Status: Finished (:

Another Night, Another Score

I'm Not Afraid Of What I Have To Say


"Ah, Alex Gaskarth. Please sit down" Dr. Barnes said as I walked into his office. I was still angry that the band was making me do this. I knew time could heal me. I told them that millions of times, but no, they weren't gonna listen to me, according to them, they didn't know who I was anymore.

I took a seat in one of the leather chairs. "So, what do I have to do to get outta here?"

"Well, I can tell someone isn't as eager and willing as they should be" he chuckled. I rolled my eyes. This was all Jack's fault. He was the one who gave the rest of the ideas to stick me here until I'm 'fine'. As if I wasn't already. "Anyways, you just have to make progress, answer questions, think of other ways to rid your depression other than drinking" he informed me. I nodded.

"Okay, let's start. So Alex, I hear your in a band. Think, instead of getting drunk, you could possibly play music when you're depressed, or write a song or two"

"I've tried writing songs while I'm completely depressed. They just come out looking like shit" I scoffed. "I mean, some are okay. But I wasn't totally depressed. Even made the album, but not too great"

"Hmm, okay" he answered and typed a few things into his computer. This was gonna be a long session.


I walked into the apartment, Jack was sitting on the couch with a TV dinner, watching the Ravens game. I opened the fridge, and cracked open a beer. Jack upped an eyebrow at me, and gave me a look, telling me to put it down.

"Did you not learn anything from the session you just went too Alex? We're trying to get you away from drinking to much alcohol!" he scolded me. I rolled my eyes.

"Jack, the game is on. I always have a beer when the Ravens are playing"

"Well not today. If for the last 2 weeks you hadn't almost drank yourself to death, then you could've. Not today, Alex"

I scoffed and chucked the beer back into the fridge. I grabbed a water bottle.

"Record the game for me" I told him, before walking to my room. I lay on my bed, looking at the ceiling with nothing better to do. I took my phone out of my back pocket, and looked through my contacts for someone to talk to. I scrolled through them, and found a girl named Dani. I looked at it confused, and looked at her contact. I looked at the picture I put in of her.

She had long black hair, piercing eyes, and a great body, she was wearing a white shirt, and a navy blue cardigan, with a black scarf, and holding up a Stella Artois in her hand. She's hot I thought to myself with a smirk. I then went to my pictures, to see if there were anymore of her. There were tons, and surprise, surprise, we were hammered in all of them. I walked out to Jack, and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Dude, do you know who this chick is?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes.

"That's Dani man. The girl who you keep convincing to get drunk with you. Not surprised you don't remember her. You got her in rehab too" he said before taking another bite of his TV dinner.

"She's hot" I told him with a grin.

"If you're thinking about getting her drunk again, don't. Your my best friend Alex, but I don't want you taking advantage of her. She's a really nice girl, and she's actually willing to get help with her problems. You'll probably see her next time you go in for another session"

"I guess that'll be never" I mumbled. "Dr. Barnes hasn't done shit all for me. He just asks me questions about my life. It just makes me feel worse"

"Alex, he's a rehab therapist. That's what they do" Jack shook his head at me.

"Whatever man" I mumbled, before making my way back to my room. I clicked on Dani's name, then 'create message'.

To: Dani Robinson

Hey Dani : )

From: Dani Robinson

Alex. I'm surprised you even remember my name

To:Dani Robinson

I didn't, Jack had to tell me who you are. : )

From: Dani Robinson

Well, I'm touched that you remembered me. That was sarcastic by the way.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Shinedown- Second Chance

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