Status: Finished (:

Another Night, Another Score

Manage Me, I'm A Mess


There are two downsides to alcohol, one: you get hungover in the morning and two: you don’t always remember what happened the night or day you were drinking, otherwise alcohol just may be the best thing in the world.

I woke up not knowing were I am again, for quite possibly the fifth time this week. I blacked out before and last night wasn’t something new to me.

I reached my hand outwards, stretching my arms and then my legs. Yup they all work. I then propped myself up with my elbows, looking around to see if I know where I am. As I rub my eyes to get a better look at the room I notice shouting in another room, not wanting to eavesdrop I tuned it out.

I look around the room and notice that I am in a large baby blue coloured room

It was a bit messy, and you can see that whoever placed me into this room they tried to clean up really quick for there were clothing stuffed into the closet and underneath the bed, there was dust everywhere too.

I wish I had a room like this I thought to myself, how great would that be? I lean over to the little ledge on the other side of the bed, while I did this a huge head rush came to me and my head started to pound but I saw my phone carefully placed there. Trying to ignore the pain I picked it up. I checked the time, Shit!

Shit shit shit shit shit! I jumped out of bed looking for my clothes, only to realize that they were still on me! Oh thank god! I picked up my phone and ran out of the room whipping the door open, as soon as took one step out I see two guys screaming at each other in what appeared to be the living room. They continued to scream at each other about something, but they were talking so fast my hungover brain could not grasp.

Wanting them to shut up so one of them could take me home and because they were hurting my head, I didn’t want to scream at them because that would only hurt my head. I said in a small voice “Could one of you take me home?” I was taken back as soon as I said those words, for when I thought it over in my head I wanted to sound in control and strong, knowing what I am doing. However instead of all that I sounded like a five year old, scared and sad.

They just looked at me, and started to yell again.

"You see Alex! I even had to bring home your friend too! Because guess what, this poor innocent girl probably didn't even wanna get intoxicated with you! I'm done with your shit! You need help Alex"

"You don't know she didn't want to drink Jack! Thank you for bringing her home, I'm grateful for that, but please don't come down on me like this. I don't need help, I just need time!"

"No Alex. You definitely need help. Maybe the band should take a break for a while, until you get back on the right track. I'll enroll you in a rehab center or some shit" he said grabbing his jacket off of it's hook. He waved me over, telling me to come to the door so he could drop me off at home.

"Jack! I don't need freaking rehab! Okay! I'm fine, really!" he called before we left. Jack opened the door once more to reply to Alex.

"Alex, it's obvious that you do. Just drop it. We'll talk about it later with Ri and Zack" he called back and slammed the door behind him.

In the car, there was an awkward silence between Jack and I. Both of us not taking our eyes off the road, I asked him a question.

"Do I seem like a skank to you?"

"Excuse me?" he asked surprised.

"Do I seem like a skank? Getting drunk all the time, at parties. Not remembering what happened the next morning? Just drinking my problems away? I mean, I'm kind of in the same situation as Alex. I lost everything, and now I just drink, hoping to bring it back" I trailed off.

"You're not a skank.. uhm, sorry I forgot your name..." he apologized.

"It's Dani"

"I guess it happens to the best of us. You definitely are in the same situation as Alex. Him losing a girl, you losing a lot. Alex is my best friend, and I'm sorry that you had to see yelling in there. But if you're just as bad as Alex, then like I said to him, you'll need help. I'm just trying to look out for him, both of you are on the path's to becoming alcoholics and you don't even realize it. Call the rehab place. Go in for a couple sessions. I'm sure Alex would be much more eager to go if he knew he had a friend there too"

"Honestly, I don't even think Alex remembers what my name is. But I think I'd be able to go. I'm just, scared" I told him, as he pulled into a parking spot at the apartment building.

"Don't worry about it. Everything will be fine. You seem like a really cool girl" he smiled. "Bye Dani"

"Bye Jack"
♠ ♠ ♠
Half was written by purplemonster, and the other half was written by moi.
Thank you for reading.
Feedback is appreciated! : )

Title Credit: All Time Low- Weightless