Three Creatures and One Human. What Could Go Wrong?

Human Questions

I woke up and I was back in my room. I saw all the guys there. Dimitri was by the bookshelf reading something, Nate was pacing and Drake was just staring out the window. "She's awake" Dimitri said as he closed his book and sat on the bed. "How you feeling?" Nate asked and I shrugged. "I've been better" I said and they smiled. "You hungry? I made breakfast" Nate said and I smiled and nodded. He went to get the food and left me with Dimitri and Drake. "Dimitri, could I talk to Drake alone for a minute?" I asked. He looked at Drake and back at me. He nodded and left the room. There was an ackward silence.

Then Drake walked towards me and sat on the bed. "What you wanna know?" he asked. "What happened last night? You were completely fine and then you were completely different. I know you would never hurt me on purpose. I just want to know what happened" I said and he sighed. "That's what the full moon does to me. I become this out of control killer. I can't control anything. I barely remember what happened last night. All I know is I bit you" he said and I smiled as I grabbed his hand. "Don't beat yourself up for it. It's not your fault. I really should have listened when Dimitri told me to stay in my room" he smiled.

Then Nate walked in with a plate full of food. "What are you guys doing?" he asked as Drake and I let go of eachothers hands. "Nothing. Just, talking" I said as Nate shrugged and brought me the food. "You have to eat all of it. You need your strentgh back" he said and I nodded. I started eating and was immediatly full. Nate made me eat at least one more piece of toast before he let me be. "Ummm..I'm sort of new to the whole 'vampire' thing, so I have to ask. Am I going to turn into a vampire?" they looked at eachother and chuckled.

"You actually believe in that whole rumor that every vampire bite causes you to turn into one?" Drake asked and I shrugged. "How am I suppose to know?" I asked. "Well no. I bit you to feed on you. Not to turn you. Trust me, the venom would have made the pain so much more excrutiating." Drake explained and I shivered at the thought. They all stood in the room for the rest of the day and then they all let me get some rest

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FF MIDDLE OF NIGHT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Misty! Misty!" I was instantly awake at the sound of my name. "What? What happened?" I asked panicked. "We were just about to ask you the same question. You were screaming. You have a nightmare or something?" Dimitri asked me and I shook my head. "I don't think so" I explained and they all shrugged. "Well, try to get some sleep" Nate said as they all left. I laid down and it took me a while to get to sleep but I eventually did.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FF TO MORNING~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up and walked to the bathroom. I looked like a mess. I took a shower and brushed my hair and teeth. I got dressed and walked downstairs. I walked into the the kitchen to the smell and sound of bacon sizzling on the stove. "Morning screamy" Drake said with a chuckle and Dimitri hit him in the head with a spoon. "OW!" he yelled and they were instantly arguing. "Morning Mist" Nate said from the stove and I smiled as I sat down. "I guess that wasn't that bad for your first two days" Drake said and I shrugged. "I just need to get use to some things" I explained and they nodded. I looked out the window then at Drake.

"Ummmm...can I ask you another 'human' question" I asked him and he nodded as he sipped from his cup. "Sure. Ask" he said. "How are you up during the day" I asked and I heard all three of them chuckle. "Another rumor. We don't burn in the sun. Our powers just grow weak" he explained and I raised my eyebrows. "Powers?"
"Yeah. We have powers. Some of us can shapeshift, cause illusions, mind control, make you surrender your free will. things like that"
"And what's your power?"
"You see, that's how we're smart. Well, some of us. We shouldn't tell anyone what power we have because enemies could find a way to work around it and send us back to hell" he explained and I looked confused.

I looked at Nate and Dimitri. "Do you two know what power he has?" I asked and they shook their heads. "Nope. No clue" they said and I shrugged. "Oh well. I'm sure to firgure it out eventually" I smiled at him and he laughed. "Yeah right" he said and I smiled. "I'm more clever than what you give me clever for." I said and he rolled his eyes. I ate some of my breakfast and walked outside. I felt someone walk up behind me. "You'll love it here" I heard Dimitri's voice.

"What other creatures live here?" I asked and he shrugged. "All sorts. Elves, shapeshifters, mermaids, witches, warlocks, warewolves, Nymphs, dragons. Pretty much any 'mythical' creature you can think of. But you have to be careful with some of them" he warned. He paused before he continued. "Mermaids. Stay clear away from water, for if they find anything of yours that they want, they drown you and take it. Witches, well they're self explanatory. Some of them are good but you have to be careful. Vampires, you're human Mist. Don't even trust Drake 100%. Demons, if we become weak we steal your soul. Don't worry, I haven't done that in centuries, but be careful. Neko's, they're is no threat there.

"You can trust Nate 100%. He won't do anything to you. He's about the only one here you can trust." He finished and my brain felt like jello. All this information was coming too quickly. I easily forgot half of it. He looked at my confused face and chuckled. "Don't worry. You're not going anywhere alone for a while so you don't need to memorize this." he said and I smiled. He walked back inside with me and we sat in the living room. We were talking for a while and all of this seemed unreal. This seemed more like a fantasy. I felt like this was a dream. That i would wake up and it would all be gone, but I didn't want it gone. It was so amazing. I WANTED to live here.
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