I'm Sorry

Two of Three

Dear Joey,

Why haven't you written back? It's almost two weeks now.

I can't live without knowing where you are, I need to know you are safe.

It tears me apart to know that I can never have you back, but at least tell me, please. I want to know where we stand. I want to be sure, to start living my life again.

Right now, I'm just a wreck. I feel miserable all the time, I even cut myself sometimes. It relieves the pain, just a tiny bit, but enough to go on.

I often thought about searching for you. I was about to run away, to find you, though I knew it would've taken me month, if I even found you.

I need prove, to know that you're alive. If you would just answer my letters, Joey. I would feel so much better, if I knew how you are, if I knew where you are.

You know, how my life could be at this point? If you hadn't left, I would have the best boyfriend I could imagine, I would be happy.
Instead, I only pretend to be all the time. I'm smiling on everything.

I don’t want to live this life, I want to be happy, to have someone who loves me. I want to hold the guy I love, not having to fear he might be gone the next day. I need to kiss my loved one, to feel the passion through every tiny bit of my body.
I need you, Joey.

You must understand, that you mean everything to me. You are my life, without you everything is worthless. I don’t have a purpose right now, but I hope you will come back some day. I hope I'll be able to hold you and kiss you, to just love you the way I do.

I love you, Joey. I love you, forever.

Yours, Ronnie.
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