks Kyle.” I said in a flirty way.


Jacob and Jared watch as Shelly put her hand on Kyle the football players arm her breast being stared at by the jock. “Paul is not going to like this.” Jared said shaking his head. “I am going to hate to see what happens.” Jacob said. Soon they hear the deep voice of Paul they turn and try to block the view of Shelly maybe saving the Jocks life. “Hey Paul.” Jared said waving. Jacob elbowed him. “you went supposed draw him over here.” Jacob said in a harsh whisper. “Hey it’s not my face he will be beating in.” Jared said chuckling. Paul walked over. “Hey have you seen Shelly? I wanted to say sorry about yesterday.” he said smiling. “Um you don’t want to see her.” Jared said smiling. His face dropped pushing his way between the two.


I smiled but my smiled dropped when I felt a warm hand on my bare shoulder. I looked up and saw Paul. I was shinning on the in side. “Paul you know Kyle.” I said looking from Paul to Kyle. He nodded. “Me and Shelly are going to prom together.” Kyle said cocky glaring at Paul. Paul made a fist. “Yeah well I am thinking about taking her to prom.” Paul said I raised a eyebrow. “Yea well I don’t think you will dog breath.” Kyle said getting in Paul’s bubble. You could tell Paul could rip this guy in two with out even trying and this guy still had the guts -that may be on the floor soon- to push his buttons. Wow. I put a hand on Paul and he looked down at me. “You know I don’t want to go to prom any more so you two should go together.” I told then rolling around them into LA smiling happy with myself. The laughs of Jacob and Jared in the background.

Soon Paul came in and sat next to me. “I want to rip him to pieces.” Paul said breathing deep. “Don’t worry I am not going to prom with him or anyone.” I told him tapping my pencil. “What!? After what I did your going to prom and with me.” he told me my mind raced. “What did you do?” I said eyes wind on him. “he bet me that he could get you to sleep with him.” he told me my mouth dropped. “What did you do?” I asked him pissed. “I told him if that happen I would rip him from the inside out.” he told me. I ex haled. “Thanks Paul, from the sounds of that it was not going to be fun. But why do I have to go to prom with you?” I asked I mean it’s not like I asked him to do that. “Because I want you to.” he said leaning in his chair. The bell rang and class started.

The rest of the day was normal Kyle try to talk to me like I was his girlfriend but I was sure Paul was not lying so I decide to tell him to take a hike. He was a little mad about that. But when classes were over I was wait for my dad again. “Shelly!” yelled someone I turn and saw Kyle. “What?’ I asked annoyed. “Come on, don’t be like this. We could be great together.” he said I rolled my eyes. “Whys that?” I asked him looking around for dad. “Because I mean after your legs heal, you could join cheerleader for me and we could be the couple everyone wants.” he told me I felt my tummy fall. I rolled away from him. He ran up to me grabbing my chair. “Let go!” I said throw my teeth. “Not till you say yes.” he said I know most people find the run and garb romantic but in real life it’s annoying and stupid. “Why would I say yes to a stupid, annoying, ugly, son of a bitch!” I yelled at him trying to pull away. He let go. I turn around and looked at him. “Don’t touch me or my chair you got that jock boy?” I asked him he looked pissed as hell. “your going to regret this.” he said walking to his car. I think hear a whistling and clapping. I looked back and say Jared, Jacob, Quil, and Embry making all the notices. I smiled and rolled over to them. “Thanks guys.” Paul looked down at me. “What did he say to piss you off other then the sex thing?” he asked watching Kyle get in his car. “He said ‘when your legs heal’ it just gets to me.” I said ex haling deeply. To lighten the mood I decide to say. “And he wanted me to be a cheerleader.” making a sick face. Paul chuckled. “Were having another fire on the beach tonight.” Jared said I guess he was telling me this because I was invited. “Sweet, do I get to come?” I asked the guys. “Yea man I mean we need someone for Em and Kim to talk to.” Quil said the guys chuckled. “I will pick you up about 6:30 tonight.” Paul said his face seemed to never change it was like mad but a clam mad. I nodded and my dad came.

