You Make Me Stronger


“This is it” I said. Then try to move my toes. My eyes fell. Nothing.
I could feel the water fill in my eyes. The back of my throat burned. My hands went into balls my bottom lip shaking.
“HA!” I screamed, I started to bang on the floor throwing my weight around making my burned legs fall off the chair, I closed my eyes continuing my screaming.
I heard a lot of footstep but I did not stop. I was mad and this was the only want to get my anger out.
Soon I felt many hands trying to hold me down. I kept fighting, I soon heard another set of footsteps.
“What did you do to her!?” Yelled a voice for my door then a set of hands left me.

“Paul he did nothing he was with us when she started!” I hear Jacob yell. I stopped and was breathing heavy crying hard. The boys let me be getting up. Soon a part of arms picked up my shoulders and I was being hugged.
Who ever it was really warm. I felt safe, want, cared for, worried about, and loved.
I clammed down and opened my eyes. I was pulled back and I saw Paul.
Looking in his eyes I saw everything that his hug had. I did not want to look away but I had to.
I hated myself right now. Looking down I pushed him away but he did not move.
“Let me go! I want my chair!” I said not liking being out of control.
I was then picked up. “Put me down!” I yelled at him blushing being in panties.
Sam had everyone leave and Paul dropped me on my bed. I looked up at him.
“Paul get my chair!” I yelled at him.
“Are you stupid!?” he said looking down his eyes covered and was shaking every now and then.
“No….” I said, looking down.
“Really because that was the stupidest thing I have ever heard of!”
He yelled pissed. I pushed my eyebrows together. “What is it too?” I said turning away from him.
Hearing a growl I looked back at him.

“Paul?” I asked a little scared.
“You could have died!” he snapped. I pulled the covers to my chest like it would help.
“I know what I was doing.” I said with a small voice, not wanting to back down.
“really? Because if you knew what you were doing, you would have known that I would not have worked!” he yelled with his arms wind open.
“You don’t even know what your talking about! You know nothing about me! Just leave me alone!” I yelled at me turning away from him. Laying my head on the pillow.

Then I heard a exhale. The next thing I knew I was being picked up and pulled into someone warm embrace. I wanted to hug him back but I just stayed the way I was my arms crossed over the pillow holing it to my chest.
“I just don’t want anything to happen to you.” he told me pushing my hair back.
I just laid there confuted. Why did he care anyway. Why did I care that he cared.
Everything I was thinking keep dieing. I just had the warmth of Paul.
“Just leave.” when I said this my heart fell. It should not have I was use to being alone.
I felt the bed move up then the heat leave also feeling my heart drop.

I opened my eyes after what seem like forever. Rubbing then I slowly opened them.
I looked around and saw my room was normal but my laptop was gone and my chair had a red blinking light.
I shock my head and got in my chair. Rolling out of my room I rolled out to the sitting room.
No one was there. I then rolled to the kitchen I could hear my mom talking more then likely to my dad.
“I don’t know what we are going to do?” she said I could hear the confusion in her voice.
“I am take-in her on of that school. And she is forbidden from seeing any of throws boys.” my dad said pissed. “I agree.” my mom said.

They must have been talking about Jacob, Embry, and Paul! They wanted to keep me from Paul! I mean my friends.
I rolled back to my room. Moving over to my cell phone. I opened it and try to call someone. Nothing.
“we discounted it.” my mom said. I turn and glared. “WHY!?” I said mad as hell. “Sweetie you try to kill yourself.” my dad said. I gridded my teeth. “No I try to make my stupid legs work!” I yelled at him. I could tell he was trying to keep his cool. “Your legs are fine!” my mom yelled back at me. “Mom they don’t move and I cant feel my feet! Yeah they work great.” I told them mad and frustrated. “What your mom is trying to say is we love you just the way you are. You don’t need to change.” Dad told me trying to clam us down.

“Dad I am almost 18 what are we going to do when I go to graduate and leave for college. We have never talked about it. Or when you die who is going to take care of me. I mean you guess have babied me all my life I don’t know how to live with out you.” I told them not knowing what I was saying. “Sweetie, we love you. We just want to make you safe and happy.” my dad said. “Sweetie we know we have not talked much but we do have money for you for when we pass on.” My mom informed me. “So you planned on me stay with you for like ever!?” I yelled how could they think that.

They both looked hurt then at each other. “I guess we never thought of our lives with out you.” my mom said biting her lip. I glared. “Get out.” I told them pointing to my door. They did looking back at me. I closed the door. I looked out the window. ‘I cant stay here. I don’t want to be here. Here I am in a cage. Die and trapped. I love La push but I hate here the house where I was raised.’


