As You Wish.


Sophia Darling's days as a young Princess had all blurred together by the time she'd turned seventeen.

When she was young, the maids would often find themselves running throughout the house trying to keep up with the young girl. She was so adventurous, always getting into trouble. Much like any five year old living in a palace with the entire world at her finger tips would.

However, her mother did not share the same idea that children will be children. Her daughter was a princess, and therefore, must act like one... Even if that meant growing up far too fast. And not in the promiscuous sense we're all familiar with, but instead in the sense that a seven year old girl not be aloud to run, or chat animatedly about her dolls with her maid.

With no fairytale bedtime stories of princesses like herself, Sophia was instead condemned to reading old novels with words no seven year old girl should have any bother knowing. With so much time on her hands, she was years ahead of any other girl her age. When one subject was mastered, she was assigned another, constantly being kept busy.

Because according to her mother, fairy-tales and toys and fun was not part of being a princess. Sophia would never have a Prince Charming ride up in the sunset on a beautiful white horse to whisk her away and make her his Queen. She would never have a wedding with a fairy godmother and singing animals. And she would never, never live a perfect fairytale life.

And even if all of that couldn't possibly happen anyway, she wasn't even allowed, as a seven year old princess, to pretend.

Instead, she was told from the very beginning, she would be given a husband, and by her country, must love him. A complete stranger, but one that would help her rule her country. It was her duty. She would have a simple wedding with all of the country watching as she was married off to a man she did not love truly. Because it was her duty. And she would live a life, always putting her country first, rather that really living. Because it was her duty.

Sophia Darling did not need to know of fairy tales, of Prince Charming, of true love. All Sophia Darling needed to know, was her duty.

But if she would just wish, many doors might open.