Status: Finished (:

Another Night, Another Score

You Said You'd Always Keep Your Word

Two weeks had past, and Alex and Dani had spent as much time as humanly possible before he went on tour. They stood outside of Alex and Rian's house, with the band, Jasper and his new boyfriend, and some of the band's back up.

Alex sighed, as he stood with Dani, holding her hands. Tears started to trickle slowly down Dani's face. She wiped them away quickly, not wanting anyone to see her cry. Alex chuckled, and she looked at the ground. He gave her a weak smile, and titled her head up to look at him. He kissed her passionately.

"I'm gonna miss you so much. Set up your Skype as soon as I leave, okay?" he teased her. She giggled and nodded. She gave him one last peck on the lips before letting go, for the next three months. As Alex got on the bus, he took one last glance at Dani.

"I love you", he mouthed, flashing her a crooked smile. Dani grinned, and replied.

"I love you too, Alex" she said. Completely satisfied, Alex climbed onto the bus, and went straight to the window. The bus driver started to slowly take off, and Alex waved to Dani, as the bus pulled away. She waved right back, and once the bus was out of eye shot, Dani turned to Jasper and his new boyfriend, Gage.

They both looked at her with sympathy in her eyes. They both pulled her into a hug.

"Everything will be fine, Dani. Don't worry about it. The months will go by quickly, and the next thing you know, he'll be home" Jasper assured her. She just nodded.

"Okay, well. I'll see you guys later. I'm gonna go inside" Dani said. Jasper and Gage nodded, before bidding they're goodbyes, and making their way to Jasper's car. Dani watched them leave, and went inside Alex's house.

Since Dani's dad and Abril were always over at their house, Dani had volunteered herself to house/ dogsitt for the time they were gone. Even though Kara and Rian had broken up, they still remained friends, and Kara had offered to help out with dogs, she loved animals.

The house phone rang. Dani searched around for it, and finally found it in between the cushions of the couch.

"Hello?" she answered sadly.

"Hi, is this Dani?" the feminine voice asked her.

"Y-yes" Dani replied weakly.

"Hi Dani, it's Kara. The boys should've told you about me. I'm helping you with the dogs" Kara told her in a friendly voice.

"Oh, yeah. Um, hi Kara" Dani replied. Kara laughed.

"I'll be there in a few minutes, to show you Peyton and Baz's daily routines, what to give, what not to give them. You know, all that fun stuff. See you soon!" she chimed, and then Dani heard a click on the other end. Dani raised an eyebrow, and hung the phone up, putting it in it's proper place.

Dani decided to go upstairs, and into Alex's room. As she stepped in, she smelt Alex. She missed Alex. To think, it'd only been a few minutes before that he had left.


"Okay, so every morning, when you wake up, just fill up the dogs bowls with food and water. You can take the water from the tap, and the food is kept in the pantry. But, they both have different kinds. Baz's bowl is blue. He takes the food that has the small dog on it. Peyton's bowl is red, and of course, he takes the food that say it's for big dogs on it. Do this for breakfast, lunch and dinner" Kara explained. Dani just nodded.

"Do not, I repeat, do not let the dogs chew on anything but they're toys. They know how to destroy this house. Hence why they need people to watch over them while Alex is gone. They are allowed onto Alex and Rian's beds, but not on the furniture downstairs, some people aren't so fond of dog hair on furniture when they visit the house. Umm, anymore questions?" Kara turned to her and asked. Dani shook her head.

"No, I think I got it, thanks" she answered. Kara nodded her head in satisfaction.

"Okay, well if you ever have plans, or priorities, just call me, and I can watch the dogs for you" Kara told her. Dani nodded and thanked her once again before Kara headed out.

It would be a long three months, Dani thought.


Dani laid on Alex's bed, watching T.V. Peyton and Baz on either side of her. Her cell phone rang suddenly. She jumped, and picked it up. It was Alex.

"Hey Alex" she smiled.

"Hey baby, what are you up to?" he asked her.

"Just watching T.V with the dogs" Dani replied. Alex chuckled.

"Yeah, they have taken a liking to you ever since I brought you home"

"Good that they approve" Dani replied and rolled her eyes playfully. "What are you up to?"

"We just pulled into our first destination. There's a kick off party tonight, and we're going to go to that" Alex told her unsurely.

"Is there, drinking?" Dani asked him.

"Well, uh, yeah" Alex truthfully told Dani.

"Oh Alex. Please try to stay sober? For me?" Dani begged him.

"Yeah, I'll try. But I can't make any promises"

"I guess I can take that. Be safe, okay?" she said. Alex sighed.

"I will. Don't worry about me, try and have some fun yourself. Do something with Jasper and Gage. I know you miss me, and I'm pretty sure I miss you more, but have some fun!" Alex told her, trying to cheer her up.

"Okay, I will. I love you, call me tomorrow, and be safe"

"I love you too. Same to you, love"
♠ ♠ ♠
TC: A Little Faster- There For Tomorrow
Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed.
Thanks to our lovely subscribers and commenters.
You're amazing.
Oh, and if you guys have a polyvore, you should add me as a contact. I've had it for a while now. I just forgot to mention it. I have two. One for whatever the hell I want, and one for my polyvore outfits.
Mibba polyvore
Personal polyvore
Peace & Love, Kennedy.