Status: Finished One-Shot




I woke up in darkness. There weren't lights flickering or noises from a TV of some sort. Not even from a pin dropping on the ground. The cold, concrete ground that I currently lie on was more painful earlier. I can't remember much except the pain, the hunger, and more pain. I might've been asleep but I wouldn't know because of the constant pitch black walls. The room seems damp and small, but from where I am, I can't actually tell. The last time I tried to move, all I did was feel an immense amount of pain, as if a whip had scarred my skin. Or was it like that before I arrived here? I don't remember.

The sound of foot steps seem to echo in the room. Escaping my mouth was a sigh before I stiffen. The air tastes like dirt but i'm done complaining. I'm still alive, one would hope, with the only thoughts of stop.The foot steps draw closer with the sound of a door opening. Shutting my eyes tightly, I hope this room is biggere than I originally first thought. But the cold feeling of someone kicking my hand frightens me. And then like a stab, I believe they kick much harder. Biting my lip, I prepare.

Circling around my lungs until I let out, a scream evactuates my mouth. The pressure of something practically breaking the bones in my hand hurts like hell. Opening my eyes, all I can see is...nothing.

"Took you long enough," a male, sounding like he's maybe in his teens said. "Today you get to work. You're not bleeding as badly as the others, so you should be fine."

I didn't even realize I was bleeding. How could anyone even see in the darkness? This voice had to be young and male. Even more painful that it had a sickly sweet sound to it.

Cold metal releases my ankles and wrists but my hands are immediately bound together behind me. Lifting me up, I felt weightless. This guy had a cold but gentle touch. The warmth of him felt good on my skin. It was odd but the feeling of slight comfort surrounded the parts of my body touching his. As I moved in the air, the sound of a door behind us slams shut. But it was still dark to me. With that warning sign, I know this is my starting door to hell.
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Yes, this will stay incomplete as this was a practice start to a story. I was trying to practice suspense.