The Right Guy

Chapter 1

“Skylar, come on!” yelled my step-mom Jill. “We’re gonna be late!”

“Yeah,I’m coming!” I yelled back, annoyed. I put the finishing curl and spritz of hairspray in my hair and left the bathroom.

“Finally.” my brother Jake grumbled as I slid into the car.

“Shut up, dork.” I said, smiling. I’m 19 and my bro is 14. The age difference may be great, but he is my best friend. I just moved down to Northwest Arkansas from a small town in Minnesota to live with my dad and go to college. Talk about a culture shock! Anyway, we are on our way to church. I I’ve never really been religious but, what the hell, oops I mean heck. My dad and step-mom want this so I’ll give it to them.

“So are you excited about church, Chicken Legs?” asked my dad, Ryan, using my childhood nickname.

I smiled “Sure am Daddy. Ecstatic.” sarcasm dripped like venom from my tongue.

“Oh don’t be like that Sweetie. This church is different, you’ll see!” Jill said, looking at me through the rear view mirror. We pulled into the parking lot of a very modern looking church. I got out of the car and stared down the building. As I approached the door, an older man open the door to greet me.

“Good morning!” he said in a jovial manner.

“Morning.” I murmured, sliding past him and into the cool building. The summer air was sticky and I was glad to be in a cool place. I quickly found my new friend Cris, a 16 year old who lives down the street from me. His parents found my parents 3 years ago and told them to come with them to church. They’ve been coming ever since.

“Hey Cris.” I said, quickly giving him a hug. “What’s up?” I asked casually, looking around the building. Yum, doughnuts. I’ll have to stop by on my way in.

“Oh nothing.” replied Cris. “Just the same old yah know?” he said laughing.

“Oh I know boo.” I said, laughing. “Let’s go get a doughnut!” I grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him over there. Oh wow, jelly-filled, glazed, and chocolate. I do eeny-meeny-miney-mo and land on glazed. I bit into the warm doughnut and moaned at the sweet taste of it.

“Dang girl, hungry?” Cris asks me, laughing. He looked out the window and smiled. “Oh here comes someone you’ll love. Hey Tyson!” he called over peoples heads.

I turned to see the guy Cris was calling for and stopped in mid-bite. Tyson was the most gorgeous being I have ever seen. Curly brown hair with blue eyes and the trimmest body ever. I wonder what kind of workout he does?

“Hey Cris! What’s up man?” he said, knuckle touching Cris then hugging him. Aww.

“Nothing man, Hey I want you to meet someone.” he turned to me. “Skylar, this is Tyson, but likes to be called Ty. Ty, this is my newest friend Skylar.” He finished the introductions and left us alone with a wink thrown at me. My face burned…this was a freakin' setup! Shit…I mean shoot.

“Hi there Skylar.” Ty said shaking my hand, smiling the most brilliant smile at me.

I swallowed my doughnut. “You can call me Sky. It’s nice to meet you Ty.” I smiled back at him. I glanced over his shoulder and saw Cris talking to my dad and Jill, then pointing over at me. Jill looked at me and winked and made my face even redder, if that was possible.
“So Sky, how old are you?” he asked looking up and down my body. Strange, guys never do that to me.

“Oh, um, I’m 19. I’m attending NWACC this fall. How about yourself?” I asked, treating him the same and looking him up and down. Very discreetly of course.

“I’m 21. I’m gonna be going into my senior year at the U of A this fall.” he replied looking through the door. “Do you want to sit with me? Cris and I usually sit with a couple other people up front.”

“Sure.” I replied quickly. We entered the main area and I immediately heard the singing group singing a modern Christian song. There was a beat boxer, a bass, and every other one. This was amazing! I’ve never heard anything like it before. We got to our seats in which Cris was already sitting.

“So have you guys become acquainted?” he asked looking pointedly and me but talking to us both at the same time.

“Sure have Cris. Thanks for that.” the last I muttered so only he could hear me. He laughed quietly as the service started. Throughout the whole service, Ty and I kept exchanging smiles. I have a good feeling about this guy. I think there may be something there. But in reality, who knows?
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Thanks a lot guys! :)