Status: updating when I can XD

Diamonds Pale Like Vampire Skin

.Chapter 10.

Thursday was just like Wednesday, but today I was back in school now that I could cover up the eye with some concealer. The bell letting us leave would ring soon. As the butterflies danced in my stomach, there were only ten seconds left

9.. 8.. 7..

In only five more seconds, I could leave and go take the test. It was in my backpack right now. I was going to go to Zeke's so Jerry wouldn't be there, and Zeke would.

3.. 2.. 1..

The bell rang in it's shrill voice, releasing a mob of hormone drenched teenagers horny for the weekend. When I pushed my way through the mob and got to my locker, Zeke was waiting there for me. He leaned casually against the wall with his hands shoved thoughtfully in his pockets.

I mumbled a " Hey " and hastily opened my lock. I threw open my locker door and threw my books in it. I decided to skip out on my homework tonight and slyly slid the test from my backpack to my pocket.

As I shut the door, Capricorn passed.

"Oh looks like the dog-mute has a boyfriend.", She jeered with an evil cat-like smirk planted on her face.

"Just go away Capricorn, No one likes a small-minded bitch.", Zeke muttered in my defense. Capricorn ignored him, and her interest had obviously changed to something else. Before I could stop her greedy little manicured hands, she swiped the test out of my pocket. Her eyes went wide with a child-like glee, and her grin grew bigger than the cat's in Alice in Wonderland.

"What's this? Has someone been doing the nasty. Really Alex? I mean he's only been here for eight days! Slut.", Capricorn said loudly so everyone in the hall could hear.

I blushed the deep colored cherry and snatched the test back from her. I ran out of the building trying to cover my face. Zeke quickly caught up to me with his stupid vampire speed.

" I'm sorry Alex. I should have stopped her, but I didn't know what she was reaching for.", Zeke rambled a nervous apology.


" Are you scared?" he asked suddenly mellow.


"It's okay you know. I'll make sure it is." Zeke promised.


After a couple minutes, we were at his house. Sunlight poured in illuminating the white living room. For whatever reason, it was making me feel sick. I rushed through the living room and started breathing deeply as I entered the bathroom. I washed my face with cold water to try to calm myself down. It didn't work.

When I had finished doing the "thing", I waited forever. Time had never moved this slow before, the ticking of seconds had hours and fear between each beat. I could hear Zeke pacing outside, he really was a good friend. My heart pounded in my ear, and my throat had a boulder-sized lump caught in it. I looked at the test.

Still no answer.

Come on..

I prayed for it to show me the answer. Finally the result came.



I ran out the door and through the sunlight drenched house until I jumped on top of Zeke in a full on hug.

" Not pregnant?" He asked laughing slightly.

I didn't need to tell him the answer.
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Thanks so much for reading. I hoped you liked it. Comment and subscribe? Pretty please with a cherry on top?