Status: Finished (:

Another Night, Another Score

We're All A Part Of The Same Sick Little Games

Jumping up and down outside nervously, I waited for Dani to open the door. She finally came to the door, and grinned upon seeing my face. I faked a smile back as she leaned in to kiss me on the lips. She pulled me inside. Not being as enthusiastic as my real self, she noticed something was wrong.

"Alex, is everything okay?" she asked, giving me a sympathetic, and concerned look. I sighed, and contemplated on whether I should tell her or not. Then, the stupidest thing came out of my mouth without any thought at all.

"I, well, uh, yes, I mean, I don't know. No." I stuttered. Dani just looked at me confused. "I- I have something to tell you"

I pulled her over to the couch, she looked at me with concern in her eyes. She

"A-are you breaking up with me, Alex?" she asked, starting to get teary eyed. My eyes widened, and I rubbed her arm to calm her down.

"Dani, no. Are you crazy?" I replied, with a little chuckle. She just nodded, and motioned for me to continue on with what I was going to say. "Listen, back in high school, I did something very bad I'm not proud of. My friends and I, we used to bully Jasper for being gay"

I looked in her eyes, waiting for an answer. After a few seconds, she just looked down.

"Say something, please?"

"I don't know what to say, Alex. But I think we both know what you need to do. You, and whoever else helped you" Dani answered plainly, still looking at the ground.

"Are you mad?" I asked Dani. I brought a single finger to her chin, tilting her head to look up into my eyes.

"Mad, no. Disappointed, yes. I can't believe you did something like that, Alex" she sighed. "You really need to apologize"


"So, we just really wanted to say, that we're sorry we put you through that pain, and we hope that we can be cool with you now dude" I finished off the last of the boys and I's apology speech.

Dani and I had convinced Rian, Zack and Jack to also apologize. To be honest, it had felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of our shoulders. It felt really fucking good. I looked over at Dani, who stood in the doorway. She gave me a satisfied smirk and a thumbs up.

"Apology accepted. I appreciate it, and I'm glad that's cleared up and we can be friends now. Thanks guys" Jasper replied happily. The guys all smiled, feeling amazing. It then followed by silence. Zack decided to break it.

"So, football game is on tonight" he started. The boys all jumped over the back of the couch, and landed on their butts, sinking into it. Dani and Jasper shook their heads, and went into the kitchen while the boys screamed things like 'Touchdown!' at the TV.


"Thanks for encouraging them to apologize Dani. I feel great now" Jasper smiled, and gave me a hug.

"No problem, you didn't deserve whatever they did to you because of your sexuality" I told him, with a smile.


I played with Alex's hair, his head in my lap, us both laying in the bed, silently but comfortably. The door squeaked open, and Sebastian with Peyton in tow, came hopping onto the bed.

Baz took a spot on Alex's stomach, while Peyton laid beside us. Alex and I laughed. Baz came over to me, and started to lick my face. I scrunched my face up, surprised by the little dogs actions. Alex grabbed Baz off of me.

"Hey you! You see that?" he said pointing to me. Baz paid no attention to Alex. "She's mine. So back off, dude" he scolded the dog. He put him down, and the two dogs ran out of the room.

"I'm proud of you, apologizing to Jasper today. I talked to him, and it meant a lot" I smiled at Alex, going back to playing with his hair.

"Thanks. It meant a lot to me too. I felt so good after. I'm not one to hold grudges against people, so it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders" Alex replied seriously. I looked into his eyes with a grin, and he stared right back at me with the same look on his face.

Alex leaned in to kiss me. At first it started off smooth and gentle, but soon got heated, and rough. His hands snaked around my waist, while my hands were tangled in his hair. He bit on my lower lip, begging for an entrance. I let him in, and soon our clothes were on the ground, and we were tangled in Alex's sheets.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey there!
Second update in a week. It's a miracle, considering how busy we both are all the time.
Hope you guys like it!
We're trying to finish the story as soon as possible, so that we can work on a few new and old stories.
Thank you very to much to these people for commenting:
Peace & Love, Kennedy.

TC: Sick Little Games- All Time Low