Three Creatures and One Human. What Could Go Wrong?

One Power at a Time

I walked back insid with Dimitri and sat on the couch in the living room. Drake walked in and we were talking. "We have a meeting with Noir council tomorrow at 12" he said. "What's that?" everything that came out of their mouths would instantly confuse me. "Alright, we live in the city of Noir. The council is sort of our government. They're the ones who are going to decide wether or not we get to send you back home." My face light up. Home. The word I had missed the most. As great as it sounds here, I would much rather be able to walk around my house at midnight whenever I want.

Drake chuckled at the excitement on my face. As he was explaining a couple of things to me I heard someone open the door. "Nate" I heard a girl about my age call out. "Charlie" Drake said as he got up and walked toward the voice. "Who's Charlie?" I got up due to curiosity and followed Drake. As I got to the room I saw Drake hug a young Neko girl around my age. Her fur was jet black and matched Nates. "Come on Mist" Dimitri called to me. I timidly walked towards them. "Hello, my name's Charlotte, but you can call me Charlie. I'm Nates little sister." she stuck her paw out and I shook it. "Nate was right. You are pretty, and your eyes are amazing." she said as she smiled at me. She closely examined my green eyes that were brought out by my pale white skin and natural black hair.

"Well you guys could go get acquainted. I have dinner to cook" Nate said as he walked to the kitchen. I'm starting to see Nate loves to cook. "You want to come with me to the square Mist?" Charlie asked. "Square?" I was starting to feel stupid with all the questions I was asking. "It's our version of a mall, I guess you could say." My eyes widened. A mall. Finally something familiar. "Of course" I said excited. "Alright, here's some money Mist. Go pick some clothes out that you would like considering we had gone shopping for you already." Dimitri said as he handed me some odd looking bills.

I left the house with Charlie and we started walking down a path. "I know a shortcut but you're going we're going to have to make it fast because it's in the woods. Who knows what creatures are hunting" Charlie said as she disapeared into the trees with m right behind her. We were walking and she stopped. "Shhhhh...come look at this." she gestured me to look through the branches towards a small meadow where I saw what I thought was a unicorn. And it was. It was completely beautiful. It was pure white and it's horn shined with the light of the sun. It was grazing on the bright green grass, when it suddenly cocked its head up. It looked around and disapeared into the woods. "The unicorn ran for a reason, we should get out of here" Charlie grabbed my arm and started running for a break in the trees. We made it out of the woods safe and alive.

We finally got to th square and it was more of a plaza than a mall, because it was all outside. I walked through the little shops fasinated by the different creatures I was encountering. Charlie and I both seemed to have so much in common. "So, what special powers do nekos have?" I asked and she smiled. "Well, we can run faster than vampire, our sense of smell, and hearing is a ridiculous improvement over yours. We can see just as good in the dark than in the day, and we're amazing companions" she said very proudly. She was so sweet and adorable, she had the personality of a kitten.

Charlie and I also had the exact same taste in clothes. Sort of a cross between a punk rock and scene look. Nevertheless, it was awesome to have a girl to talk to. I was looking through the stores when I saw this adorable vest, but it was on an abnormally tall rack. I leaped for it a couple times, but on the fifth time I gave up. As I walkd away I heard someone behind me. "Here you go beautiful" he said. I turned around to find someone with eyes greener than mine, chestnut brown hair, and the most amazing smile. "Thanks" I smiled. "So, I've never seen you around" he said and I shrugged. As we were talking Charlie interrupted with a hiss. "Back away" she pushed me back and he glared at her. He ran off.

"Did he touch you?" she asked and I shook my head. "That was a vampire Misty. I saw his fangs, you have to be a little more careful" she laughed. "Wow, I never thought a cat could be so intimidating" I said and she raised her eyebrows. "Come face to face with a mountain lion in the wilderness and then talk to me" I laughed. We got the rest of our bags and went back to the house.

"We're back!" Charlie yelled as she ran up stairs. I took off my coat and went to lay on the couch. I let out a grunt as I threw myself. "Have fun?" I heard Drake's voice behind me. I sat up and turned around. "Yeah, Charlie's so sweet" I said and he smiled. "Yeah, she's one in a million." he was lost in a daze. "No way. You have a thing for Charlie!" I said and his eyes widened. "What?'t say that out loud again" I laughed at him. "That's so cute." I giggled. He rolled his eyes. "Oh shush cuz' you have a thing for me" He randomly stated and I looked at him confused. "Conceited?" he shook his head. "Nope, mind reading powers. You've let way more than one thought of me slip into your mind. Even after the other night you've dozed off thinking about me" he said and I was shocked.

Yeah, it was true. Drake was unbelievably gorgeous. I didn't think he could read my mind though. "Mist, it's okay. I'm a vampire. It's one of my tactics for hunting. Everything about me draws you in by nature, so don't feel guilty. And no mind reading isn't my only power. I have many. You should try and figure them out." he chuckled. "But, that's why humans are such easy targets. The whole appearance vs. reality thing. Girls will trust anyone as good looking as me" he sat down next to me. "How are you so big headed but there is no brain in there?" I asked as I walked away. "That's not what you're thinking" he called out as I started walking up the stairs. Mental note, Drake can read minds.
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Alright,, I know my writing style has changed quite a bit considering it's been two years but bear wih me, I don't think it's that bad to be honest.
Comment/Message please. thank you :)