

"I'm so sorry," Trina whispered ashamedly, for what must have been the hundredth time withing the last ten minutes. "I didn't mean to." She kept her head down, refusing to look at anyone.

Trina was being escorted to the infirmary by Stephen, along with her two roommates and their Guardian Angels.

Tears filled her eyes again as she thought about what she had done. She had only been there a few hours and had already destroyed a dorm room and nearly killed herself and two others. She didn't belong at the Academy.

She sighed inwardly, determined not to let it show how upset she was. No one had to know how badly she was beating herself up about all of this.

"Trina, really, it's okay. Every sorcerer here has done something like that, I promise," Nicole tried, obviously trying to cheer the girl up. It didn't work.

"But you guys almost died. I'm sorry."

No one spoke for quite some time.

"Here we go, this is the infirmary." Katrina didn't know who spoke, in fact she didn't much care. She was too absorbed in her own depressing thoughts to pay it much mind.

She did, however, decide to look at the building she was entering. Like everything else at this school, the place was huge. Old stone walls stretched up before her, and the door was heavy and wooden.

"This is the infirmary?" she asked in awe.

"Yep. Pretty cool, huh? At least from the outside. Inside is kinda creepy." Nicole shivered.

"Don't listen to her, she's just saying that because she hates doctors. But no need to worry, Sara and Andrew are way cool." Anna responded smoothly, smiling in Trina's direction. Trina quickly avoided her stare, she just couldn't look her in the eye quite yet. Not after she had almost killed her.

The inside of the building wasn't so bad. Whitewashed walls with rows of empty, freshly made beds pushed against them. The air smelled of disinfectant. It could have been much worse. If Trina knew anything about hospitals, which considering how many she had been to in the last month, she did, this was actually quite nice.

She relaxed instantly.

"Can I help you?" Her voice was curt and professional, but not at all unwelcoming.

"Um, yeah. We had a bit of a problem with fire a few minutes ago in the dorm. You got anything for burns?" One of the other guardian angels spoke. Trina had yet to learn his name.

"Of course." She made each of the girls sit down on the empty beds while she and a man, who Trina later found out was her own guardian angel, Andrew, checked for burns. When they found one that put a thick, gooey, green salve on it that instantly caused all pain to cease.

Trina flinched a bit when Andrew got to her hand, the only burn she had gotten as it had happened before she realized she could control it. It was worse than she had originally thought.

"So, let me guess. Based on your lack of burns, I'm going to go with you as the fire sorceress?" he said quietly, where only she could hear him.

Trina nodded, refusing to meet his penetrating stare.

"Hey, don't be too hard on yourself, young sorceress. See Sara over there? She's also a fire sorceress. First time she tried to use her gift, she caught a whole forest on fire. Yours really wasn't so bad by comparison. At least no trees were harmed by yours." he then winked at her.

She couldn't help but laugh, and she instantly felt her mood lighten. Maybe there wasn't anything wrong with her. If Sara had had the same problem, maybe there was hope for her. Maybe she could get it under control.

She smiled at him, her first genuine smile all day. Now that she was happy again, she had a small question to ask him.

"Um, I feel kinda silly for saying this." she said simply, because based on the events that had just taken place it did seem rather silly. She fingered the hem of her badly singed tank top absentmindedly. "Is there any place I can get some better clothes here? I kinda need them pretty badly."

Now it was Andrew's turn to laugh. And he did. Loudly.
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