Three Creatures and One Human. What Could Go Wrong?

So many questions

"Bye Misty, I'll see you tomorrow" I heard Danielle call to me as I left work. I walked down the dark streets of New York. As I walked to the train station I had noticed I left my wallet at home. I searched through my pockets for loose change but was broke. I left the station and paced up and down the block. How was I going to get home? I was in high heels and home was a good mile and a half away. I finally got a thought. I'll go back to the office and maybe someone could give me a ride when they leave. I started walking the two blocks back to the office.

I passed a dark alley and heard a faint scream. I was extremely curious and walked down the alley. I saw a young girl lying on the floor. I proceeded with caution. "Are you okay?" I called and I got no response. I got closer and stepped into a puddle. I figured it was water, considering it had just finished raining. The girl was just lying there, motionless. I walked closer and realized that the puddle was coming from her. I ran to her and saw that she was dead. The puddle wasn't water, it was the blood draining from her body. I tried to call for help but I was so in shock, nothing came out.

I was just staring at her. Suddenly I was pushed to the ground, and after that, it went black. I awoke with a huge headache. I awoke in a room I had never seen before. It had red courtains, an elegant looking dresser with a closet to match and a queen sized bed that I was laying in. "I must have hit my head hard" I said to myself. I closed my eyes and stuck to the conclusion that I was hallucinating. I opened my eyes again and I was still in the same room.

I saw the doorknob on the door turn and three boys walked in. "Where am I?! What am I doing here?! Who are you guys?!" I started panicking because I realized this was no hallucination. It was real. I tried getting up but my head started throbbing. I sat back down. "Calm down. We're not going to bite" The one with snow white hair said. His hair was white and his eyes were crystal blue. "Speak for yourself" I heard the other one say with a chuckle. This one had jet black hair and red eyes. "Drake, stop scaring the poor thing" the last one said. I couldn't really make out what this one looked like. He had a hat and a coat on.

"Can I please get some answers?!" I pleaded and the first one with the white hair nodded. "Well, first things first. My name is Dimitri, the one with the hat is Nate, and the one with the bad sense of humor is Drake" he said and I tried focussing but Drake kept on giving me the scariest look. "Good to know, but that wasn't one of my questions!" I said and he nodded. "Ok, I'm going to try to explain this to you calmly. You have to promise not to freak out" he said and I shook my head. "I can't promise anything" I said and he sighed.

"Dimitri! Stop beating around the bush and tell her already!" Drake yelled. "Ok, I'm just going to say it then. You're not in your world, and we're not human. I'm a demon, Nate's a neko and Drake's a vampire" he said and I started laughing. "Yeah, and I'm a pixie!" I said jokingly and they all rolled their eyes. "You want proof? 'Cuz I'll show you I'm a vampire" Drake said and I was suddenly scared. "Drake, stop!" Nate said. "I'll show you" Nate said as he took couldn't believe my eyes. I suddenly backed up a little bit. "This can't be real. Neko's, Vampires, and Demons are all mythical creatures" I said and Drake chuckled. "Keep holding on to that dream" he muttered to himself and I was just shocked. "Drake! Stop! You're freaking her out even more!" Dimitri told him and he chuckled. "Ok, I'm going to go along with this for a minute. If this was all real, why am I here then? Why didn't you just kill me like you killed that other girl?" I asked.

They looked at eachother and shrugged. "I wasn't that hungry" Drake said and Nate glared at him. "That's it! Out!" he said and Drake laughed. "Ok Ok, I'm sorry. It's just a little funny" he told them and I shook my head. "You shouldn't be making jokes! It's your fault she's here in the first place! You couldn't just settle for one girl, you just HAD to take a bite out of her too!" Dimitri yelled and I looked at them shocked. Then I placed my hand on my neck and felt two little holes parallel from eachother.

"It's your fault we have this problem!" Dimitri yelled and Drake glared at him. "You want to fix the problem?! FINE! I'll solve the problem myself!" Drake yelled as he walked toward me and grabbed me. "Don't move and it won't hurt" he said before he showed me his fangs.
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First chapter is up. Yes, I know this is like one of those who will fall for you quizzes on quizzilla but I thought it would be a fantastic idea for a story. Hope you enjoyed it =]