Status: Welcome to the world where the unexplainable, and the unbelievable meet. Comment, please!

Russian Roulette

You Won!

I practically ran to the phone for the tenth time a week later. We had yet to hear anything from them, so we were both hopeful to hear any word. The ad never showed on television again.

"Hello?" I asked, trying not to sound out of breath.

" this Jill ----?"

"Y-yes..." Was that...The Rev!?

"Well, This is The Rev calling to say-"



"No...?" My heart quivered as if it were about to shatter.

"No...I was calling to ask if your refrigerator was running..." He sounded weirded out.

"...I'm not sure. If you're wondering, yes it's filled with beer..." It got quiet for a minute.

".....Hey guys! Party at Jill's house!" I heard him call away from the phone.

Shit...what did I just agree to? "Jill who!?"

" of the contest winn-Shit, I just gave it away." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"...I won...?!" I asked sort of lowly.

"You won," He whispered, chuckling.

"I won...!!!!" I screamed happily, quickly covering my mouth. "Sorry..." I whispered into the phone, giggling.

"It's okay...I have two ears! Don't deafen this one." He laughed, "But you've won! Grab a pen and paper and I'll give you the details." I was quick to do just that, letting him know that I was ready.

"Well, I'm on a plane right now, heading over to the Manchester Air Port..." he chuckled.


"Yup. And we're coming to your house and grabbing all your beer-"

"Can you hold on a second?" Well, I did promise. As soon as he agreed, I called Ash through three-way.

"Hello?" she answered, sighing. Probably because she read the caller ID and saw that it was me.

"Hey. Jimmy's on the line with me, and he's on a plane and they're going to Manchvegas and I'm getting my shoes on to go meet them at the air port and I want to know if you want to go to and they’re coming to steal my beer too," I said in one breath.

"...And I just heard all that!" Jimmy said rather proudly.

She was silent. Dead silent. Finally, "...Nu-uh."

"Yes huh! Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy....?" I asked, not giving him time to answer. "Will you please pretty please call my cell phone because I am a nut and I don’t want to hang up but I can't take the house phone in my truck...?"
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