Status: Active, just a little slow.

Don't Fall Unless Someone Is Willing To Catch You

Chapter 2

I bolted up. “WHAT?! YOU DIDN’T TELL ME I HAD TO GO TO THAT FREAKING SCHOOL!” He smirked, but said nothing. “And what the hell am I supposed to wear?”

He shrugged. “You just have to wear what you brought because they didn’t give you a uniform yet.”

My eyes shifted towards my black sweatshirt and hot pink punk skirt. Hey, at least I’ll look better than the other kids. The only problem . . . is that I’ll be a total stand-out. “God, no. I am not going to that lame ass school,” I argued stubbornly.

“Too bad. Get dressed.” He tossed my clothes at me, hitting me square in the face. He just stood there, waiting for me.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Well, get in the freaking closet, dumbass!” Ichigo’s eyes widened in fear, and slowly retreated into the closet. I could hear him talking to Kon about my temper. I punched the door. “Shut the hell up!” Silence followed immediately after my outburst. My magic of fear works on everyone. I smiled to myself and started getting dressed, looking towards the closet occasionally incase Kon would be sticking his head out, drooling. That would most likely been the case, ignoring the fact that I just about blew my top. Pshh that was only the steam. Wait till they see the real erupt. Emphasis on real.

Finally, I finished, and fixed my messy hair into my normal hairstyle: Two pigtails and a headband. “Okay, you guys can come out now. I’m done.”

Ichigo hopped out of the closet with Kon following. Ichigo pointed to Kon. “You stay here today. I don’t need you talking to me at school, and looking up girls’ skirts. You got that?”

“Oh, come on, Ichigo. You’re such a party pooper.” His shoulders slouched as he crossed his arms.

“I don’t care.” Then Ichigo turned to me. “Go out through the window so my dad and sisters don’t see you. Oh, and let me warn you of something,” he turned to me before going downstairs, “There is this guy named Keigo that walks with us to school so watch out.”

I crouched on the windowsill, looking down at the two boys in front of Ichigo’s house. “Why would I need to watch out,” I murmured.

“Because,” he said, opening the door, “He’s a pervert.” I rolled my eyes and jumped out of the window, landing softly a couple yards away from ‘Keigo’ and the other boy’s name I didn’t know. Ichigo came out of the house a couple minutes later.

“Hey, wassup, Ichigo?” I’m assuming Keigo said, going towards Ichigo. Ichigo nodded towards me, and I walked out and started heading the way the other boy was facing.

“Let’s go,” I said casually.

The two guys shot their eyes over to me. Keigo jumped over to me. “Who are you? Would you like to go out sometime?” He wiggled his eyebrows.

I glanced at Ichigo, who was smirking. “Amaya Kouganami. And no,” I said and turned around, starting to walk again. They all caught up to me, Ichigo walking on my right, Keigo on my left, and the unknown boy to the right of Ichigo. “Who are you guys?”

Keigo pointed to himself arrogantly. “I am Keigo Asano. And that over is Mizuiro Kojima.” The boy known as Mizuiro looked at Keigo irritably.

“I could have told her my name, Keigo.”

Keigo rolled his eyes and moved closer to me, barely noticeable but I still noticed. I moved slightly closer to Ichigo. Keigo noticed and moved closer to me yet again.

“God, Keigo! Stop it! Stay over there!” I grunted and pushed him over.

He grinned. “Ooh, feisty. I like.”

Ichigo glared at Keigo. “Knock it off, Keigo. She doesn’t need to be harassed before we even get to school. Let alone by you.” Keigo grunted and swung his head away from Ichigo.

“You are no fun,” Keigo muttered, continuing his walk to school. Oh, the dreaded school I had to go to for a couple weeks. Really? Couldn’t I just walk around in my soul reaper form and eat candy? Yes, I have a fondness of candy. I’ve always have.

So as we continued our walk to school, Keigo, thank gosh, did not bother me at all.


“Yes, how may I help you?” The school receptionist said, looking up from her paperwork at me.

“I am Amaya Kouganami, the new student,” I replied.

Her eyes widened then she opened up a cabinet, pulling out a sheet of paper. She walked over to me, and handed me the paper. I scanned over them, not really paying attention. After I was done, I folded it and stuck it in my pocket. When I looked up I noticed the lady was staring at my outfit. I shifted uncomfortably.

“They didn’t give me a uniform so I just had to wear what I had.” I said to stop her staring at me. It’s very strange, I must say.

She looked up at me and smiled warmly. “Well, then I guess you’ll just have to go as you are because we currently are out of uniforms. You will probably receive yours within a couple days. I will call you up to the office if it comes in, okay?” I nodded, and left to go find my class.

It was confusing; the school seemed so big. Although, I have a horrible sense of direction and I’m not very observant so that is pretty explanatory. Finally, finally, I found my class. That was a new record for me. I got to the class within twenty-six minutes. I tapped the door lightly with my knuckles.

“Come in,” a voice said from the other side. Quickly, I opened then shut the door. When I turned around to face everyone, I kept a calm, serene face. “Oh, you must be the new student.” The teacher turned towards the class. “Class, this is Amaya Kouganami, our new student.” She turned toward me and whispered, “You may go sit down by the boy with the orange hair, Ichigo.” I dipped my head and made my way back to the direction of my seat.

When I sat beside Ichigo everyone was staring at me. I leaned to my left, glancing at Ichigo. “Why are they staring at me?”

He looked at me then the rest of them. “Probably because you don’t have the required uniform on. Resulting in them being either mad, or obsessed with you. I think . . . it might be going both ways right now,” he whispered back.

Putting a scowl on my face, I turned back towards the students and glared at the chalkboard. Why do they have to stare at me? This is so unpleasant. Soon they all turned around due to the teacher clearing her throat. Soon class started and I couldn’t wait till lunch.


The bell finally rung and all the students were out of their seats quicker than a rabbit. By the time I got to get up, there were two girls right in front of my face. I shrunk.

“Um, hi?” I said, staring at them curiously. One of the two girls had long, orange/blonde hair and the other one had short black hair.

The long haired girl smiled and said in a high, preppy voice, “H! I’m Orihime, and this is Tatsuki. We were wondering if you would like to sit by us at lunch.” Oh, that voice I knew I would be annoyed by to no end. There was no way I would get used to that.

“Hi. How about tomorrow? I’m going to explore today because I don’t have a clue where anything is.” I smiled sheepishly, and slowly got up.

Orihime followed me as I walked down the aisle to the door. “Are you sure? I could show you around.”

I turned around and smiled. “No, no it’s okay. You guys go eat your lunch. I’ll see you later!” They ran off outside and I sighed, hoping the day would just end.

Outside was pretty boring, if you ask me. You couldn’t leave school grounds and it sucked for me. So I just lounged in a tree, looking over the students. There was nothing really to stare at. I could see Keigo explaining something dramatically to Ichigo while Ichigo wasn’t even paying attention; Orihime was obviously eating a fattening lunch. How does she eat like that and stay so skinny? I thought to myself, gawking at her. As I was lost in thought, I didn’t realize someone coming toward me. Or should I say something.
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The next chapter should be out in a few!