Status: Hiatus (did I spell it right?)

I'm Married? To who?

Please tell me this is a dream

I kept pretending I was sleeping as I heard M, Shadow, also known as Matt Sanders, walk up to the bed.

"Zacky, how could you" Matt yelled and pointed a finger at Zacky.
I felt Zacky tighten his arms around me and bury his head into my neck, "What do you want Matt" Zacky asked Matt with an annoyed voice.

"How could you get Married and not make me your best man"

Zacky took his head away from my neck and looked at Matt. I took this time to let them know I was awake. I yawned and opened my eyes.

"Matt what are you talking about" Zacky asked then he looked at me.

"Read this" Matt said then tossed a magazine into the bed. Zacky grabbed it and started reading the front cover.
I sat up and quickly pulled the covers over, dare I say it, my naked body and read the front article too.

After we both finished reading the article our Mouthe's were open wide.

"T-this can't be real. I-I mean I don't even know you, I mean I know who you are but-but , this is a joke right" I asked after I read the magazine article.

"Sorry Mrs.Baker but it's no joke" M, Shadows told me as he grabbed the article back.
I frowned.

"Um, Can't we just get a divorce" Zacky suggested.

"Yeah, but that would make you look like an asshole because you just married her."Matt told Zacky. "Oh, um what is your name anyway" Matt asked me.

"It's Nikki"

"Well Nikki welcome to the Avenged Sevenfold family" Matt said then finally left the room.
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Comments make me happy and when I'm happy I update faster.

thank for the comments from
Chrissy Bear
a7x rocker