
Chapter One

I sat there, watching.
My father was sitting at the opposite end of the table, putting a gun together with just his mind.
He stared at it, with the most extreme look of concentration on his face.
I have the same gift as him.
We're both in constant danger, the government wants to use our kind to make us into 'ultimate weapons'. It's all bullshit to me.

I concentrated on the gun too, picking up certain objects and moving them away. My father stopped to glare at me, before a grin crawled onto his face.
"What do you think you're doing?" He asked me, though he wasn't talking loud, his deep, throaty voice boomed.
I giggled, shaking the gun part in front of his face.
"Just messing about"
He lurched forward, wrapping his arm around my neck, as he rubbed his fist on my head.
I squealed and tried to get away.
"No! Not a noogie!" I laughed as I tried to squirm away.
I could hear his laughter through his chest, I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.
He stopped to do the same.
"I love you, kid"
"I love you too, Dad"

I could hear the metallic clinking of the gun as my father tensed up, he was assembling quickly.
"What's wrong?" I whispered.
He suddenly pushed me towards the door.
"Go! I'll meet you at the car"
I nodded and ran for the front door.
I could see them now, hundreds of police officers were situated right outside the house.
I ran out, tensed up.
I pushed something out of me, more like an explosion, a force field if you wanted to give it a name.
The officers flew into the air, slamming into houses, cars and other officers.
"Dad!" I screamed as I hopped in the car.
He ran out of the house, two semi-automatics in his hands.
He swung his arms, using his powers to send the bullets to the right places, causing the police to fall to the ground dead.
I stared out of the car at them as we sped off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short and sweet.
This is the first story I've been able to write for months!
Comments? :)