

She sat down exhaustedly, in a nice secluded area she had found earlier that day. Her first day of classes had been interesting to say the least. She never would have guessed that having magical powers would be so much work. After spending all day in classes teaching her how to properly control her abilities, she was tired. Even more tired than the seizures had made her.

But that didn't matter. This was important to her, so she was going to stay away from the room that was serving as a makeshift dorm until the damage done to hers that morning could be repaired, until she had gotten it right.

What she was working on was control.

She didn't want another accident like the one this morning. She didn't ever want to experience that fear again. And, most importantly, she never ever wanted to feel so helpless. She knew that Stephen was there for her protection, but she didn't care. She wanted to learn to control herself to the point she wouldn't need his protection. And that is just what she planned to do.

She crossed her legs and closed her eyes, concentrating. She thought of the intense heat, the extreme joy, the passion she had felt that morning when the fire came. She thought hard. After a few moments of this, it finally responded.

A small flame sprang to life in the palm of her hand. It seemed so tiny, so insignificant in comparison to the inferno she had recently witnessed. But, if there was one thing she had learned, it was never underestimate fire.

She cooed softly to it, in words she didn't even herself understand. It responded, growing slowly in size, but never doing anything she didn't want it to. It began to stretch the length of her body, wrapping itself around her lovingly. It didn't burn her, but she knew it wouldn't. She kept perfectly still, knowing that the slightest movement could result in loss of concentration.

Soon she was completely engulfed. The air around her crackled with heat, but she felt nothing. She continued to whisper soft words to the fire, and it continued to respond. She began to contort it into shapes, making delicate flowers and intricate designs. Slowly she started moving her hands and arms along with it, speeding up the changing process. Next she began to pull herself up to her feet, inching her way up so as not to trip and lose focus.

Finally, she was standing, completely swaying with the fiery dance taking place around her. The wind picked up and her flame kissed hair blew back from her face. She had no fear of the trees around her catching fire, though, they wouldn't do that without her consent now. She was their master. She loved the feeling of power, but she wasn't going to let herself get caught up in it this time.

She began to push with both her mind and her body. Pushing the fire away from her. Teaching it to take shape on it's own. It began to leave, reluctantly at first, then gaining in speed. Then, before her stood a fiery mirror image of her. It's mouth was turned up in a victorious smile, just as she knew her own was.

With one last vigorous push, the flames disappeared, leaving just a small line of smoke behind. She slid gracefully to the ground to rest, her energy spent. However, not even her exhaustion could make her happiness disappear.

She had it now, and she wasn't going to loose it again. No more early morning, uncontrolled fires. No, that was in the past. She had control now.
♠ ♠ ♠

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