

Class the next day was torture. Worse than normal. Alex just could not seem to focus. Or, rather not on school. He could focus just fine on the girl he was planning on meeting up with in a few hours. He knew where she worked, so it really wouldn't be too hard to find her.

Now, all he had to do was hope she worked that day, and sit through another three hours of class.

The clock seemed not to move. Alex stared at it all day. It was the longest day of his entire life, and that was certainly saying something.

Five minutes till the bell.

'Focus on something else,' he thought to himself. 'Something else. Anything else. But what?'

He could focus on the rude gestures being made discretely in his direction by one of his more outspoken rivals. Or he could focus on the whispers the girls behind him were making, he was sure they were about him.

Four minutes.

Maybe he should try reading? Reading was always good. He decided that was his best bet. Opening his bag. Alex pulled out his beloved book. It was cliche, and he knew it, but that didn't stop him from loving it.

In his hands he held William Shakespeare's Hamlet. He was often made fun of for loving that book as much as he did. It was apparently too girly to love Shakespeare. But he did anyway. The book was like his best friend. He knew it by heart and it had kept his mind off of his pain many sleepless nights.

He opened it to his favorite scene and began to read.

That took care of minutes two and three.

One minute left. He was actually going to make it!

Finally, after waiting impatiently all day, the last bell of the school day rang. He was free.

He took off practically running for the door. It didn't even bother him today when Nick, the aforementioned rival, stuck out a foot to trip him. It didn't even bother him that his speed was helping him acquire more odd looks than anything. Nothing bothered him at the moment.

He was finally going to get to know this girl. The first girl to ever take an interest in him.
♠ ♠ ♠
short, and kinda boring... but you know it's necessary.

Comment! I command it!

Not really, I can't do that, but still. PLEASE!!!