The Run-away Fire

Jason, Penelope and Audrey are on holiday with their parents. On their final day leaving is the last thing Jason wants to do. On an attempt to stay on holiday for the rest of his life he wanders off into the forest to hide. Uncertainly Audrey and Penelope follow and soon enough the three siblings are in whole lot of trouble.

A play by Emma Furness

Okay yes this is a play. I wrote it in sixth grade for a school project so no, it's not very long but it gets the point across.

Give it a read and tell me what you think. :D
  1. The Cast
  2. Scene 1- In the Cabin
    Setting: Everyone is seated around the fire place inside the cabin. Elizabeth is half asleep with Penelope next to her. Will is snoozing in an armchair, Jason is playing Nintendo and Audrey is lying on the floor flipping through a gossip magazine.
  3. Scene 2 – Outside the cabin
    Setting: Everyone is outside in front of cabin putting luggage on the steps and Penelope is wandering around.
  4. Scene 3- Outside Jayden's office
    Setting: Audrey, Jason and Penelope are waiting outside Jayden's office, a small wooden cabin.
  5. Scene 4 – The parking lot
    Setting: Will is standing in the parking lot Elizabeth comes running on stage left
  6. Scene 5 – In the Bush
    Setting: Jason and Audrey are sitting on the grass while Penelope is wandering around by the trees.
  7. Scene 6 –The parking lot
    Setting: Elizabeth is seated on a park bench. Will is pacing steadily back and forth. Jayden and Tom are talking quietly. Other police officers are walking on and off stage. One police officer is talking on a phone and goes rushing off towards Robert
  8. Scene 7 – In the bush
    Setting: Jason walks out from inside the cave.
  9. Scene 8- Outside cabin
    Setting: Robert, Tom, Jayden, Elizabeth and Will are standing outside the cabin. Tom is holding up a piece of clothing.