Status: Hiatus (did I spell it right?)

I'm Married? To who?

I need to go home

After a while of silence and just laying in bed I got up and started to get dressed in the clothes that I was wearing last night.

As I finished getting dressed I noticed that Zack was also getting dressed, well he was wearing pants at least.

"Where you going" Zacky asked me when he saw me walking towards the door.

"I need to get home. My sister's probably pissed that I didn't come home last night" I told him.


"Well it was nice meeting you Zacky. Bye" I said then headed towards the door.

"whoa, I never said I'd let you leave" Zacky said grabbing my arm and holding me in place.
"Yeah so what. Your not the boss of me I can do what ever I dam well want to" I told him as I tried to get out of his grasp.

"Tell you what. Live with me for a few weeks so I don't look like an asshole and then we can get a divorce"

"Fine but I at lease need to get back to my house so that I can get some clean clothes." I told him.

When he let go of me I scowled at him and headed down stairs again, this time Zacky fallowed me.

I walked through the halls and opened the front door. But immediately stopped dead in my tracks as I had cameras flashing pictures of me and reporters asking me billions of questions at one time.

Zacky grabbed my right hand and pulled me back into the house and closed the front door.

I was frozen in place.

"That was a close one" Zacky said as he let go of me.

"That was a lot of people" I said, still staring at the door.

Zacky just rolled his eyes at me then grabbed my hand again and lead me threw some more hallways and opened a door leading to the garage.

In side was a beautiful black car. Zacky lead me over to the passenger door and opened it for me.

As I claimed in I noticed that the seats were black leather and on the head rests were death bats.

"Alright" Zacky said as he claimed into the drivers seat and pressed a button to open the garage door.

I watched as Zacky slowly pulled out of the garage and pulled onto the street without the paparazzi noticing us.

"How did you get them to not notice us" I asked as we started to drive away from the house.

"Practice. Now where do you live" Zacky asked as we stopped at a red light.

I gave Zacky the directions to my house.

It took us almost an hour to get there because Zacky kept making wrong turns and had to do a few U-turns, but we made it.

As we pulled up in the driveway, my face fell. my sister was home.
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Sorry for not updateing in a while, I've been doing school work and I am working on a new story of mine, it's called Bat country.

Please comment.