Status: Not Updating Until I Get Comments

Last Summer


Ever since yesterday, I couldn't get the mysterious boy out of my head. I knew nothing about him, only what he looked like. From what I saw, he was definitely in shape but not overly muscular and had brown, curly hair. Besides that, I knew nothing else.

After my mother and I left we went straight back to the house. I stayed cooped up in my room, too tired from the days events to do anything else. We had stayed at home for dinner instead of going into the city to look for a restaurant that appealed to my parents, but I was thankful for that.

I got some sleep last night but not much. I guess I still wasn't adjusted to my new surroundings. Mom and dad decided to let me sleep in today which was why I had woken up to the clock reading 10:00 a.m. I slowly got out of the bed and made my way into the bathroom to start getting dressed into the clothes I had set out the night before.

When I was finished, I went downstairs and in the kitchen where I was greeted with a bright yellow note on the counter which read

Your father and I went out for a walk on the beach and lunch. Keys are on the counter if you want to go anywhere

Love, Mom

Sighing I looked next to the note and saw the car keys. I looked around the kitchen wondering what there was to do on this beach. Then I remembered a small surf shop my mom and I passed yesterday while going to eat lunch. Glancing back down at the keys, I grabbed them and headed for the door.


Finding a parking space near the store, which I just found out was called Wind And Wave, I walked inside. I was hit by the smell of sea salt and surfboard wax, both unappealing to me. Their were boards lined up along one wall of the shop, just waiting to be bought and put out in the waves. On the opposite side were bathing suits, sunscreen, clothes, and sunglasses, all in different places so people could find what they were looking for easily.

"Hey, is their anything I can help you with?" I swiftly turned around to look at the person speaking. It was a young woman, maybe around my age. Her hair, I noticed, was a fiery red color, her eyes piercingly blue.

Shaking my head, I answered back, "No, I'm just looking around is all."

"Well, if you need an help with finding something, don't hesitate to ask." she told me. She continued looking at me with wondering eyes. "You new around here? I don't think I've ever seen you before." I walked toward the counter she was currently standing at.

"No, I've never been here before. My family and I are just vacationing for the summer."

"Hm, we rarely ever get people coming here to vacation. Never anything for them to do."

"Yeah, I was wondering why we came down here too," I responded to her, looking down through the glass that was guarding the more expensive sunglasses from the rest of the store. Just as the girl was about to say something back, bells could be heard from the front of the store, signaling someone had entered.

I turned around and looked to see who it was, when I saw that big brown head of curls that I spotted yesterday at the beach surfing. He moved around the store swiftly, already knowing where everything was located, finally stopping in front of the surfboards and surf wax that was nearby.

"You done staring?" the girl at the counter brought me out of my daze and back to our conversation. I felt a blush start to creep up on my face when I met her eyes.

"Sorry," I mumbled, looking back down at my fingernails.

"Haha, it's cool. Trust me, your not the only one who gawks at that boy," she laughed at me, seeming to have already been in this position before. I guess I wasn't the only girl intrigued by the boy standing feet away.

"So do you know him?" I asked, taking a side glance back at the boy.

"Not personally, but if you live here and don't know who he is, you must live under a rock," she told me.

I cocked my head a little to the side and gave a questioning look to her. She quickly averted her eyes to see if he was watching them and leaned into the countertop. She put her eyes back on me, signaling he wasn't listening. I took that as a sign to lean too.

"That's Nick Jonas."

"Nick Jonas?" I said back to her. I then remembered he was in the same room as us just feet away and quickly snapped my head in his direction. Looking over, I saw he was too preoccupied in the surfboards on the wall to take notice that we were talking about him.

"Don't worry, he's to into those boards over there to care what were talking about.," the girl told me, bringing me back to our conversation. The blush was creeping back up my face.

"Hey, I never did catch you name," I said, just now realizing that she never told me that piece of information, and looked over her shirt discreetly in search of a name tag.

"Oh sorry, I guess I didn't give it to you. I don't normally wear my name tag considering everyone knows everyone here. I'm Maddie," she told me, putting out her hand for me to take.

"Madison," I said, shaking her hand. Someone clearing their throat in the back of me caused me to drop her hand. Moving my head to the right, I noticed Nick was no longer looking at the surfboards but up here, probably getting ready to pay. I moved over slightly giving him room to come up to the counter.

"I'm ready to pay," he said, placing the item he had down. Maddie grabbed it and looked at the price sticker that was stuck on the side. She punched in a few buttons on the old cashier and looked back up at him, giving him a friendly smile. "That'll be $7.50."

Sticking his hand in the back pocket of his khaki shorts, he pulled out some money and tossed it on the counter. Giving her a small smile, he took his purchase that was already put in the paper bag. Turning his head, he gave me the same small smile he gave Maddie, and headed for the door and left.

I then noticed my eyes followed him all the way out of the store, my gaze never averting. Shaking my head, I brought myself back to Maddie. "He didn't even wait for you to give him his change," I said, wondering why.

She snorted and smiled, opening the cashier and placing the money in. "He never has change. He always has the right amount ever time. He probably decides what he wants before coming in the makes sure to grab the right change," she said, as if it were obvious.

I narrowed my eyes in confusion. "How do you know so much about him? You said you don't ever know him. And why, as you say, does everyone in this town know who he is?"

"Everyone talks about him. Mostly the girl and surfers from school. And I don't know him. I've never talked to him in my life, well except for here at the store, but I've never had a real conversation with him. And most of the people here know him because he's one of the best surfers there is. Number ten in the US I think, not to sure. I'm surprised you've never heard of him. Oh well, I guess it's a surfer thing," she answered me.

Getting all of what she just told me I nodded my head, signaling I had absorbed all the information she gave me. I looked at the wall behind her and saw the clock, noticing it was getting late. Maddie and I exchanged phone numbers and agreed we'd meet up with each other tomorrow for lunch in the afternoon, and I made my way out to my car.


"So what did you do all day?" my mom asked me. We were currently eating some seafood my parents had picked up from the local market and had put on the grill that was just outside our porch.

"I just went to the surf shop down the road. I met a girl and were having lunch tomorrow," I told her, picking at my food with my fork.

"That's great," my mom exclaimed. Nodding my head slowly I looked up. "Can I be excused? All this salt in the air is making my want to take a shower. And I have to get up early tomorrow," I asked.

"Sure, just put your plate on the counter," my dad told me, glancing back down at his food.

Getting up, I put my plate where my dad told me and jogged up the stairs, wanting to get these clothes off of me already.


After my shower I climbed into bed and was currently staring at the ceiling. I was thinking about today at the surf shop. This Nick Jonas was currently all my mind revolved around and I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing. Turning to my side I closed my eyes trying to get some rest for tomorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short I know, but it's spring break here and I thought I should update. Sorry it's been awhile since I updated.

Wind And Wave is an actual surf shop in a city called Corpus Christi, Texas. Just thought everyone should know, I didn't make it up haha

COMMENT PLEASE! It would seriously make my day :)