

Trina tossed and turned in her bed. She just couldn't get comfortable. She was in shorts and a tank top, that her roommate, Nicole, had so kindly let her borrow, and yet she kept sweating. Sweat kept trickling down her back. It was unpleasant and prevented sleep from coming.

She stood up. Maybe a nice walk would help cool her down? Yes, the night air would feel amazing. She walked towards the door, not bothering with shoes or less revealing clothing, who would be out so late besides her?

Her hand grasped the brass door knob, and she instantly yanked it back with a yelp of pain. It was hot. Impossibly hot. She down at her hand; it was an angry red color and was beginning to blister.

She couldn't believe her eyes. How was that possible? It wasn't. Or, at least, it shouldn't be. But then again, based on the events that had taken place earlier that day, who was she to judge on whether something was possible or not?

She sighed and slumped down on the floor right in front of the door. Maybe if she waited it would cool down again. Normally, she would have been searching for an explanation as to why the room, and the door, was so hot, but today she was just too tired.And besides, maybe it was magic and wouldn't have some logical reason behind it. Or, maybe one of her roommates, since both of them were also Sorceresses, was just having some fun with her. She had learned today that all sorcerers had control over at least one element, and maybe Nicole or Anna had heat?

That would make sense, she supposed.

She laid her head down on her knees. Her eyes began to water, she assumed it was from the pain in her hand, and paid it no mind. But then she began to cough, and her throat and lungs seemed to burn.

Her head shot up fast, and she saw thick black smoke curling in the air around her. She screamed.

Bright orange and red flames began to lick up from the carpet, nipping at her unprotected feet. They rose higher and higher, entrancing her in some awful dance. She was mesmerized, unable to move. The fire moved in closer, cutting off her line of sight.

The heat didn't bother her now, in fact she rather enjoyed it. The smoke still hovered in the air, but she seemed immune to it. She no longer coughed. She seemed to revel in the flames. She could sense things around her more clearly, her senses heightened to a new degree. She felt completely in control.

A stray flame licked her hand. She felt the heat, but no pain followed. She threw back her head and laughed, consumed by the power of the flames. She began to join them, swaying back and forth in a dance she never before would have dared to try. She held no fear of the flames, they wouldn't hurt her, she had learned that now. She was their master, they loved and obeyed her.

Again laughter sprang from her lips. Higher, shriller, more intense than before. The fire happily leaped forward in reply. She had never felt such intense joy. Nothing would ever make her feel fear or pain or dissatisfaction again.

Or so she thought, and then she heard it. The most horrible sound she had ever heard in her life.

Nicole and Anna were coughing, gasping for breath. Nicole was sobbing quietly, convinced she was going to die. Trina's heightened senses allowed her to hear this. It terrified her worse than the fire originally had.

"Trina, listen to me!" Anna choked out between coughs. "You are doing this. I know it isn't on purpose, but you are! You need to stop, now! Please!"

Trina knew she was right, she began to relax, trying to calm her fire. It flared even bigger, suddenly rebelling from her unappealing command.

The inferno now towered above her, closing her off completely as it sealed up at the top.

"Trina! Stop!"

Tears began to leak down Trina's face. She was trying, really she was.

"Stop, now!" The panic was evident.

"You have to stop!"

"I can't."
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