Status: Hiatus

I Never Should Have Let You Go


Nick Jonas Goes On Swearing Spree!

His on-and-off again girlfriend Cianna Fox's 18th birthday was the first incident that proved that Nick Jonas isn't as innocent as the Mouse wants us to believe. The FroBro was busted swearing and carrying on the phone when he was at JFK airport yesterday! Good to know that the hottest brother is breaking out into the big bad world!

x Perez

The look on Dad's face was thunderous as he shut down the laptop. Even though I didn't want to be scared, I will gladly admit that I was petrified.

"You've been fooling around with that slut again haven't you?" he spat. I bit my tongue to prevent me from saying anything nasty back.

"She's not a slut, Dad! Why can't you just understand the fact that I'm in love with her! I really don't want to argue about this!"

He quickly rose from the chair behind his thick desk. "I'm not arguing about this either Nicholas, but your behaviour is becoming ridiculous. You're no longer the son I feel proud of. Cianna is a bad influence on you and I recall telling her to stay away from our family."

"So because of some stupid rumour that Cianna is some drunken whore, you're trying to forbid me from seeing her?"

My palms were red raw from how hard my nails were pressed into the skin. My father had now taken a stand by the window which looked out onto the backyard. Frankie was mucking about with his mate James. I hoped neither of them would ever have to face any of this type of conflict with their dads.

His voice was softening and so was I. Dad had the ability to work out a disagreement, and that was something I admired him for. He just didn't seem to be able to except the fact that Cianna hadn't done anything wrong.

"She's not good for you, Nick. You hardly spend anytime with your mother and I, or your brothers. It's all about Cianna."

Despite the reaccured urging desire to completely crack and lunge 500 miles an hour, I remained as calm as I could.

"Is this all about you, dad? Because I can spend more time with you and mum if that's the problem. I've been caught up in my own issues, I know. But that's still no excuse for you--"

His firm hands rested on my shoulders. "I just want the son back who loves music and who doesn't neglect his family. I want my Nick back."

"I understand that, but I don't think I've changed that much. I mean, sure, physically I have, but my personality isn't any different. I still love my family with all my heart."

Yuck, I was turning in a corny sap. I quite enjoyed being this way with Cianna, but when it came to relatives...eurgh.

Dad was quiet for quite a while, and I began to silently whistle to myself. I tended to do pretty awesome things when I was bored.

"Well how about you bring Cianna along to your cousin Josie's baby's christening on the 18th? That way you can spend time with both your family and your girlfriend."

His suggestion left me stunned. It had come out nowhere with no warning. Dad had gone from angry bull to a dainty butterfly in a millisecond. (There I go again with the cheesiness!)

"O-okay. That sounds good."

As we shared a paternal hug, things were partially fixed between father and son. But what I really wanted was for him to accept Cianna. It was all I wished for. But most of the the things I hope for don't become reality, and I knew this was one.


The following week passed slower than it possibly could. I threw myself into other things, and not sulk about because that was a waste of my precious time.

That jackass never called me again although I did try to reach him. If he released those half-naked photos of Cianna I was personally going to murder him.

I did, however, speak to Sarah, and after a long and draining chat, she agreed that we weren't supposed to be together. After all the times I doubted her, she proved herself as a good person when she let me go.

I missed Cianna horribly. I was a soppy pile of mush, and my mum insisted she spotted me crying in my bedroom one night, but I honestly had a bug in my eye.

I even missed my annoying brother Joe. There were a gazillion aftershocks in Haiti, and everytime I heard of one, I panicked even more. Cianna hadn't tweeted at all and she would always update her fans on her life via Twitter.

On Friday 12th February 2010, Cianna's plane landed at 3AM at LAX. I took Frankie with me to go and greet them because he wouldn't let me leave without him.

A whole bunch of people passed me, but all I could do was worry a little more as another body passed.

It was 3:28 before I spotted Demi. She was walking ahead of the group. Frankie dashed forward, colliding with his second favourite Lovato. There was Joe, Selena, and Tyler. Hang on! Tyler carrying Cianna in his arms?!

"What the hell happened to her?" I panicked, reaching to stroke my girl's forehead as she buried her head into a plane throw-up bag.

"She's got strep-throat! Don't touch her!" Selena warned. It was already too late; I was pushing Cianna's sweaty hair from her face.

