I'm Sorry

One of Three

Dear Joey,

I can’t stop thinking about you. I hope you are fine, wherever you are.

Why did you just leave, without saying anything? You didn’t even say goodbye. You just left.
Do you know how much this hurt? You know how I feel about you, how I always felt. You were never a friend to me.
I’ve been in love with you since the day we met. The day, you walked into class, seeming totally lost. The day I talked to you, and showed you around.
The day we became best friends.

I never thought something like we had, can end so easily. I never thought you would be able to just get up and move into another state, leaving me behind.

You didn’t even kiss me goodbye. We were together for almost a year, and you didn’t find the courage to tell me it’s over rather than just leaving.
I thought you loved me too. I really believed we could have a future together, Joey. I really thought nothing could tear us apart.

The way you always smiled, when you saw me. The way you came running towards me wrapping me into the tightest hug, kissing me passionately.
I love this smile, I love your kisses. I love you.

I still do, though you left. I still think about you all the time. Everything I had shattered when you went away. I don’t talk to anyone except Annie anymore. She’s the only one, who helped me get through it all.

You may not know Annie, but she’s the most wonderful person in the world, apart from you. She’s my best friend now. My therapist.

The week you left, I cried myself to sleep every night. I was able to sleep 3 hours a night at the most. Your face kept me busy, your memory didn’t go out of my head. Everything reminded me of you. Was it a song, we both loved, or just simple things, like single words. Absolutely everything reminded and still does remind me of you.

I tried to solve this problem, by seeing a therapist. Yes, that's where I got to know Annie. She was the one who should've helped me getting over you, getting over loving you. She was the one who held me, while I cried because of you, when I almost broke down, just because of your memory.

After a while, Annie wasn’t my therapist anymore. I stopped going there, I didn’t feel like I needed it anymore.
However, I was wrong. Seeing a couple, kissing each other, always reminded me of you.
No therapy would ever help it. You can't choose who you fall in love with. Mostly you choose the wrong persons, though I think you aren't the wrong guy. I love you with all my heart, and I know you love me back. Why can't you just admit it? You could even break up with me, everything would be better than this. At least I would know, you don’t love me, I would know you are happy and most of all safe.
I just want to know you are safe. I really need to hear your voice, to see your figure standing in front of me.

I hope you have a nice life, wherever you are. I hope you found some new friends, and maybe even a new boyfriend. It's the only thing I wish for, you to be happy.

Although, it tears me apart to think about you with someone else, I may be jealous, but I'm happy for you. Joey, always remember, I'll be there for you, even if we're miles apart. I'll support you through everything.

I love you.

Yours, Ronnie.
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i hope it suits the song /:

anyways please leave a comment :D