Status: Not Updating Until I Get Comments

Last Summer


We were all piled into my dads BMW, headed to the airport that would take us to sunny California.

Once arriving, we rushed inside, trying to get through security checking quickly to ensure that we wouldn't miss our flight. But it still took us over an hour until we were finally boarding the plane.

I had always enjoyed going on planes; ever since my first plane ride when I was in eighth grade going to Disney World. I was terrified at first, but once takeoff was over with, I learned it wasn't so bad. It was actually fun. Unlike my mother who was in the row before me, clenching onto the seat she was occupying.

I just sat back and looked out the window, admiring the clear blue sky we were currently flying in.

Then sleep overtook me.


I felt something shaking my arm urgently, sleep no longer being an option.

I opened my eyes slowly, trying to adjust to the bright sunlight that was coming through the windows in the plane.

Once fully opened, I noticed it was my mother. She was hovering over me, a slight smile on her

"Wake up. We've landed," she told me and then left to get the carry on from the overhead compartment.

I got up, stretching out my arms hearing a few cracks showing that I hadn't moved much on the

I glanced around, noticing I was one of the only people left on the plane. I slowly got out of my aisle and descended down the pathway to get off the plane.

Moving down the path, I finally reached the inside of the LAX. It was huge. I could see people pushing and shoving trying to get to their gate in time before the plane left.

I caught up with my parents who were only feet in front of me and we walked to the exit, going to find our rental car for the stay.

After twenty long minutes, my father signed all the needed papers for the car. The assistant came back with our vehicle and we climbed in, putting all the suitcases in the trunk. And with that all done, we headed out towards the beach, where our house awaited.


The beach was beautiful to say the least. The water was crystal clear and I could actually see what was in the water unlike my beach at home.

When my dad finally stopped the car at our house, I quickly jumped out with one of my smaller bags in hand, and jogged to the door to find out which room was going to be mine.

I reached the front door and was blasted with cold air when I got it opened. I took a look around and saw in front of me a living room with all white furniture and an average sized t.v. set. To the right I noticed the kitchen which had a bland yellow color on the walls. Finally my eyes landed on a staircase. Smiling to myself, I made my way over and started climbing up the stairs.

Reaching the top I look to my left to find three sets of doors and to my right I saw one door by itself. I go over to the lone door and open it to find it being a linen closet. Closing the door quietly, I make my way over to the opposite side and open the first door finding it to be the master bedroom which automatically went to my parents. I shut the door and went to the door across the hall to see a bathroom. Hopefully I won't have to share. Going to the last door, I knew this would be my bedroom for the rest of the summer. I prayed I would like it. I slowly twisted the doorknob and pushed open the door at a slow pace.

Once it was fully opened I looked inside to find bright pale blue walls with all white furniture like it was in the living room. The room was average but I still thought it was perfect.

I set my bag down and walked into the room. I looked left and right noticing a few doors. Opening both, I realized one was a closet and the other, my own restroom which I was extremely thankful for.

I took one last glance around the room only to find that I had missed a very important feature added to the room. I walked over to the french doors and opened them up. Stepping outside, I could smell the salt water coming from the beach before me. The balcony was the best thing about this room and I was thankful I had it.

I walked back in the room and closed the doors. I could hear my parents coming up the stairs. My mom made her way to my room after searching the other doors. She popped her head in with a smile on her face.

"So, how to you like it?"

Taking another look around the room I happily sighed. "It's perfect."
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It's a filler but I wanted to update before I went to bed.

So here you go. Hope you like it :)

It would mean alot to me :)