Status: Complete :)

Just Tell Me You Feel the Same Way I Do!


Abigail Sanders, isn't your average seventeen-year-old girl. She's very outspoken, cocky, a smart-ass, humorous, and she's half-vampire. Her father is a vampire and her mother, well she was a human, until her father turned her. Abigail is the spitting imagine of what her mother looked like when she was her age; long, wavy blonde hair, grey-blue eyes, average in weight, and about five-foot seven-inches tall.

Abby, as she likes to be called, and her family moved to Denali, Alaska when she was thirteen. The first 'people' they met when they arrived, were the Cullen's. Emmett, Nessie and Abigail immediately clicked. They were always together, even though Emmett was more like the babysitter of the two girls. Abigail immediately grew a liking to Emmett. Soon the Cullen's had to move, for 'being-too-old' and that ripped the young girls and Emmett apart.


"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I hear ya." Abigail muttered under her breath as she walked towards the black vintage Shelby Mustang GT her parents had bought her for her sixteenth birthday last year.

"I mean it young lady! No later than 7 this time!!" Vanessa called after her daughter. Abigail sighed.

"Okay.. no later than 7." She opened the driver's side door and hopped in the car before her mother would change her mind. Abigail knew she had a tendency of doing that if she lingered in the driveway too long. She shut the door and put the key in the ignition, turned it and the Mustang engine purred. Music to the seventeen-year-old's ears.

Abigail pulled out of the driveway and headed towards the mall in town to meet up with her friends, Luna and Violet, for their usual Starbucks raid and chit chat after school. After driving for a about five minutes, Abigail turned into the small parking lot and parked her Mustang next to a nice silver Volvo.

"Oh joy. Cullen's back in town." She muttered under her breath as she headed towards the entrance of the mall.

"ABIGAIL!!!! Oh my gosh you have to see the new kids in town they're soooooooooo hot!!!" Violet exclaimed as Abigail was within ten feet of her. Abigail cocked an eyebrow and rolled her eyes. "Honestly, their as beautiful as you!" Violet finished. Abigail hung her head and shook it from side to side. Violet always had to bring up the fact that Abigail was the most beautiful girl in their school.

"Sorry, Abs. She's been like this since they first showed up." Luna apologized as the girls made their way towards the food court.

"It's okay. She's pointing out what's already obvious. Not like I don't hear it all the time." Abigail said coolly. She didn't hate being beautiful, it sometimes worked to her advantage. All she hated was attention it got her. She was always a nominee for some sort of princess or queen thingy at school, but she never accepted to follow through.

As the girls were walking towards the only coffee shop in the mall, Abigail heard a small snicker come from behind her. It was too low for the average human to notice, so she just kept walking.

"Nice hair, Blondie." Abigail heard the familiar voice come from behind her. She stopped and slowly turned, only to face... Jacob Black.

"Jacob?!" She asked in disbelief. He nodded. Jacob looked so much older than he did three years ago, considering the fact that he was only 33 now and didn't age at all didn't help much. "Oh my god!" Abigail exclaimed as she ran and hugged him. "How's you and Nessie?" Jacob let his grip on Abigail go as he talked.

"We're good. She's actually around here somewhere..." He trailed off as he searched for his girlfriend. Abigail's eyes filled with excitement.

"Who all's here!?" She questioned, jerking on Jake's hand.

"Jeez, calm down. Besides me and Nessie, Edward, Bella, and uh... Emmett." Jacob finished slightly laughing at her expression.

"REALLY!!????" She practically screamed.

Jacob nodded his head. "Quit screaming." As Abigail took deep breaths to calm down, she heard the booming laughter of Emmett. Immediately she opened her eyes and turned to see him standing about a hundred yards from Jacob and herself. A smile grew from ear to ear. She was practically in love with the man, but she'd never admitted it to him. He was like twenty when he was turned, and she was only seventeen in human years. Edward knew, but that was because he could read her mind. Not that that was necessary.

Emmett looked towards the direction of the most wonderful smell he remembered... Abigail. He "jogged" towards her and embraced her in a hug.

"Abs!! I've missed you soo much!" He said with a booming laugh. Abigail's arms were around his neck and her feet were at least a foot and a half off the ground.

"Me too Em, me too." She cooed softly, before Emmett put her down. Edward, Bella and Reneesme were now at Jacob's side. Edward eyed them suspiciously, especially Emmett. When Abigail caught his eye, she blushed scarlet, causing Jacob and Nessie to laugh.

"Edward..." Emmett began.

"Yeah, yeah yeah... I know." He said rolling his eyes.

"How are you guys?" Abigail asked as she looked at everyone.

"Pretty good." Bella said, "And yourself?" Abigail thought 'better now that Emmett's here.' but replied with a good instead. Edward raised his eyebrows at her thought and Abigail rolled her eyes thinking, 'Get out of my head asshole.' Edward chuckled.

"Abby!" Reneesme whined as Abigail turned her attention to her. "You give Uncle Emmett a hug but not me?!" She asked shocked and outraged.

"Sorry," Abigail mumbled as she walked up to her best friend and hugged her. "God I missed you!" She said into Reneesme's hair.

"Me too, Abby!" Reneesme cried.

"ABS!?" Abigail forgot all about Violet and Luna. She let go of Reneesme and turned to her friends.

"Oh sorry. Violet, Luna... this is best friend from back home, Reneesme her boyfriend Jacob. Edward and his wife Bella, and last but not least my bestest friend Emmett." She said with a smile as she pointed out who was who. Violet just gawked and Luna waved a small wave and said Hi.

