Status: updating when I can XD

Diamonds Pale Like Vampire Skin

.Chapter 3.

I slid into first period with the magnificent spitting Mr.Chudley. Capricorn was already there snarling insults to everyone that passed, but so was my friend. The thought of having a friend grew on my when I was sitting under the bed all alone. It made being trapped there much more bearable.

" Hi Alex ", Zeke smiled at me. I smiled back.


Why did I just respond to him with my mind? I was weird. I pulled my jacket around me more so no one could see the nasty bruise Jerry touched up in the car, it was beginning to look particularly nasty. Though, of course, halfway through the period it slipped. I struggled to pull it up before someone saw, but Zeke's pale eyes popped out of his head notifying me that he saw it.

" What happened to your arm?" Zeke whispered. I shook my head.


Why did I keep responding in my head? I must have been senile.

" Fine I'll bug you about it at lunch", Zeke warned.

Better than now

I jeered in my mind even though he couldn't hear me. Well maybe he could 'read' my expression like he always does. I don't know how he did it, little weirdo.


Now that it was the dreaded lunchtime, Zeke came and sat down by me. I groaned.

" Are you okay? What happened yesterday?", Zeke interrogated. I rolled my eyes.

Nothing, absolutely nothing.

Zeke pulled down my jacket and inspected the bruise. He placed three cool fingers on it and sighed.

" Are you okay? " Zeke asked not pushing further. I nodded my head.


" Hey look! It's the nerd herd!" Capricorn malicious voice said in a hillbilly accent. At least Zeke couldn't ask anything else for now.

" Hey Capricorn, how about you put on some more concealer your nose job is showing", Zeke retorted. Capricorn covered her face and stomped off.

Zeke turned his attention back to me.


" I was worried when that guy came your dad or what-

Not my dad!

" What happened?", Zeke asked once more with his eyes piercing into me. My mind fluttered to yesterday and all the horrible days before. Zeke's eyes flashed pale.

" Does- does he hurt you?" Zeke stuttered. I shook my head no even though my mind screamed yes.

Zeke stopped talking. Maybe he finally gave up, he had too much determination. My eyes looked around the room to distract me from the awkward silence and landed on Zeke's diamond lip piercing.

" You like it?" He asked suddenly. My brow furrowed.


" My piercing."

I shrugged.
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Thanks for reading. I hope you like it sorry if you don't. Comment?