Status: Finished (:

Another Night, Another Score

Blame It On The Alcohol

I sat at the bar, bored. Jasper was out on the dance floor, trying to get some action from a blonde girl. Just then a boy with shaggy brown hair, a glamour kills shirt, and skinny jeans and a beanie on, took the stool next to me. I looked at him, then back at my drink. I chugged some more, and put it back down. I could see him looking at me from the corners of my eyes.

"A young, pretty lady, sitting alone in a bar. There's gotta be a story behind it. So, what is it?" he spoke.

"Excuse me?" I replied.

"What's the story? Why is such a gorgeous and kind looking girl such as yourself, sitting at a bar alone?" he asked again.

"I'm not here completely alone. My friend is just out on the dance floor, but to sum it up, new town, new life, no friends, no mother, a dad who thinks TV dinners can be breakfast, lunch and dinner living in apartment with me because he's a mess otherwise. What about you? Your a pretty attractive guy. You look like a ladies man. I'm Danielle Robinson, but I like to be called Dani. I told you mine, now you tell me yours"

"Wow, that sucks"he said, taking the story in. "Mine. Well, the girl who I thought was the love of my life broke up with me for some douche. She said she didn't feel the sparks anymore. I came back home to her moving her stuff out. What sucks is, I'm not over her the least bit. I'm Alexander Gaskarth, but I go by Alex."

"You win" Was all I could say.

"Yep. So, how long you been here? How many drinks have you had?"

"Been here 2 hours, and what I thought was gonna be a party turned into this. Me, by myself, sitting here, and I've had 4 drinks. What about you?"

"Been here an hour, so I'm still pretty sober. This was my exact intention when I came. I've had about 3 drinks" he responded. I nodded. I slipped my phone out of my pocket and clicked New Contact. I put his name in, and handed it to him. He repeated the actions with his and I punched my number in.


My sight was getting blurry, I could still feel myself gripping a bottle, I wasn't even sure what it was anymore. All I knew was Alex was still sitting beside me, I lost count of drinks, and I really just wanted to upchuck, and go home.

"Dani!" A familiar voice called. "Dani! Danielle!" It sounded like Jasper.


"Oh god Dani, you're a mess. I told you to be careful here" he sighed.

"Jasper, I wanna go home" I slurred.

"Good, cause that's exactly where you're going. Come on, get up" he demanded, lifting me off the stool, and slinging my arm around his shoulders, leading me out of the club. As soon as we got outside, the night's cold air hit us. He led me over to his car, and lifted me into.

"God, Dani. You're in so much shit. It's 3:00 am and you're so hammered. Just... stay at my place tonight. I guess I'll tell your dad..." he groaned, slamming the door shut.

"I'm sorry Jasper"

"I have nothing to say to you right now Dani"

"Look Jasper, I know this probably means nothing to you right now, but it felt good. I've finally let loose since I moved. It was probably one of the best nights of my life. I'd do it all over again"

"Well if you do, don't involve me in it. I'm not taking care of your sorry ass when you're like this after this"
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello, thank you for reading!
Hope you enjoyed!
Second chapter. I hope it's okay. Seemed kinda suck-ish to me.
Tell me what you think. In other words, comment.

Title Credit: Jamie Foxx- Blame It (On The Alcohol)