“dad do you think about when I will get married?” I asked him looking out the window. “Yes.” he said rubbing the stubs on his chin. “What do you think about?” I asked him really wanting to know. “Well lately I see that boy Paul waiting to take you from me and your mother.” dad said I glared. “Dad really tell me.” I begged him to stop being a dork. “Well I see you in your mothers dress look stunning well more then you already are. Then you letting me push the chair down the ill. Then I see the young man taking you and then you coming home with some number of grand kids and then me kicking her husbands butt.” he told me pulling into the drive way. I giggled. “thanks Daddy.” I said un tying my self. He opened my door and I rolled over he kissed my forehead. “Anything for you sweetie.” he said and we went inside I got a shower feeling nasty from the school day.

‘Knock knock’ came from the front door I put my last clip in to hold my little waives back and got the door. “Hey Paul.” he smiled a little. “Hey.” he said “MOM DAD I am leaving!” I yelled I got a okay from someone and I left.

Paul and I were in the car no sounds not even breathing. I had to tell someone this and I don’t know why but. “I want to get married!” I said my eyes closed and my hands n fist. Paul served and griped the steering wheel when he got the car back in order he looked at me. “What?” he said almost hoping he head me wrong. I swallowed, “I want to get married.” his eyes winded and he looked back at the road. Then I understood why he was in shock. “Not to you!” I said fast. “Why not me!?” he snapped back. “Well because we have never even dated.” I said shifting. “Well why would you want to get married?” he asked trying to clam down. “So I can have sex.” I said shrugging. He laughed. “I hope you don’t need to get married in ordered to have sex.” he laughed I looked at him. “You’ve had sex?” I asked. “Yeah, why?” he asked almost worried. “With more then one girl?” I asked almost grossed out. He nodded. “Ew!” I said shaking. “Well it’s different you see when a guy cums it go’s in you. When you cum it go’s on us. So for guys we really don’t think it‘s ‘Ew‘” he said like it was normal and then mocking me at the end. I looked at him like he was crazy. “Paul I did not need to know your ideas on sex. And yes I do need to be married in order to have sex.” I informed him. He rolled his eyes. “I want a baby.” I whispered. He looked at me eyes widen. “Paul the road!” I yelled at him he looked at the road again. “Please tell me you did not just say you wanted a baby?” he asked me. I nodded. “Well more like two but I want them one at a time.” I told him trying to be more exact. “What have I gotten myself into?” he asked no one really. “what are you talking about? I would never have sex with you! You have had that thing in who knows how many girls.” I said not understanding his words. “Yeah thanks.” he said rolling his eyes. “But why do you want this now?” he asked me. I just sat there. “I mean your young you should wait a few year.” he told me trying to talk me out of it. “I am sorry I said anything about it can we just drop it?” I asked annoyed and a little mad. He nodded.


Soon Shelly and Paul got to the beach and Paul walked her down to a chair next to Kim and Emily. He then walked over to Sam he rubbed the back of his neck. “Sam can I ask you something kind of personal?” Paul said nervous. “Yeah sure were all brothers.” he said drinking some pop. “When did Em start wanting kids and the marriage stuff?” he asked uncomfortable. “Well I guess a few years now, why? Shelly want to start a family.” Sam asked joking about the last part taking another drink. “Yes.” he dull and merciless. Sam almost chocked. Everyone looked at them Paul chuckled and patted Sam’s back hard. Everyone went back to what they were doing. “Paul shes like 17 your 18 that’s a little young.” he informed Paul. “She dose not want to do any of this with me.” he told Sam. Sam’s eyes winded and exhaled. “Looks like you need to one ask her out or two tell her about imprinting and that you too are soul mates.” Sam said rubbing his neck. He then looked at Paul. “You will ask her out and not tell her about us.” he ordered him. Paul ex haled. “Why cant I have the easy way like you and Jared got?” he asked him a little pissed. “Because Jared just did it out of the blue and Em kind of saw and felt it first hand.” he said smacking the back of Paul’s head.
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