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Last Summer


I slumped back in the chair I was currently occupying. I was in school right now, the last day of my junior year. Summer was close and I was stuck in English class for ten more minutes. Listening to my teacher, Mr. Johnson, drone on and on about not to do drugs, or have sex, or to drink alcohol this summer was getting to be pretty boring. I mean come on; I hope he doesn’t expect all of us to follow that. I know I will, but half the jocks and preps in this class have already slept with each other before while partying at someone’s house while they were all drinking and doing drugs. Yeah, their summer isn’t going to be any different no matter what Mr. Johnson says to them.

I heard a thud come from my desk. I looked down to see an over sized yearbook had landed on my desk. The cover had shades of blue and gold, our school colors.

“Sign it,” one of my close friends, Kenny, whispered to me.

I smiled to myself while rolling my eyes. He handed me over a Sharpie and I signed my name along with a lengthy letter about how junior year was over and we were going to be seniors in a matter of minutes.

I handed the yearbook back to him along with the Sharpie. He read what I had put and smiled at me. I already knew he was counting down to when that bell would ring, signaling the start of the best year of high school. I glanced up at the clock; only 30 seconds left till 3:00.

I started thinking about what I was going to do this summer. I couldn’t wait to get to California. My parents had opted in renting a beach house for the summer. It was pretty secluded but the closest city was still only about fifteen or twenty miles away so we weren’t going to be completely away from the city life.

Mom said other people were going to be there also so I wasn’t going to be the only teenager there which I was very happy about. I love my family and all but a whole summer just around them; I think I might’ve gone crazy.

Mr. Johnson was still going on with his little speech when the loud bell signaling the start of summer vacation droned him out. He gave up seeing everyone was rushing out the door and too their cars which were probably going to be at the so called ‘biggest party of the year’. Like I cared at all. It’s so predictable what was going to happen. Almost everyone would get drunk and so many STDs were probably going to be passed around tonight it made me sick. It was all the same, I had learned not to long ago, from going to a couple myself. They were all the same and I realized high school parties aren’t all that their cracked up to be. In my opinion anyway.

I’m just glad in a mere twenty-four hours I would be on a plane that’s destination was sunny California.

I just knew this was going to be a summer I would never forget.
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It would mean alot to me :)