Everlasting Love


Its been a year since my parents car accident. So why do I feel like it happened yesterday?

'I just cant wrap my mind around it!!' I sigh in frustration.

I step out of my jacuzi tub, inhaling deeply the smell of my lavender bath soap. The scent helps calm me, which is why I make sure my house keeper mists my pillows and sheets with it. I finish drying off and then wrap myself in a soft plush towel and walk into my bedroom.
The room is decorated with a few of my best drawings. Mostly of my neighborhood in beacon hill, Boston. The walls are painted a light bluish green, the floors a beautiful polished hardwood. In the center of my room is my california king platform bed. God how I love my bed! I go straight to it, sit down and then plop backwards sprawling out. On either side of my bed are my cute little nightstands, made of dark chestnut wood. The same color wood that all of my bedroom furniture is made of.

'If i dont hurry up im going be late for work...again' I think to myself.

Getting up, I walk to my vanity so I can lotion up. If I dont put lotion on after bathing my skin feels dry all day! Even though my guy bff Tyler says my skin is softer than a babys ass.

That thought makes me giggle 'hehehehe'.Tyler and I have been inseperable since childhood. Our parents were friends from college. Always doing everything together, from holidays to vacations. They are pretty much family. I even call them aunt and uncle! I finish up with the lotion rubbing the last bit on my long tan legs. I turn and face the mirror taking a long hard look. My 23rd birthday is in a month and I dont look any older.

My hair is a golden brown, with soft curls that reach just below my shoulder. My eyes have always seemed wolf-like to me. They are amber brown big and oval shaped. I have long eyelashes and nicely shaped dark eyebrows that frame my eyes beautifully. High cheekbones and dimples. I love my dimples. Pouty lips that have a natural pink tint to them. I think they could be a little more plump though.

'Maybe I should try that lip gloss that somehow magically makes your lips bigger.' pfft I scoff to myself. My good friend Izzy would get a kick out of that!! Her motto is "you gotta work with what you got, if you mess with it ull just end up lookin foolish". But of course that was easy for her to say she looked like a damn model!

Okay enough with the self exam I really gotta get to work! I put on my foundation, followed by a bit of blush. Then a little eyeliner, mascara, nd some shiny lipgloss and thats it for make-up. I hate it when girls cake on their make-up it just looks awful! My hair I just brush out, because theres not much I can do with it. It naturally curls perfectly, something my friend Mandy is insanely jealous about. Mandy is my right hand gurl, shes a cute lil blonde. I say lil cause she is 5'1 and so petite. Her hair is completely straight, and there is no way the girl can curl it. Trust me we tried, short of giving her a perm which we decided probably wouldnt be the best idea.

I get up from the vanity and walk over to my closet. My walk-in closet! It was packed to the max with clothes. Half the closet was for my work clothes and the other half consisted of my
"fun clothes" or so I liked to call them. I am a high fashion addict. I can never have enough clothes, and yes I definitely consider myself a shopaholic. The back of my closet is where I keep all of my shoes. Oooooo how I love shoes. All varieties from my jimmy choos to my converse all stars. I love them all! Today I grab a light pink skirt suit with a white silk blouse to go under it. Match it with some white pumps and Im good to go.

I was definitely going to be late but what eva! I owned the magazine 'The Modern Man' ever since my parents died. Well technically I co-owned it with my Uncle Brian. Brian is my fathers younger and only brother, he is all that is left of my family. My grandparents on both sides passed away long ago, my mother was an only child, as am I. So of course my father left the magazine to us. Its a mens health and fashion magazine. My father began the magazine 20 years ago. It was succesful right off the bat, but it really sky rocketed 8 yrs ago. It is now the #1 mens magazine in the country. So I was left with my parents fortune. I want for nothing, and yet I always feel like im not whole. There is nothing I can buy that could fill the emptyness in my heart.

On that depressing note I leave for my long boring day of WORK!!
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I had this story on Quizilla, but every time I tried to post the next chapter it gave me such a hard time! So i got frustrated and decided to try Mibba!! So I hope my story is well liked! comment plzzz!!