Status: Completed.

The Bombing and the End of Surviving

Chapter 1

I had just crossed the border of town when I saw the scorches not just the trees, on everything, it was all black, pitch black. It's been twenty years since I was last on these streets in my crappy pick-up truck. And it wasn't a good last drive on these streets either.

I lost everything that last day, I don't know why it happened, but I wish it hadn't. I just barely escaped with my life and I have the burns to prove it. This town it was bombed and not by a country we were at war with, those were government jets that dropped the bombs that I saw the last day I was here.

I've been running for twenty years from the government, they wanted everyone killed in the bombing. I was the only one who survived I know this for a fact. They haven't caught me yet and they aren't going to.

Every street lamp was melting, and most of the bulbs were blown. I couldn't bear to see this town, but I just had to see the town one more time. I pulled up to the house me and my fiance used to live in. I missed her so much, I almost cried seeing our house, this was the only house that wasn't completely black, you could still see some of the paint.

I walked through what was left of the front door and just went in one step. I had to leave, but I was surrounded. They knew I would be here. They fired, and I jumped just high enough to dodge the bullets, and they ended up shooting each other.

I had to run, and run fast. I've avoided death to many times to die now. I couldn't take my truck. I let Echo out of the truck and we both ran, Echo is my dog, she has been trained to protect people. She can sense other humans that she's not familiar with.

She barked twice which meant there were two of them. I grabbed my knives and threw them in the directions Echo barked in. I heard the men grunt and thud to the ground.

Echo was the best company I had, I couldn't lose her too. I risked my life trying to save my fiance, but I failed her, I can't fail Echo too. She looked up to me, and she's my best friend.

She howled once. Which meant we were surrounded by ten of them. I ran up next to her, grabbed her collar and jumped into the nearest tree. Once I was up there I threw my last ten knives, which hit all of them. I jumped down with Echo still in my arms and grabbed my knives. We were finally were out of the city limits again, but we were fully surrounded, there was no chance of escaping.

It was time I just finally let my life go anyways. I stood there motionless until they shot me and Echo. I felt a sudden floating motion and saw my body on the ground suddenly I saw my fiance. I ran straight to her and hugged her. And then, Echo can running from nowhere. I finally had a family. I may have been dead, but I had a family and I still do. Echo, my fiance and me were all each other had and now we could spend eternity together.