The Day I Met Andy

The Wedding

My wedding day, I smoothed the simple gown. It was my mother’s best gown. She had given it to me so that I would look my best. I picked up the letters bound in twine that sat on the little nightstand in the hotel room that had been rented for us to use to get ready for the wedding. I was terrified. I was unlike any other bride I had known in my life. Most women went to the altar having met the man that they were to wed at least once if not dozens of times. I could not say the same. I had never once met Andy Sommer in my life. The only thing that I had of him was letters that he had sent me over the last five years. And from what he had told me, he had every letter I had written him. I was now my family’s hope. I was the one who was to go and to give us a life here in America, a life we could hold onto and not lose at the whim of any man in power. In this case, it meant marrying a man that I new only through letters.

Would he be the man I knew from them? I could only pray that he was. If he wasn’t then I would shortly be sentenced to a life that I did not want and could never learn to take joy in. It was a horrifying prospect. My mother grasped my hands in her own. They were strong, weathered hands. Her hands had done so much over the years. They had made food for a growing family. They had sewed clothes and tended wounds of all shapes and sizes. They had rocked crying babies back to sleep and cared for the sick and the dying. Those hands had comforted me in my worst hours and given me the strength to go on. My earliest memories were of those hands clasped above me as my mother prayed for me to get better from a child hood ailment. And now here they were again to guide me.

“You look so beautiful Marija. Your father would be so proud to see his daughter today if he had been able to come. But we know that he sends his blessings. He wouldn’t have let us come if he didn’t.” Her laughter was infectious. I couldn’t help but laugh and smile with her. It had the same relaxing and almost healing effect that her gentle hands did. “Whatever happens today and all the days after, know that I am proud of you. You have become everything that we could have asked for. And if that man cannot see it than he is a fool.”

I felt completely ridiculous with the silly soft smile that settled on my features. “Oh mama,” I whispered leaning forward and kissing both her cheeks.

“Jadranka,” my aunt stood in the door way smiling at both of us tears in her eyes at the sight of me. “Oh Marija! You look just like your mother did the day she married my brother! I pray God gives you and your groom as much happiness as he gave them. Now come Jadranka. It’s time for the procession to start.” My mother paused at the door before looking back at me. I nodded at her and smiled before she turned back around and left. The gravity of the situation settled back on me as soon as the door closed behind them. I began to pace restlessly waiting for my grandfather, Baldo, to come for me.

I jumped when the knock came at the door. I turned to see my grandfather opening the door, his dark eyes sparkling and his eyes smiling at me. “Ah my Marija…” he said softly crossing the room. He took my hands in his and kissed both my cheeks gently. “You are a worthy bride,” he assured me. He kissed my hand before tucking it into the crook of his arm. “It’s time.” I took a deep breath. There was no turning back now. I had to go forward. The music began to rise in volume as we walked down through the hotel to the small chapel in the side of the hotel where the wedding and reception were to take place. The doors opened before me as if by magic and I saw the full splendor that was my wedding. In all actually it was a very simple service with my brothers, sisters, mother, aunts, and uncles as well as my groom’s family and friends, but to me it could not have been more beautiful.

It took me a moment to actually see him. I knew it had to be him though. He stood before the priest fidgeting from foot to foot until he looked up. Our eyes met. His were green. A gentle and kind green. I knew then that everything would be okay. I did not have to fear that I had ever read any lies in the letters that he had written me. Andy Sommer was truly the man I had fallen in love with.
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Just a cute random idea I had that went along with a contest! Hope you enjoy it!