Status: updating when I can XD

Diamonds Pale Like Vampire Skin

.Chapter 1.

I closed the door as silently as possible. I might have managed to escape unscathed from my mother's satanic boyfriend, Jerry. I walked through slushy January snow, trying to get away from my twisted house as fast as possible. As I stepped off our crummy lot, I looked back only to see Jerry's devil like face sticking out of the window. He stared psychotically at me as I walked away from him. I winced at the thought of what would be waiting for me when I got home.

For now though, I traipsed through the gray melting snow, wishing that I could fall off the earth and drift in the serenity of space. As I daydreamed of floating, I walked down the endless blocks until the school came into sight. I, somehow, managed to run through slush into the school, grab my books, and get to class on time in the small space of five minutes.

I took my seat and began doodling in my notebook as usual. I barely noticed Capricorn and her 'crew' walk in, barely.

" Hey Alex", she snarled in her overly done sarcastic voice. She waited a few more moments, " Don't you know it's rude to ignore people? It's really low class."

I groaned in my head.

Just leave me alone, please

Finally, Capricorn walked away muttering something about bitchy mutes.

The bell rang, and Mr.Chudley, our teacher, stood up.

" Good morning class", he spat enunciating every syllable, giving every unfortunate student that was in front of him a spit shower.

"Today", he began spitting a large amount of saliva on Oliver Wayes, " We shall learn about Nazi Germany! And how Hitler's reign of Ter-

There was a loud knock at the door. Mr.Chudley waddled over and awkwardly opened it. A boy walked in. He had a mop of unruly straight white-blonde hair and the best posture I had ever seen. His eyes were a pale blue and you could see the hint of muscles peeking out of his shirt. Douche bag.

" Hot, he's mine", Capricorn declared from the back of the class in her nasal whisper.

" You must be Zeke Conners.", Mr.Chudley rendered looking down at some papers on his desk. The boy just nodded. Mr. Chudley turned to the class.

" Class, this is Zeke Conners. He is an exchange student from a boarding school up north. He will be here only for the rest of term, I believe." Mr.Chudley addressed.

He'd only be with us for the rest of the quarter.

" Take any seat you'd like", Mr.Chudley snorted. That kid must be covered in spit by now.

Zeke's eyes skimmed the room and landed.. on me. Maybe it was Capricorn who was sitting behind me. I hoped it was Capricorn. I don't like it when people try to talk to me. Zeke walked down the aisle and, sure enough, plopped down next to me.

Mr.Chudley began his spitting routine again, and I pretended to be riveted by his saliva coated words.

" Hey", Zeke said turning to me.

Oh god, leave me alone I pleaded with my mind. Zeke's eyes flashed and, for a split second, seemed paler.

" Don't talk much eh?" He asked.

" Don't bother with her, she never talks to anybody. Can't speak human, like a dog.", Capricorn jeered. I shook my head returned to my doodles.

" I can tell that, I'm just trying to figure out why the girl behind me is a low class dog", Zeke replied smoothly.

Capricorn tensed, and her arms went rigid. She was used to fawning, not rejection. For once, she was speechless. The whole class seemed to have shut up.


Just then, Mr.Chudley hit me square in the face with a spit ball. As I wiped off the disgusting substance, the bells rang. I ran out of there as fast as I could, speeding down the hallways so Zeke wouldn't be able to talk to me. As I stopped at my locker to grab more books, Zeke materialized in front of me. It was inhuman, he couldn't have caught up with me, not that fast.

" Hey I didn't catch your name", he said almost desperately.

I grunted in response so he decided it best to grab one of my textbooks and flip open the cover to find my name.

" Alex Finn?", He asked almost laughing. I grabbed my book and marched down the hallways defiantly.

When would he give up?


So far I've managed to have every class except math with Zeke. Right now it was lunch, and there were only two periods left to go after this one. I was pleased that Zeke wasn't in my sight for once. As I sat down at my empty table, Zeke plopped down across from me.

" Hey", he greeted me. My stomach grumbled at the sight of his large plate of food. I had forgotten to bring lunch in my haste to get away from the dreaded Jerry. Almost immediately, Zeke also noticed the emptiness that was my lunch.

He pushed his heaping tray towards me, " have some of mine."

I shook my head and pushed it back to him.

" Come on", he said like a mom would say to a grumpy toddler.


Zeke picked up a piece of steamy pizza and tried to put it in my mouth.

" You know you want it ", he teased. The sad thing was I did. My stomach rumbled in response to him. I grabbed the pizza from him and took a bite. Maybe it'd shut him up and at least my stomach would be full.

" That a girl!" Zeke congratulated, I rolled my eyes at him. He helped himself to a piece of pizza. Capricorn walked over to our table swinging her slutty hips.

" Hey", she began in her seductive voice," How about you sit with me and I'll hold up my part of the conversation."

" No thanks, I think your small mind might have trouble with my big words, besides I'm having a great time with this lovely creature already.", Zeke nodded curtly beaming at Capricorn, who groaned and went off. I giggled and immediately regretted it. Zeke wouldn't stop talking now.


It was the end of the day, and I was halfway to my dreaded home. I trudged through the warmish gray slush and pushed away the thoughts of what Jerry had coming for me. Sometimes it physical, mental, sexual. You could never tell with Jerry. God only knows what my future holds. Last time Jerry got mad, yesterday, it was bad. There were bruises in unseen places that I was responsible for covering up. As I was wincing at the memory, a sleek navy cay pulled up, and who else but Zeke was in it?

" Get in", He said coolly.

I weighed my options go home to Jerry walking through the slush or get a ride home. I slipped into the car and immediately felt exhausted.

" Want a coffee?" Zeke asked. I nodded, not really thinking, and then realized I had no money.

" It's okay I got you.", Zeke smiled flashing a wallet.

How did he know?
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