Sequel: Love By Our Side
Status: completed

Everything's Changing Now

you've got it down.

“How was camping this weekend!” Stephanie half asked, half yelled at Sophie when she walked into the shelter on Monday morning.

“It was really fun,” Sophie responded, giving the shortest answer she could.

“So, do you like any of the guys!” Stephanie continued, earning hopeful looks from Jason and Liam. “Not you guys! Sophie has the hots for one of the guys she’s been hanging out with! I bet it’s Stephen!” Sophie had no idea how Stephanie would have guessed that, but before she could stop herself she started blushing. She quickly moved onto her next task to avoid looking at Stephanie.

“I don’t like any of them, and why would you think it’s Stephen?” Sophie asked curiously.

“Well, first off, the way you just blushed and ran away from me! I’m a girl too, ya know, I can sense these things!” Stephanie shrieked a bit softer than before. “Besides, there’s a certain look you have when you talk about him.” So she was obvious to people she didn’t hang out with, too. Sophie shook her head and continued with her work, keeping the conversation to a minimum.
“That girl is seriously killing me,” Sophie complained. Stephen just laughed at her, earning himself a hit on the shoulder. The two were yet again having a dinner and a movie date, this time Mrs. Gomez had cooked, though. Sophie was becoming a regular fixture at the Gomez household, and John had taken her place at the Cleary’s. This had been the norm for a month now, and though they had fun together, both were getting sick of their routine.

“We should go do something tonight,” Stephen stated.

“Yeah? Like what? You’re the one who lives here,” Sophie responded, interested to hear his ideas.

“I dunno, that’s why we’ve been stuck here all summer. There’s nothing to do around here. Unless…’ Stephen trailed with a smirk on his face.

“Unless what? I’m up for anything.”


“Sure, why not?”

“Okay. I know a club we can sneak into. Won’t even have to pay the cover, free drinks all night. I’ve only done it once before, but it’s easy and other people do it all the time,” Stephen suggested, laughing at the look on Sophie’s face.

“Huh, I’d never pin you for a clubber. Let’s do it, I’m bored with sitting here all the time,” Sophie laughed.

“Okay, but it has to be our little secret. The others will cry if we go without them,” Stephen grinned.
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Ai another filler, I'm sorry! I may update again after work tonight, the chapters coming up are very fun. :)