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There were few things that she remembered about her parents, but one of them was their glowing smiles. The smiles that could light up any room, any diner party, any function they ever attended. With them in the room the atmosphere brightened and tension between guests diminished. She was too young, at the time, to realize it had to do with their status in society, the amount of money in their bank accounts.

But now, at the pivotal age of eighteen, she understood. Her parents, gone, left with a fortune and more issues than she knew what to do with, she understood. She didn't have friends, she had small, stone statues of people only following her around for her money's sake. She didn't have support, she had faked sympathy with undertones of jealousy from her peers. They were just as power hungry as their parents were.

She understood all of that, but that didn't mean she had to grasp it.

Why was she different? What was it that made her not want any of this and to only have her parents back? The two people she cherished most. Now that part, she didn't think she'd ever understand.

She was alone in a world that was meant for someone older, someone with background in this. Her parents never taught her things on how to handle money, she didn't even know they had a will. She needed the one thing she was lacking, understanding and support.

But, in the world that her parents had built up around her, she had neither. The adults around her vanished the instant her parents were reported dead, a car crash having taken its toll on another family, her family. Her friends there for appearance sake in front of the media couldn't have supported her more than a leaf could support a falling mountain. Useless.

She didn't know what to do. She was overwhelmed. And being overwhelmed for her, was like the end of the world. She always knew what to do, she always understood her situation, and she could always handle everything. That was one of her best qualities.

She was almost frantic with her thoughts, always going in an never ending circle. Why did they have to die? She didn't understand. There it was again, that word that she was coming to despise. Understand. The world was based off knowledge and concepts, what you didn't know could harm you.

And obviously, she was learning that the hard way.