Status: updating when I can XD

Diamonds Pale Like Vampire Skin

.Chapter 9.

The next day, I had to stay home from school because of the black eye Jerry gave me. I made sure my door was locked and put on some clothes. It was still early out, Jerry probably wouldn't be up for an hour or two. I opened my window and stepped out into the morning light. The air was fresh and cold. As I took a step onto my roof, the winter air stung my cheeks.

I walked across the roof to an old tree and climbed down from there. When I reached the bottom, I was shivering. I only had a large, gray sweatshirt on with jeans. I rubbed my arms and began walking. My wet hair was beginning to freeze in the cold.

By the time I got to where I was going, I was completely frozen, and the warm drugstore screamed relief. I was there for a pregnancy test, I knew it was too soon to tell, but I'd feel good just knowing that I had it so that in two days from now I would know.

I took my time finding the aisle and the actual test. I shuffled through the store looking everything over. I was nervous knowing that Jerry's devil spawn could be inside me. I grabbed a test with some happy pregnant lady on it and slowly walked to the cash register.

The clerk was a middle age man probably in his late 30's or early 40's. He shook his head slightly muttering ' kids these days' under his breath. I stood there fidgeting until I was checked out and could leave. The balding clerk gave me a disapproving look as I left the store. I kept my gaze on my feet as I walked into the half-rain-half-snow downpour. As I walked home, I held back tears. I hated crying it just sucked, that was why I tried not to do it.

I went straight home because I knew Zeke wouldn't be home from school yet. When I got home, I was surprised to see him lying on my bed. I threw the plastic bag in and jumped through the window.

"Hey I hope you don't mind, I kinda let myself in when I saw that you weren't here. I wanted to see how you were doing." Zeke said staring at the ceiling. I wondered what he was thinking about.

I don't mind, it's good to see you.

I smiled, and Zeke smiled back flashing me shiny white teeth.

"What's in the bag?", he asked sitting up on the bed.

The test.

"Oh", Zeke sighed. I looked at his face. His pale blue eyes had a glazed over appearance, and his cheeks were flushed and rosy.

you're cheeks are red.

" Yeah" Zeke said staring straight ahead.

Why? I thought vampires were supposed to be super pale though.

"Yeah it means I just fed", Zeke grimaced.

Please tell me it was Jerry.

" Sorry it wasn't, wouldn't affect him though. I don't kill when I drink.", Zeke answered.

"You're not scared of me, are you? " he asked laughing slightly.

No, you said you don't kill so there's nothing to be afraid of.

" I'm not sure if a vampire got carried away... ", Zeke trailed off.

I'm gonna miss you

My mind blurted out of nowhere.

" I'll miss you too. I wish I could stay, but I'm not allowed to.",

It's okay, it's just that you're like my only friend and I'm gonna miss you.

"It's okay, I won't forget you. You're like my only friend too. " Zeke grinned dimly, like a sad sort of happy.


" Well I guess I have about three. There's my roommates Zack and Rian I kinda have to be friends with them. And then there's Tina."

I succumbed to a pang of jealousy as the name Tina rolled off his tongue.

" Tina's really annoying though, she's Zack's little tag-along sister ", Zeke paused, and I felt better," So you're really my only real friend."

It felt good knowing that Zeke and I had some kind of connection, even if it was being loners.
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Hey guys just wanted to update because I won't be able to for a couple of days. Thank you so much for reading. If there's anything you don't like please let me know so I can fix it. Update in a couple of days. I hoped you like the story so far. Comment and subscribe?