"Uh, can we reschedule you guys?" Abigail asked her friends. Luna nodded, "Yeah, later babe."

"Thanks, bye guys." Abigail turned her attention back to the Cullen's and Jake. "Soo..." She trailed off as she noticed the glaring/staring contest going on between Emmett and Edward.

"Nessie, do I even want to ask?" Abigail cocked an eyebrow at Nessie, but all Nessie did was put her hand on Abby's check and show her a memory of Emmett and Edward talking.

"Edward, I can't tell her. Abigail's... she can't know." Emmett said as he and Edward argued. Edward rolled his eyes.

"The sooner you tell her, the better you'll be. Believe me." Edward reassured him.

"But what if she doesn't feel the same way?" Emmett argued. "I already lost Rosalie. I really don't want to mess things up with Abby. I can't tell her."

Abigail looked at Nessie in astonishment and then to Edward. If Edward was still human, Abigail was pretty sure his face would be beat red from all his anger.

"Nessie, honey. I thought I told you not to show her." He said between clenched teeth. Nessie only smirked and shrugged her shoulders.

"Never said I couldn't. Just said don't." Jake, Emmett and Abby held back a snicker. Edward glared at Jake.

"Thanks, mutt. You've taught my daughter how to be a complete smart ass." Jake shrugged wrapped his arm around Nessie's waist.

"Uh... maybe I should go." Abby said nervously. Edward nodded and Bella smacked his chest. Edward flinched a bit and Emmett and Abigail laughed a little.

"I'll take you home." Emmett chimed. Abby smiled and said thanks. Emmett and Abigail said bye to everyone and walked to her car in complete silence. Abigail fiddled with the keys, too nervous to talk.

"Sooo..." Emmett said after they reached her Mustang, "Can I drive?" Abby smiled and nodded, throwing him the keys. Emmett grinned and opened the door before sliding in. Abigail mentally cursed her heart, because it sped up a little when Emmett winked at her with those golden eyes of his.

"Remember where I live? Or do I have to give the teddy bear directions?" She smirked. Emmett rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"You do remember that I have a better memory than you?" He said cocky as can be.

"Sure, then I bet you remember what you and Edward talked about that's such a secret." Abigail spat, trying to act like she as pissed.

Emmett gulped, "No idea what you're talking about." He muttered. Abigail rolled her eyes.

"Then I guess Nessie's power is just pure lies and bull shit?" Abby said barely audible.

"No!" His booming voice filled the compartment. Emmett pulled the car over unto the shoulder and put the Mustang in park. "What the hell do you think she was implying with the vision?"

Abigail's face hardened. She didn't know if she should tell him or not. 'Now or never' She thought.

"JUST TELL ME YOU FEEL THE SAME WAY I DO!!" She screamed, tears forming in her ducts. She didn't want to cry, but she didn't want to wait for Emmett any longer.

Emmett opened his mouth to talk, but nothing but a 'huh?' managed to form. Abigail nodded her head as the tears flowed freely.

"I knew it was too good to be true. Should of known it was something stupid Nessie thought of." Abby opened the car door and got out. Slamming the door, she jogged to the edge of the forest before going into a full of sprint. Hunting usually cleared her mind, but she didn't know if this would ever leave. She hated herself for even bringing up the subject with him. Emmett wasn't into 'little girls' as Edward had put it when she was 13.

"Abigail!" Emmett's voice boomed in between the trees. "ABBY!" It didn't take long for Emmett to catch up with her. Emmett grasped her forearm and pulled her back towards him.

"Abigail, listen to me." He said softly, "I don't know what you're talking about, or what Nessie showed you." Abigail nodded her head, tears flowing down her cheeks. She didn't want to explain herself after practically making herself into a complete idiot.

"Emmett, Reneesme showed me a vision about you and Edward talking. I-I thought you guys were talking about how you felt about me, but I guess I was wrong." Abigail averted her gaze to the dark ground, black tears falling to the ground.

Emmett's grip on her arm loosened and he trailed his hand down her forearm and grabbed a hold of her hand. "Abby," his voice was soft, hardly over a whisper. Abigail's gaze went from the dark forest floor, to Emmett's dark golden eyes, held with so much love and worry.

"Abby, I love you." Emmett caressed her cheek in his hand, wiping her tears away with his thumb.

Abigail smiled, "I l-love you, too." She whispered, trying to conceal her tears of joy. Emmett grinned and pulled Abigail into a hug. She buried her face in his chest and hugged his waist. Emmett kissed the top of her head and held her close. Neither of them wanted to let the other one go.

"Emmett," Abigail's voice was muffled from her mouth being so close to his chest. A ripple ripped through Emmett's body from him chuckling.

"Yeah, Abs?" He asked leaning back slightly.

"Kiss-" She was cut off by Emmett's lips gently brushing hers. She didn't hesitate to kiss back, her lips moving in sync with Emmett's. Butterflies erupted in her stomach, and everything felt right for once in her life. Emmett was first to pull back, chucking slightly. Abigail pouted, her bottom lip jutted out.

"Baby girl, you're still human. I have to contain myself sometimes." Emmett's laugh shook the forest, or so it seemed. Abigail turned a bright red, giggled and wiped her eyes.

"God, I love you." She exclaimed through giggles. Emmett Grinned and kissed her forehead.

"I love you, too." Everything was perfect, and that's how it'd be for the rest of eternity.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've been working on this for ages, and I just finished it. :)
I hope you enjoyed it.
PLEASE comment this, I want your criticism.

Abby's Outfit