I don't need you

Are you always this hostile?

"Erica!" My stepfather's voice bellowed from downstairs. Turning off my music I grabbed my school bag and made my way downstairs to find him waiting at the bottom of the stair case.
"What?" I demanded as I reached the last step
"Don't what me, i've been calling you for 5 minutes."
"I couldn't hear you." I muttered as I walked past him
"Well then turn that crap down and start paying attention."
Rolling my eyes I swung the front door open "Where do you think your going?" he shouted
"To school" I sighed closing the door behind me
"You better get your butt back here, now!" even after I was almost at the bottom of the driveway I could still hear his voice. I've gotten used to it now and by 'it' I mean Allen my mum's 'new' husband, they got married about a year after my real dad died. Then after 4 years my mum left, and for reasons I don't know she left me behind. I know Allen blames me because it was shortly after he accepted she wasn't coming back that the abuse started, wether it be screaming at me, physically hitting me or just plain treating me like crap. I don't know if it was my fault, and if I'm being honest I don't even care anymore. I just want to finish school and get as far away from this place as I can.


As the school bell rang I quickly grabbed my books and slammed my locker shut, weaving in and out of the student masses that filled the hallway I wasn't really paying much attention when I accidently slammed into someone.
"Sorry" I muttered, not even bothering to look up I just continued walking to class.

"Just to inform you all we do have a new student joining the class today-" Miss Conner my maths teacher spoke as we all walked to our seats. Oh joy, a new student just what this hell hole of a school needs. In case you hadn't noticed I'm not a happy person, I wasn't always like this. I was pretty much the complete opposite, but when my life turned to crap I turned my back on everyone and everything. I only rely on myself now, because as far as I'm concerned people only care when it suits them.

"Take which ever seat is available." Miss Conner's cheery voice brought me back to reality, I was only now just realizing that the new student had arrived and was walking to the back of the classroom, I glanced behind me only seeing the back of his hoddie.


Entering the library I scanned the room before noticing the last empty table, getting to it as quickly as I could I put my books down and dropped my bag to the floor as I pulled out the chair and sat down.
I hate essays, especially ones about Lord of the flies. Who cares about how the characters controlled each other or the symbolism in the story, all you need to know is that a bunch of kids got stranded on an island and ended up killing each other. I can't believe they force us to read this cr-
"Excuse me can I sit here?" I lifted my head up to look at who was cutting off my train of thought, he was kinda tall with short brown hair...... and he's still waiting for me to answer.

"Go ahead." I sighed and looked back down at the few words I had already written, it wasn't long before he distracted me again. If he wasn't making a load of noise with his bag, he was loudly flipping the pages of his text book, I managed to keep my eyes down until he went quiet. As I started writing again I couldn't help but get the feeling he was staring at me, I slowly torn my eyes away from the paper and looked over at him only to confirm my suspicions.
"Can I help you?" I asked rudely
"Do you have a pen I could borrow?" he asked
Sticking my hand into my pencil case I pulled out a pen I slid it across the table to him "I'm Joe by the way." he smiled sticking out his hand for me to shake
I stared at him for a few seconds almost in disbelief that he was trying to start a conversation with me "I'm gonna want that back when your done." I muttered before going back to my work.

"So what are you writing?"
Deciding to not answer him I just kept my head down hoping he would leave me alone
"Not much of a talker are you?" I could sense that he was amused which just pissed me off a little more
"I'm busy, what do you want?" I sighed dropping my pen onto my book
"Do I know you from somewhere? I recognize you." he rested his chin on his hand and slightly squinted his eyes
"Doubt it." I muttered, he continued to stare at me for a few more seconds then his eyes widened
"This morning! I bumped into you this morning." he smiled
"Now we've acknowledged that, can you leave me alone?"
"Are you always this hostile?"
I give up, he's relentless. Grabbing my belongings I got up from my seat and left.
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Hope you enjoyed the first chapter