Status: One shot, contest entry.



Neville Longbottom always believed he was disposable.

He'd never shone in anything other than Herbology, he wasn't exceptionally gifted at Transfiguration, and he couldn't even brew a simple Sleeping Draught.

He'd never had many friends, and he wasn't sure he'd be missed if he suddenly disappeared.
Neville had been tossed to the side countless times, in fact, it stopped hurting after the sixth.
He had a knack for hurting himself in the most ridiculous ways, and if he was being honest, he'd say he didn't even try. At fifteen years old, he'd never had a girlfriend, and his only date was with Ginny Weasley, to the Yule Ball; if that could even be considered one. Neville had never had a huge accomplishment, nothing to be incredibly proud of. Even when he helped Harry in his fourth year, during the Triwizard Tournament, it'd been set up by 'Professor Moody'.

He wasn't brave, his many encounters with Draco Malfoy proved that. Countless times, Neville questioned whether his sorting into Gryffindor was correct. When he became friends with Harry Potter, and joined Dumbledore's Army, he felt for the first time that he belonged. When he fought at the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, he no longer thought of himself as stuttering, friendless, cowardly Neville Longbottom. All he wanted to do was make his parents proud; to make everyone, Slytherins in particular, realize he wasn't completely useless.

As Neville rode Thestrals alongside Luna, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and Harry, he'd realized what a strange group they made.

He hadn't complained.


Demi Finnigan, on the other hand, was Gryffindor's pride and glory.

Many would even go as far as to say that she was even more of an asset than Harry Potter himself. She was at the top of her class, alongside Hermione Granger, she could whip up a Draught of Living Death with ease, and she was a registered animagus at the age of fifteen. Demi never received a bad look or harsh critic in her life, not even from Draco Malfoy. It seemed that he, too, would get star-struck whenever Demi was around.

She never knew what it was like to feel lonely, to be left out. Demi was always in the middle of everything, and that was the way she liked it. She carried herself with a grace and elegance that would make the Queen of England herself green with envy.

Needless to say, Demi Finnigan was quite an extraordinary girl.


It was on September 23rd, 1996, that Neville worked up the courage to speak to her.

It took aproximately three minutes for Demi to realize who he was, and reply.

It only took Neville ten seconds to hit the ground.


Their second encounter took place on December 3rd, a few months after the fainting incident.

"Expecto Patronum!" He'd muttered from his dark corner of the library, frowning deeply when nothing happened. "Expecto Patro-"

"Would you like some help?" Asked Demi, startling Neville with her sudden appearance.

"Oh- uh, sure.. I mean, yes, that'd be excellent." He'd stuttered, his heart beating fast.

Neville would remember their encounters for the rest of his life.


The most memorable event in his sixth year wasn't when Ron Weasley was poisoned, or when his headmaster was murdered, but when Demi Finnigan told him she loved him before he'd gotten off the Hogwarts Express.

"Nev," She'd called over her shoulder as she stepped off the train. "I think- I think I love you."

"W-what? What a-are you t-t-talking about?" He'd said, hurrying after her.

But she was seventeen, and knew how to apparate.

With one last smile, she'd spun on the spot and disapparated.


Neville Longbottom knew now that he wasn't disposable.

Sure, he'd never shone in anything other than Herbology, he wasn't exceptionally gifted at Transfiguration, and he couldn't even brew a simple Sleeping Draught.

Yes, he'd never had many friends, but he was sure he'd be missed if he suddenly disappeared. Neville had been tossed to the side countless times, but he couldn't remember the last time that'd happened. He still had a knack for hurting himself in the most ridiculous ways, and if Demi was being honest, she'd say she loved that about him. At sixteen years old, he'd fallen in love, and been loved back. Neville may've never had a huge accomplishment, nothing to be incredibly proud of, but he'd made a difference in someone else's life, and for him, that was enough.

So what if he wasn't brave? Draco Malfoy didn't matter anymore. Neville no longer questioned his sorting into Gryffindor, he knew now that he'd been placed there so he could meet a girl that would change his life; Demi Finnigan. When he became friends with Harry Potter, and joined Dumbledore's Army, he felt for the first time that he belonged, but when he met Demi Finnigan, he felt like he could do anything. Neville would take that feeling over belonging any day. When he fought at the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, he no longer thought of himself as stuttering, friendless, cowardly Neville Longbottom, but when he'd kissed Demi for the first time, he knew he'd changed even more. All he'd wanted to do was make his parents proud; to make everyone, Slytherins in particular, realize he wasn't completely useless; Demi'd helped.

When Neville asked Demi to marry him, years later, he'd realized what a strange couple they made: the Gryffindor Fluke, and the Gryffindor Princess.

But when Demi had said yes, he hadn't complained.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was watching OTP while writing the last part of this, and I believe I've fallen in love with Neville even more, if possible.

This fic takes place in his sixth year, mostly, and yes, Neville is still having trouble casting a Patronus in this.
Let's just pretend he didn't learn it in his fifth year, okay?

Anyway, Demi is Seamus' twin sister, alright?
I know I didn't address it in the story, but I don't think it was that necessary. It'scentered around Nev, not Demi, anyway.

I've never written a Neville fic, so con-crit would graciously accepted.