“I cant believe she did that.” Paul yelled punching a tree pretty much making a whole in the tree.
“Paul you have to think of it from her point of view” Jacob said. “Yea I mean we have our legs, think of her how we did when we first met her.” Jared said. “Yeah I was always scared I was going to break her, now I really don’t think about it.” Embry said chuckling a little. “She is perfect! Doesn’t she know that?” he asked them pissed. “No.” Sam said smooth and dull. Paul glared at him. “You’re her imprint if anyone was to tell her she was perfect she would not care. It would have to come from you to mean anything.” Sam informed him. Paul looked down. Then ran into the forest.

Shelly’s POV

I hung up the phone. Then ex haled. “Sweetie?” I heard my mom ask. I turn to her. “What mother?” I said firm. “Are you leaving?” she asked me. I nodded. “Well Kate said she has a place for me.” I said.
“in California?” my mom asked more then likely scared or worried about me. I nodded. “Sweetie take this with out.” My dad said handing my a paper. I looked at it

It was a bank sheet. “dad?” I asked him not understanding. “Well me and your mom were thinking about going to the summer house in Canada, we just want to know you are being taken care of. So we put some money in a account for you and if something happens to you. You have a little money.” I looked at it. 2,000$ I smiled at my dad. “Thanks daddy.” I said smiling. “ever month you will get the same amount.” he told me. I smiled and nodded. “Dad do you think you could take me to Emily’s I want to say goodbye to her and the guys.” he inhaled my mom put a hand his shoulder. Then he nodded.


We were almost to Emily’s I was hopping Paul would be there. I had been so mean to him I could not leave letting him think I hated him. Also I had to see him one last time. When we got there my dad opened the door and I told him I would call when I was done. He nodded and left. I then went up the stairs on my butt. I was having trouble getting my chair up so I just moved over slowly to the door. I knocked once I heard moving around and then a chuckle. The door opened and Quil came out. “It looks like someone dropped a baby at your door step Emily.” he said I glared. “Get the chair or I will have Paul rip your head off.” he eyes winded and got the chair and I got in. I smiled and rolled in. I inhaled. Everyone but Jared was there.

I forgot to breath when I saw Paul. He had no shirt on and his pants were ripped off to be shorts.
Nothing madder I just want to be in his strong arms and to talk about everything. I blinked and looked down. Coming here was a bad idea.
“I came to say goodbye.” it killed me to say this knowing Paul would hear it.
“Why?” I hear Paul yell getting up. I could not think of a reason to leave. Because now it felt I was not leave mom and dad but Paul.

“I am going to California, to live with a friend.” I said trying to smile but I was having a hard time after looking at Paul’s face. He looked so hurt. “Um why don’t you stay here?” Sam asked looking at Paul fist.
“I cant stay in that house. My mom and dad there…. Well lets say we are having family problems.”
“Well don’t you have family here?” Jacob asked. I looked down. “No, I wish I could stay but I cant live with them any more.” I said looking up at Paul. He was shaking and looking away from me. I felt my heart break. “Paul please look at me.” I said wish to see his deep brown eyes again.

“Paul you have to tell her.” Embry said almost desperate. “You cant lose her!” he told him.
“Embry stay out of this! It’s Paul choice” Sam told him. Embry looked back from Paul to me.
I was not able to take it anymore. I turn around rolling to the door. “Bye.” I said and opened the door.
But as soon as I did I was pulled back inside. If I was not stabbed in I would have fallen out. I looked back at Paul.
“Paul you have to go get ready.” I told him. He was still not looking at me. He looked up anger seemed gone form his face. “Move in with me.” he said. His words rang in my words. Did he just as me to live with him. I knew in my head I should say no. but my heart said yes and I was screaming it for it’s dear life. “Okay” I said nodding he smiled and blinked at me exhaling and standing up.

The guys started to hoot and yell and carry on. Paul pushed me over to everyone else. “Paul where do you live?” I asked him. He rubbed the back of his head. “Right now in a one room apartment. But I have been meaning to get something bigger.” he told me. I blinked at him. “Paul…” I started but he stopped me.
“NO don’t worry, you can stay with Emily and Sam until we find something. Right?” he asked Sam. I felt really odd . “yea sure.”Sam said Emily nodded. “Thank you Sam but it’s just too odd. I feel bad. And I am trying to get away from being babied.” I told them giving them a look I did not even know. I started to the door again. I did not want to look at any of there faces.

“You cant leave!” I hear Embry yell. I looked back at him odd. He jumped up over everyone then in front of me. “We are all werewolves’ and your Paul’s imprint or soul mate!” he yelled holding my shoulders. My eyes winded. “EMBRY!” Jacob and Quil yelled. I turn and looked at Paul he was shaking and breathing deeply. “I am sorry Paul I had to tell her!” Embry said. “Paul go outside!” Sam order him. He walked over to the front door that was pretty much in front of me and grabbed Embry by the throat. Then throw the door open. My eyes winded. He then walked outside and throw Embry into a tree.

“PAUL!”I yelled shocked at his action’s. Almost scared. He must have seen because he clammed down and walked up to me. I was scared but he seemed safe for now. “I’m sorry.” he said then ran off into the forest.