She was tightly swaddled in a itchy looking blanket that covered her from her feet all the way up to her neck. Her skin was pale and when I touched her I realised she was sporting a deathly fever.

"I'm here, baby. It's okay." I soothed, my heart contracting as she let out a weak groan and threw up again.

Tyler passed her into my arms after a small struggle. After all, she was MY girlfriend so I should have the right to hold her close when she was sick. I felt eerily suspicious of him.

As we hurried through the airport, the blanket slipped from around Cianna's body. What I saw shocked me. She was covered in red hives and a evil rash was spreading up her legs. A pair of my boxer shorts and a singlet covered her fragile being.

"Damn it!" I snapped, glaring at Joe. "Can't you see she's ill? Why didn't you morons come home early? Fucking hell!"

"Nick." Cianna's voice was so raspy that I could barely hear her. "Don't fight. Please."


"We need to get you to a doctor!" I snapped, as Cianna lay shivering in her bed. Sweat was pooling on the pillow beneath her head. And she was still vomiting.

"Nick, I'm already on antibi-antibioti-" She never finished her question for she emptied the content of her stomach again.

I was worried sick (how ironic, ha). Cianna's hair was oily and dirty-looking, but when I looked past that, she was still as beautiful as ever.

I just wanted and needed her to get better. It was so important that we sorted the shit out between my dad and I once and for all. We couldn't do that with Cianna like this.


That night I was woken by Cianna's pained screams. Although she was still asleep, her voice was so loud it seemed as if Cianna were fully alert.

"Baby, baby, I'm here. Shh, it's okay." I soothed, pulling her against me as she snapped into conciousness.

Her breathing was the heaviest I had ever heard. I was constantly concerned. I'd a whole big speech planned out to explain to Cianna that I'd talked to Michael but I didn't want to tell it to her in case I stressed her out. It wouldn't reflect too well on me if she found out I'd had a fight with him through the media.

"She-she was right there, and I felt t-the punch and everything. She told m-me I shouldn't be with y-you." Cianna gasped, swallowing between every word.

"Who? What are you talking about?" I panicked, tucking a strand of brown hair behind her ear. She was still burning what felt to be a 100 degree fever.

"Last y-year after the London concert. I-I was signing autographs, and she just punched me in the face."

It all came flooding back. That evil bitch with the brown eyes. She just jumped the barrier and smacked Cianna in the mouth. The last thing I remembered about it was Big Rob dragged the attacker away. I was so involved in my problems with the tour that in a time where Cianna could've used me, I wasn't there.

"Babe, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I muttered, burying my face in her hair. "For all the shit we've gone through."

"It-it's fine." Cianna hicupped, frantically lying back down to avoid being sick again.

Not everything was fine, but we were getting there.


"Nick, I...I can't breathe." Cianna rasped desperately. My foot inched down on the accelerator even though it was already flat to the floor.

"It's okay, babe. We'll be there in a minute."

Her wheezing was getting progressively worse. "I can't breathe! I puffer,"

"What puffer!" I snapped in a panic. "You don't have a damn puffer!"

"My...asthma inhaler. I asked you to get it before we left." she sobbed. Cianna was scared, but if you think she was bad, I was pissing myself even though I'd already been to the bathroom.

I was neglecting her for the millionth time. The traffic on the freeway was incredibly heavy. I realised it would've been much faster to just call an ambulance. Cianna looked like she was dying, but she wasn't. This virus-whatever the hell it was- was taking over her body and if something wasn't done soon, there'd be permanent damage.

I refused to lose her in other way that I had already had.


"What's wrong with you?" I snapped, glaring from the waiting room chair.

"Shut up. You know perfectly well what's wrong. You either tell Cianna that Michael is threatening you two again, or I will. You've hurt her too many times, but no more."

"It's none of your business!"

"Think what you like, but just remember that she's gonna find out in the end."

♠ ♠ ♠
Nick often comes off as a complete egotistical asshole, but he clearly doesn't realise. This is pretty much a filler, but we learn that Mr Jonas has never looked past the rumours about Cianna, Nick has suspicions about Tyler and maybe, just maybe, the girl who hurt Cianna might cojme back,.. It also seems like Cianna doesn't know about Nick's conversation with Michael, but just wait until that certain someone gets more involved.

Did you see I quoted what Nick said in the most recent episode of Living The Dream where he talked about Miley? Tehe. XD